PHP Classes

File: composer.json

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  Classes of Sergey Beskorovayniy   Silex MVC Blog   composer.json   Download  
File: composer.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 989 bytes


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{ "require": { "silex/silex": "~1.3", "symfony/symfony": "^2.7", "monolog/monolog": "^1.14", "swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "^5.4", "doctrine/dbal": "^2.5", "doctrine/orm": "^2.5", "symfony/intl": "^2.7", "zendframework/zend-json": "2.*", "zendframework/zendxml": "^1.0", "zendframework/zend-filter": "2.*" }, "autoload":{ "psr-0":{ "Controllers" : "app/", "Config" : "app/Resources/", "Console" : "app/", "Forms" : "app/", "Models" : "app/", "Providers" : "app/", "Pagerfanta" : "library/", "Services" : "app/", "Zend\\Filter": "vendor/zendframework/zend-filter/src/", "Zend\\Json": "vendor/zendframework/zend-json/src/", "ZendXml": "vendor/zendframework/zendxml/library/", "Zend\\Stdlib": "vendor/zendframework/zend-stdlib/src/" } } }