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File: app/Resources/Config/console.yml

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  Classes of Sergey Beskorovayniy   Silex MVC Blog   app/Resources/Config/console.yml   Download  
File: app/Resources/Config/console.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 6,587 bytes


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imports: - { resource: config.yml } commands: #--- ERROR Handle --- console_error: class: Console\Commands\ErrorCommand configure: { name: "console:error", description: "There was some mistake", delimiter: ";"} arguments: - {name: "message", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters error", default: null} options: - {name: "color", shortcut: null, mode: VALUE_NONE, description: "If set, the error information is displayed in color", default: null} #--- Doctrine DBAL commands ---- dbal_run_sql: # DBAL-RunSql (dbal:run-sql "SELECT * FROM users") # Executing arbitrary SQL from the command line class: Console\Commands\DBAL\RunSqlCommand dbal_import: # DBAL-RunSqlFile (dbal:import "all_users.sql") # Executing arbitrary SQL that can come from a file or directly from the command line class: Console\Commands\DBAL\ImportCommand dbal_reserved_words: # Checks if the current database contains identifiers that are reserved class: Console\Commands\DBAL\ReservedWordsCommand dbal_database_create: # DBAL-CreateDatabase (dbal:database:create) # Command creates the default connections database class: Console\Commands\DBAL\CreateDatabaseCommand dbal_database_drop: # DBAL-DropDatabase (dbal:database:drop --force) # Command drops the default connections database class: Console\Commands\DBAL\DropDatabaseCommand dbal_schema_create: # DBAL-CreateSchema (dbal:schema:create --fakedata) # Creates the configured database schema + fake data class: Console\Commands\DBAL\CreateSchemaCommand #--- Doctrine ORM commands --- orm_schema_create: # ORM-CreateSchema (orm:schema-tool:create) # Processes the schema and either create it directly on EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output class: Console\Commands\ORM\SchemaTool\CreateCommand orm_schema_drop: # ORM-DropSchema (orm:schema-tool:drop --force) # Processes the schema and either drop the database schema of EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output class: Console\Commands\ORM\SchemaTool\DropCommand orm_schema_update: # ORM-UpdateSchema (orm:schema-tool:update --force) # Processes the schema and either update the database schema of EntityManager Storage Connection or generate the SQL output class: Console\Commands\ORM\SchemaTool\UpdateCommand orm_validate_schema: # ORM-ValidateSchema (orm:validate-schema) # Command to validate that the current mapping is valid class: Console\Commands\ORM\ValidateSchemaCommand orm_generate_entities: # ORM-GenerateEntities (orm:generate-entities "/app") # Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information class: Console\Commands\ORM\GenerateEntitiesCommand orm_info_entities: # ORM-InfoEntities (orm:info) # Show basic information about all mapped entities class: Console\Commands\ORM\InfoCommand orm_info_mapping: # ORM-InfoMapping (orm:mapping:describe) # Display information about mapped objects class: Console\Commands\ORM\MappingDescribeCommand orm_run_dql: # ORM-RunDql (orm:run-dql "SELECT * FROM users") # Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line class: Console\Commands\ORM\RunDqlCommand #---- UBKI commands ---- ubki_index: class: Console\Commands\Ubki\IndexCommand configure: { name: "ubki:index", description: "Work with UBKI service", delimiter: ""} arguments: - {name: "args", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters to get information", default: ""} options: - {name: "type", shortcut: "t", mode: VALUE_REQUIRED, description: "Sets a command type", default: info} # UBKI - authorization ubki_auth: class: Console\Commands\Ubki\AuthCommand configure: { name: "ubki:auth", description: "Authorize to UBKI service", delimiter: ""} arguments: - {name: "args", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters to get information", default: null} # UBKI - get credit info ubki_info: class: Console\Commands\Ubki\InfoCommand configure: { name: "ubki:info", description: "Get credit information from UBKI servise", delimiter: ""} arguments: - {name: "args", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters to get information", default: null} # UBKI - send data ubki_data: class: Console\Commands\Ubki\DataCommand configure: { name: "ubki:data", description: "Send data to UBKI servise", delimiter: ""} arguments: - {name: "args", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters to get information", default: null} # UBKI - get registry ubki_registry: class: Console\Commands\Ubki\RegistryCommand configure: { name: "ubki:registry", description: "Getting registry UBKI data transfer", delimiter: "&"} arguments: - {name: "args", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Parameters to get information", default: null} #---- GREET command ---- my_greet: class: Console\Commands\Greet\GreetCommand configure: { name: "demo:greet", description: "Greet someone", delimiter: ";"} arguments: - {name: "name", mode: OPTIONAL, description: "Who do you want to greet?", default: null} options: - {name: "yell", shortcut: null, mode: VALUE_NONE, description: "If set, the task will yell in uppercase letters", default: null} service_providers: console: class: Providers\ConsoleServiceProvider construct_parameters: ~ parameters: "Silex/Console" console.version: 1.0.0 event_dispatcher: class: Providers\EventDispatcherServiceProvider construct_parameters: ~ parameters: ~ monolog: parameters: monolog.logfile: %log_path%/console.log CONSOLE twig: parameters: twig.path: #Global views - %base_path%/app/Console/Views filesystem: class: Providers\FileSystemServiceProvider swiftmailer: class: Silex\Provider\SwiftmailerServiceProvider parameters: swiftmailer.use_spool: false