| PIMF Application Configuration
| The PIMF configuration is responsible for returning an array
| of configuration options. By default, we use the variable $config provided
| with PIMF - however, you are free to use your own storage mechanism for
| configuration arrays.
return [
| The default environment mode for your application [testing|production]
'environment' => 'production',
| The default character encoding used by your application.
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
| The default timezone of your application.
| Supported timezones list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
'timezone' => 'UTC',
| Is it regular HTTP or secure HTTPS
'ssl' => false,
| Application meta
'app' => [
'name' => 'Articles',
// secret application key or try out http://randomkeygen.com
'key' => 'some5secret5key5here',
// the name of the fallback controller
'default_controller' => 'articles',
// get cleaner URLs or not
'routeable' => true,
// URL used to access your application without a trailing slash.
'url' => '',
// if using mod_rewrite to get cleaner URLs let it empty otherwise set index.php
'index' => '',
// the base URL used for your application's asset files
'asset_url' => '',
| Nuclear Reactor settings
'reactive' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => 1337,
| Settings for the logging behavior
'logging' => array(
//Logging storage 'file' or 'stdout'
'storage' => 'file',
| Production environment settings
'production' => [
'db' => [
'driver' => 'sqlite',
'database' => 'app/Articles/_database/blog-production.db',
'options' => [
| Bootstrapping meta
'bootstrap' => [
'local_temp_directory' => '/tmp/',
| Settings for the error handling behavior
'error' => [
// set which error-levels should be ignored
// find more http://de2.php.net/manual/errorfunc.constants.php
'ignore_levels' => [E_USER_DEPRECATED],
// developing=true production=false
'debug_info' => false,
'log' => true,
| Session settings
'session' => [
// Session storage 'cookie', 'file', 'pdo', 'memcached', 'apc', 'redis',
// 'dba', 'wincache', 'memory' or '' for non
'storage' => '',
// If using file storage - default is null
'storage_path' => 'app/Articles/_session/',
// If using the PDO (database) session storage
'database' => [
'driver' => 'sqlite',
'database' => 'app/Articles/_session/blog-session.db',
// Garbage collection has a 2% chance of occurring for any given request to
// the application. Feel free to tune this to your requirements.
'garbage_collection' => [2, 100],
// Session lifetime number of minutes
'lifetime' => 60,
// Session expiration on web browser close
'expire_on_close' => false,
// Session cookie name
'cookie' => 'pimf_session',
// Session cookie path
'path' => '/',
// Domain for which the session cookie is available.
'domain' => null,
// If the cookie should only be sent over HTTPS.
'secure' => false,
| Cache settings
'cache' => [
// Cache storage 'pdo', 'file', 'memcached', 'apc', 'redis', 'dba',
// 'wincache', 'memory' or '' for non
'storage' => '',
// If using file storage - default is null
'storage_path' => 'app/Articles/_cache/',
// If using the PDO (database) cache storage
'database' => [
'driver' => 'sqlite',
'database' => 'app/Articles/_cache/blog-cache.db',
// If using Memcached and APC to prevent collisions with other applications on the server.
'key' => 'pimfmaster',
// Memcached servers - for more check out: http://memcached.org
'memcached' => [
'servers' => ['host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 100],