A. Legius Paliling M BPPT Master Hiroshima University
Abdul Ghofar M BPPT Master Utsunomiya University
Abdullah Syafaat M BPPT Bachelor Nagoya University
Achmad Djuhairi M BPPT Master Hiroshima University
Achmad S. M BPPT Master Muroran Institute of Technology
Ade Kurniawan M BPPT Bachelor Kumamoto University
Adi Hafman M BPPT Bachelor Kokusai Gakuyukai Nihon University go Gakko
Agus Prabowo M BPPT Doctor Hokkaido University
Agus Suprayitno M BPPT Master Mie University
Ahmad Desrianto M BPPT Bachelor Shibaura Institute of Technology
Ahmad Fathurahman M BPPT Bachelor Kyushu University
Ahmad Rully M BPPT Bachelor Keio University
Akhmadi E. Wardoyo M BPPT Bachelor Kyushu University
Amien Rusdiutomo M BPPT Bachelor University of Electro Communication
Anak Agung M. M BPPT Bachelor Chiba University
Anang Sedyohutomo M BPPT Bachelor Gifu University