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File: app/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml

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  Classes of Sergey Beskorovayniy   Silex MVC Blog   app/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml   Download  
File: app/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
Author: By
Last change: Add TodoMVC for Vue.js
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,557 bytes


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#--- MENU ---# registration: registration login: login logout: log out account: account home: home blog: blog testing: testing russian: russian english: english license: license product_overview: product overview loading_resources: loading resources gray: gray blue: blue english: english russian: russian pagination: pagination user_posts: user posts #--- FORM ---# Username: Username First name: First name Second name: Second name Password: Password Email: Email Save: Save Login: Login Created: Created Title: Title Body: Body Personal mobile: Personal mobile #--- MESSAGES ---# developer_copyright: "© 2015 by Sergei Beskorovainyi. All rights reserved" alert-warning: attention alert_warning: attention alert-danger: error alert_danger: error alert-success: congratulations alert_success: congratulations alert-info: information alert_info: information congratulate_successful_registration: congratulate you successful registration information_your_login: information about your login address_page_login: address of page login user_logon: user logon yours_faithfully: yours faithfully web_site_administrator: WEB site administrator new_user: new user learn_more: learn more get: get search_on_symfony: Search on Symfony search: search add_post: add post edit: edit delete: delete my_posts: my posts not_found: not found all_posts: all posts author: author edit_post: edit post user_messages: user messages added_new_message: 'Added new message "{{ title }}"' deleted_this_message: 'Deleted message "{{ title }}"' edited_this_message: 'Edited message "{{ title }}"' communication_error: "Communication error" task_list: "task list" todo: todo what_must_be_done: "what must be done" mark_all_as_completed: "mark all as completed" clear_completed: "clear completed" you_can_download_with: "you can download with" clear: clear completed: completed finalized: finalized task: task tasks: tasks double_click_to_edit_task: double-click to edit task developer: developer debug: debug previous: Previous next: Next help: help select_scheme: select scheme select_language: select language documentation: documentation examples_todos_lists_various_frameworks: Examples of ToDos lists of various frameworks #--- VALIDATE ---# valid_please_enter_your_firstname: "Please enter your name" valid_please_enter_your_lastname: "Please enter your last name" valid_please_provide_password: "Please enter your password" valid_please_provide_login: "Enter your login" valid_please_enter_date: "Please enter date" valid_please_enter_email: "Please enter E-Mail" valid_please_choose_value_from_list: "Please select from the list value" valid_date_ru_must_be_format: "Please type the date in the format 01.12.2014" valid_your_password_must_least_n_characters_long: "Your password must be at least 3 characters" valid_your_login_must_least_n_characters_long: "Your login must be at least 3 characters" valid_please_confirm_your_password: "Please enter the same password as above" valid_please_enter_valid_email_address: "Please enter a valid Email address" valid_user_with_this_login_already_exists: "A user with this login already exists" valid_user_with_this_phone_already_exists: "User with this phone already exists" valid_user_with_this_email_already_exists: "Users with E-Mail already exists" valid_please_enter_valid_login: "Please enter a valid login" valid_please_enter_valid_reg_code: "Please enter the correct registration code" valid_please_enter_reg_code: "Please enter a registration code" valid_user_with_this_login_not_exists: "User with this login missing"