namespace Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Exceptions\FlashSingletonException;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Exceptions\FlashTemplateException;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Exceptions\FlashTemplateNotFoundException;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Flash;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\TemplateFactory;
use Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Templates;
use function Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\flash;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once 'BadTemplate.php';
class FlashTest extends TestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
/** @test */
public function testStaticCall()
Flash::message('Static message');
/** @test */
public function testCreation()
$flash = new Flash();
$this->assertEquals('Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Flash', get_class($flash));
/** @test */
public function testFunction()
try {
$flash = flash();
$this->assertEquals('Tamtamchik\SimpleFlash\Flash', get_class($flash));
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testMessageWorkflow()
try {
$flash = flash('Test info message');
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test info message', $flash->display());
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testFunctionMessageType()
try {
$flash = flash('Test info message', 'success');
$this->assertStringContainsString('success', $flash->display());
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testChaining()
try {
$flash = flash()->message('Test info message 1')->message('Test info message 2');
$content = $flash->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test info message 1', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test info message 2', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testInfoDefaultMessage()
try {
$flash = flash('Test info message');
$this->assertStringContainsString('info', $flash->display());
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testMessageTypes()
try {
$flash = flash()
->message('Dummy 1', 'success')
->message('Dummy 2', 'info')
->message('Dummy 2', 'warning')
->message('Dummy 2', 'error');
$content = $flash->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('success', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('info', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('success', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('danger', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testPartialDisplay()
try {
$flash = flash()->message('Dummy 1', 'success')->message('Dummy 2');
$content = $flash->display('success');
$this->assertStringContainsString('Dummy 1', $content);
$this->assertStringNotContainsString('Dummy 2', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testWrongDisplays()
try {
$flash = flash()->message('Dummy 1', 'success')->message('Dummy 2');
$content = $flash->display('wrong');
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testAccessAsString()
$flash = new Flash();
$flash->message('Test message');
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test message', "$flash");
/** @test */
public function testWrongMessageType()
try {
$flash = flash();
$flash->message('Test message', 'bad');
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testThatSessionIsShared()
try {
flash('Checking shared');
$content = flash()->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Checking shared', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testItFlushesChanges()
try {
flash('First one', 'success')->message('Other one', 'info')->display();
flash('Third one', 'error')->display();
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testClearFunction()
try {
flash('I\'ll never see this message', 'success');
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testShortcuts()
try {
flash()->error('Info message')->warning('Info message')->info('Info message')->success('Info message');
$content = flash()->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('danger', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('warning', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('info', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('success', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testToString()
try {
flash('Testing toString', 'success');
$flash1 = new Flash();
$this->assertStringContainsString('toString', (string)$flash1);
flash('Testing toString', 'success');
$flash2 = flash();
$this->assertStringContainsString('toString', (string)$flash2);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testEmptyFunction()
try {
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testWorkWithArrays()
$errors = [
'Invalid name',
'Invalid email',
try {
flash($errors, 'error');
$content = flash()->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Invalid name', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('Invalid email', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testDefaultTemplate()
try {
$template = TemplateFactory::create();
$prefix = $template->getPrefix();
$postfix = $template->getPostfix();
$template->setWrapper('<div class="flash flash-%s" role="alert">%s</div>');
$flash = new Flash();
$contentOriginal = $flash->info('Testing templates')->display();
$content = $flash->info('Testing templates')->display();
$this->assertEquals('', $prefix);
$this->assertNotEquals($contentOriginal, $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('Testing templates', $content);
$this->assertStringNotContainsString($postfix, $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testClassWithTemplateConstructor()
try {
$template = TemplateFactory::create(Templates::FOUNDATION);
$flash = new Flash($template);
$flash->info('Testing templates');
$content = $flash->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('callout', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testFunctionWithTemplateConstructor()
try {
$template = TemplateFactory::create(Templates::FOUNDATION);
flash('Testing templates', 'info', $template);
$content = flash()->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('callout', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testSetTemplateFunction()
try {
$template = TemplateFactory::create(Templates::FOUNDATION);
$flash = new Flash();
$flash->info('Testing templates');
$content = $flash->setTemplate($template)->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('callout', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testGetTemplate()
$flash = new Flash();
$flash->info('Testing templates');
$content = $flash->display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('AAAAAAAA', $content);
$this->assertStringContainsString('BBBBBBBB', $content);
/** @test */
public function testStaticMethods()
try {
Flash::info('Testing static');
$content = Flash::display();
$this->assertStringContainsString('Testing static', $content);
} catch (FlashTemplateNotFoundException $e) {
$this->fail(); // should fail the test
/** @test */
public function testCloneRestriction()
$flash = new Flash();
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($flash);
* @test
* @noinspection PhpRedundantCatchClauseInspection
public function testNotSerializable()
$flash = new Flash();
try {
} catch (FlashSingletonException $e) {
$this->assertStringContainsString('Serialization of Flash is not allowed!', $e->getMessage());
* Need to be last - because spoils template.
* @test
* @noinspection PhpRedundantCatchClauseInspection
public function testBadTemplate()
try {
$template = new BadTemplate();
$flash = new Flash();
$flash->info('Testing templates');
} catch (FlashTemplateException $e) {
$this->assertStringContainsString('Please, make sure you have prefix, postfix and wrapper defined!', $e->getMessage());