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File: public/js/lib/jquery/jquery.sortable.js

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  Classes of Sergey Beskorovayniy   Silex MVC Blog   public/js/lib/jquery/jquery.sortable.js   Download  
File: public/js/lib/jquery/jquery.sortable.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,823 bytes


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/* * HTML5 Sortable jQuery Plugin * * * Copyright 2012, Ali Farhadi * Released under the MIT license. */ (function($) { var dragging, placeholders = $(); $.fn.sortable = function(options) { var method = String(options); options = $.extend({ connectWith: false }, options); return this.each(function() { if (/^enable|disable|destroy$/.test(method)) { var items = $(this).children($(this).data('items')).attr('draggable', method == 'enable'); if (method == 'destroy') { items.add(this).removeData('connectWith items') .off('dragstart.h5s dragend.h5s selectstart.h5s dragover.h5s dragenter.h5s drop.h5s'); } return; } var isHandle, index, items = $(this).children(options.items); var placeholder = $('<' + (/^ul|ol$/i.test(this.tagName) ? 'li' : 'div') + ' class="sortable-placeholder">'); items.find(options.handle).mousedown(function() { isHandle = true; }).mouseup(function() { isHandle = false; }); $(this).data('items', options.items) placeholders = placeholders.add(placeholder); if (options.connectWith) { $(options.connectWith).add(this).data('connectWith', options.connectWith); } items.attr('draggable', 'true').on('dragstart.h5s', function(e) { if (options.handle && !isHandle) { return false; } isHandle = false; var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; dt.effectAllowed = 'move'; dt.setData('Text', 'dummy'); index = (dragging = $(this)).addClass('sortable-dragging').index(); }).on('dragend.h5s', function() { if (!dragging) { return; } dragging.removeClass('sortable-dragging').show(); placeholders.detach(); if (index != dragging.index()) { dragging.parent().trigger('sortupdate', {item: dragging}); } dragging = null; }).not('a[href], img').on('selectstart.h5s', function() { this.dragDrop && this.dragDrop(); return false; }).end().add([this, placeholder]).on('dragover.h5s dragenter.h5s drop.h5s', function(e) { if (! && options.connectWith !== $(dragging).parent().data('connectWith')) { return true; } if (e.type == 'drop') { e.stopPropagation(); placeholders.filter(':visible').after(dragging); dragging.trigger('dragend.h5s'); return false; } e.preventDefault(); e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; if ( { if (options.forcePlaceholderSize) { placeholder.height(dragging.outerHeight()); } dragging.hide(); $(this)[placeholder.index() < $(this).index() ? 'after' : 'before'](placeholder); placeholders.not(placeholder).detach(); } else if (! && !$(this).children(options.items).length) { placeholders.detach(); $(this).append(placeholder); } return false; }); }); }; })(jQuery);