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File: vendor/jackbooted/util/AutoLoader.php

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  Classes of Brett Dutton   JackBooted PHP Framework   vendor/jackbooted/util/AutoLoader.php   Download  
File: vendor/jackbooted/util/AutoLoader.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
Web application framework using simplified MVC
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namespace Jackbooted\Util;

use \
 * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved.
 * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software
 * brett at brettdutton dot com
 * This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public
 * License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and
 * available to the general public.

 * The day of require_once is now over for classes. This class will automatically set itself up to load any class from
 * the classes folder and any of it's sub folders. The folowing code initializes and sets up the automatic class loader
 * <pre>
 * require_once ( Cfg::get ( 'classes_dir' ) . "/util/" );
 * if ( Cfg::get ( 'development') ) {
 * Log4PHP::setLogLevel ( Log4PHP::ALL );
 * }
 * // need to require once the autoloader
 * require_once ( Cfg::get ( 'classes_dir' ) . "/util/" );
 * AutoLoader::init ( Cfg::get ( 'classes_dir' ) );
 * </pre>
 * The ClassLocator scans all the files in all the sub folders looking for the class that you are trying to load.
 * <b>Third Party Libraries</b><br>
 * You can load third party libraries with the autoloader by creating a class with a dummy class name in comments and
 * require_once the file containing the third party library. Example:
 * <pre>
 * &lt;?php
 * /*
 * The tag below will fool the ClassLocator to associating this class with this file
 * class Smarty
 * * /
 * // This is a dummy include so tha the autoloader finds this class and loads it up
 * require_once( dirname ( dirname( __FILE__) ) . "/3rdparty/smarty/Smarty.class.php" );
 * ?&gt;
 * </pre>
 * @see ClassLocator
class AutoLoader extends \Jackbooted\Util\JB {
     * Suffix for classes that are auto loaded
const CLASS_SUFFIX = '.php';
THIRD_PARTY_REGEX = '/^.*\/3rdparty\/.*$/';
     * initialization method
const STATIC_INIT = 'init';

    private static
    private static
$ignoreList = [];

     * load set up the static variables of the class
     * (still waiting on static initialisation from PHP)
     * @param string $classesDir
public static function init () {
spl_autoload_register ( __CLASS__ . '::autoload' );
self::$log = Log4PHP::logFactory ( __CLASS__ );

     * Adds a class to the ignore list.
     * @param String $className
     * @param String $fullName This is the full Java class Name. If it exists then assumes quercus and
     * imports the class
     * @return void
public static function ignore ( $className, $fullName=null ) {
self::$ignoreList[$className] = true;
        if (
$fullName != null && Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) ) {
            eval (
'import ' . $fullName . ';' );
     * This method is called by the autoloader - Registered somewhere (config)
     * with spl_autoload_register ( 'AutoLoader::autoload' );
     * This class must be manually loaded with require_one and then call init
     * @param string $className Class name that needs to be loaded
public static function autoload ( $className ) {
        if ( isset (
self::$ignoreList[$className] ) ) return;

$tries = self::locateClassFromFileAndLoad ( $className );
        if (
$tries === true ) return;

// If made it to here then we have not loaded anything
self::$log->error ( 'The system has attempted to autoload non existing class: ' . $className . ' tried: (' . implode ( ', ', $tries ) . ')' );

     * Loads a class based on the class name for legacy classes
     * @param string $className This is the class that you are attemption to load
     * @return mixed Return true on successful load, otherwise it returns a list of all the file locations
     * that it tried to load from
private static function locateClassFromFileAndLoad ( $className ) {
$fileToLoad = ClassLocator::getLocation( $className );
        if (
$fileToLoad === false ) return [ 'none found' ];
        if (
self::loadClassFromFile( $className, $fileToLoad ) ) return true;
        return [
$fileToLoad ];

     * Loads a class from the passed file. Attempts to initialize the class
     * @param string $className This is the class that youb are attemption to load
     * @param string $fileToLoad The file that you are loading the class from
     * @return boolean true on sucess
public static function loadClassFromFile ( $className, $fileToLoad ) {
// If the file does not exist then get out
if ( ! file_exists ( $fileToLoad ) ) return false;

// Everything good!
require_once $fileToLoad;

// RUn class level initialization only on classes that follow JackBoot Web standard
if ( preg_match ( self::THIRD_PARTY_REGEX, $fileToLoad ) ) {
self::$log->trace ( "Skipping class initialization for {$className} from " . $fileToLoad );
        else {
self::runClassInitialization ( $className );

self::$log->trace ( "Loaded {$className} from " . $fileToLoad );

     * Check to see if there is class level initialisation and then runs it
     * Need this because PHP does not have static initialisation yet
     * @param string $className to initialise
private static function runClassInitialization ( $className ) {
        if (
Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) ) {
            @eval (
$className . '::' . self::STATIC_INIT . '();' );
        else if (
method_exists ( $className, self::STATIC_INIT ) ) {
$classLevelInit = [ $className, self::STATIC_INIT ];
call_user_func ( $classLevelInit );