; This is a sample ini file that will be read by the script
; demo.php
#define A 10
#define B 20
#iniset some_var 10
; #include myOtherFile.ini
root = "/my/root/dir"
; Some normal definition as per standard ini files.
; This will create $conf['SQL']['....']
host = "localhost"
user = "root"
pass = "foobar"
db = "abc"
; Now, lets define a multilevel entry.
; You are not limited to 3 levels.. you can add any number of levels.
[Email : server]
host = "smtp.foobar.com"
user = "test"
; Now, let's go for some dot notation variables.
Client.Email.Name = "foo"
Client.Email.Address = "foo@foo.com"
; Ok. What about variable substitution?
Log.smtp = "{root}/smtp.log"