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File: public/js/app/system.js

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File: public/js/app/system.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 13,764 bytes


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define(['jquery'], function ($) { /** * System - system functions * * * JavaScript * * @author Sergii Beskorovainyi <> * @license MIT <> * @link */ var System = Class.extend({ init: function () { this.settings = { message_box: 'msg-box', ttl_jstorage: 3600000 // 1h=3600000 }; //--------------- try { // Init template this.initTemplate(); // Init VarDumper this.initVarDumper(); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof Error) { this.onFailure( + ": " + ex.message); } } finally { } }, /** Function template settings * * var tmpl = _.template("Hello {{ name }}!"); * return tmpl({name : "Mustache"}); * // returns "Hello Mustache!" * OR * return _.template("Hello {{ name }}!")({name : "Mustache"}); * // returns "Hello Mustache!" * **/ initTemplate: function () { _.templateSettings = { interpolate: /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g, ///<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }; }, /** Function ini VarDumper * set css.z-index = 0 * **/ initVarDumper: function () { $("pre.sf-dump").css("z-index", 0); }, //====== MESSAGE FUNCTIONS ====// /** * Show message * * @param string class_message (alert_warning|alert-warning, alert_danger|alert-danger, alert_success|alert-success, alert_info|alert-info) * @param array messages * @param int delay_clear Delay in milliseconds, that is 1000 is a 1 second * @param string type_box ('alert_box', 'alert_block_box') */ messagebox_write: function (class_message, messages, delay_clear, type_box) { var htmlBox, htmlMessages = "", titleMessages = "", strMessage = ""; var params = {}; var self = this; var idBox = this.settings.message_box; //--------------------- // Container type: 'msg_box', 'alert_box', 'alert_block_box' if (type_box) { idBox = type_box.replace(/_/g, "-"); class_message = class_message.replace(/_/g, "-"); if ('-') == -1) { class_message = 'alert-' + class_message; } } else { class_message = class_message.replace(/-/g, "_"); if ('_') == -1) { class_message = 'alert_' + class_message; } } // Exit, else not message box var message_box = $('#' + idBox); if (!message_box.size()) { return; } // Clear message message_box.empty(); // Set message $.each(messages, function (i, message) { if (message) { strMessage = message.replace(/&lt;/g, "<"); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/&gt;/g, ">"); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\n/g, "<br /> - "); htmlMessages = htmlMessages + strMessage + '<br />'; } }); // Get message title if ( && { titleMessages =; } else { var msgs = this.getMessages('div.msg-box p'); titleMessages = msgs[class_message]; } // Get html message params.class_message = class_message; params.title = titleMessages; params.message = htmlMessages; htmlBox = this.messagebox_html(params, type_box); // Add message to DOM message_box.html(htmlBox); // Set event for close message var elClose = message_box.find("button").eq(0); if (elClose) {'click', function () { elClose.unbind('click'); setTimeout($.proxy(self.messagebox_delay_clear, self), 0); }); } // Show message; // Message Box clear with delay if (delay_clear) { message_box.hide(delay_clear, function () { message_box.empty(); }); } }, // Clear message with delay messagebox_delay_clear: function (delay, idBox) { var msgBox; //---------------- if (idBox) { msgBox = $('#' + idBox); } else { msgBox = $('#' + this.settings.message_box); } if (!delay) { delay = 1000; } if (msgBox.size()) { msgBox.hide(delay, function () { msgBox.empty(); }); } }, /** * HTML message * * @param object params {class_message: 'alert_warning', title: 'My title', message: 'My message'} * @param string type_box ('msg_box', 'alert_box', 'alert_block_box') * @returns string */ messagebox_html: function (params, type_box) { var tmpl = ""; //-------------------- // Type box: 'msg_box', 'alert_box', 'alert_block_box' switch (type_box) { case 'alert_box': tmpl = '' + '<div class="alert {{ class_message }} alert-dismissable">' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + '<strong>{{ title }}</strong> {{ message }}' + '</div>'; break case 'alert_block_box': tmpl = '' + '<div class="alert {{ class_message }} alert-dismissable">' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + '<h4>{{ title }}</h4>' + '{{ message }}' + '</div>'; break default: tmpl = '' + '<div class="alert {{ class_message }} alert-dismissable">' + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + '<h5 class="{{ class_message }}">{{ title }}</h5>' + '{{ message }}' + '</div>'; } //var html = $.tmpl(tmpl, params); var tmpl = _.template(tmpl); var html = tmpl(params); return html; }, /** * Get messages from containers * * @param string containers ('div.msg-box p') * @returns object */ getMessages: function (containers) { var oMessages = {}; var msgs = $(containers); if (msgs.size()) { msgs.each(function () { var id, msg; var p = $(this); id = p.attr('id'); msg = p.html(); oMessages[id] = msg; }); } return oMessages; }, //====== AJAX FUNCTIONS ====// /** * Check Ajax Data * * @param string|object data * @returns Boolean */ checkAjaxData: function (data) { if (_.isString(data)) { this.onFailure(data); return false; } if (_.isObject(data) && data.class_message) { this.onFailure(data); return false; } return true; }, /** * Show Ajax Error * * @param {type} XMLHttpRequest * @param {type} textStatus * @param {type} errorThrown * @returns {undefined} */ showAjaxError: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { var messages = [ '<strong><em>' + errorThrown + '</em></strong>', 'Error status: ' + textStatus, XMLHttpRequest.responseText]; this.messagebox_write('alert_danger', messages); }, /** * Ajax send get * * @param string url * @param object data * @param function callback * @param bool isAsync * @returns {undefined} */ get: function (url, data, callback, isAsync) { try { // Set defaults args data = data || {}; if (_.isUndefined(isAsync)) { isAsync = true; } // Make ajax request to the server $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', data: data, async: isAsync, context: this, success: function (jsonData) { if (this.checkAjaxData(jsonData)) { if (callback) { callback(jsonData); } } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { this.showAjaxError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown); }, cache: false }); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof Error) { // ??? ????????? Error ??? ?????????? this.onFailure( + ": " + ex.message); } } }, /** * Ajax send post * * @param string url * @param object data * @param function callback * @param bool isAsync * @returns {undefined} */ post: function (url, data, callback, isAsync) { try { // Set defaults args data = data || {}; if (_.isUndefined(isAsync)) { isAsync = true; } // Make ajax request to the server $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: data, async: isAsync, context: this, success: function (jsonData) { if (this.checkAjaxData(jsonData)) { if (callback) { callback(jsonData); } } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { this.showAjaxError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown); }, cache: false }); } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof Error) { // ??? ????????? Error ??? ?????????? this.onFailure( + ": " + ex.message); } } }, //====== ADD FUNCTIONS ====// /** * Generate four random hex digits. * * @returns string */ S4: function () { return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1); }, /** * Generate a pseudo-GUID by concatenating random hexadecimal. * guid = {b1eaa119-3fb0-a9f2-4381-762fb4c464bb} * * @returns string */ getGUID: function () { return ("{" + this.S4() + this.S4() + "-" + this.S4() + "-" + this.S4() + "-" + this.S4() + "-" + this.S4() + this.S4() + this.S4() + "}"); }, //====== ERROR FUNCTIONS ====// /** * Error event * * @param object message * @param int delay_clear * @returns void */ onFailure: function (message, delay_clear) { var msgs; //------------- if (_.isString(message)) { this.messagebox_write('alert_danger', [message], delay_clear); return; } if (_.isObject(message) && message.class_message) { msgs = message.messages; this.messagebox_write(message.class_message, msgs, delay_clear); return; } if (_.isObject(message) && message.responseJSON) { this.onFailure(message.responseJSON, delay_clear); return; } if (_.isObject(message) && message.responseText) { this.onFailure(message.responseText, delay_clear); return; } } }); return System; });