* Example of META-tags fetching with mtfetcher classes
require_once 'mtfetcher/mtfetcher_Fetcher.php';
$f = new mtfetcher_Fetcher;
// Selecting transport
//$trName = 'fgc'; // Fetch using 'file_get_contents' PHP-function
//$trName = 'file'; // Fetch using 'file' PHP-function. Simplest way to run.
$trName = 'PEAR_Request'; // Fetch using PEAR::HTTP_Request class
$trConf = array(); // Configuration of transport. Use this array if you need to configure proxy access and so on
$err = $f->selectTransport($trName,$trConf);
if (PEAR::isError($err)) showError($err);
// Fetching tags
$url = "http://www.tortuga.pp.ru/index.php/processor/index/lang/en";
$tags = $f->getTags($url);
if (PEAR::isError($tags)) showError($tags);
function showError($err) {
die("Error '".$err->getMessage()."' (".get_class($err).")");