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File: vendor/jackbooted/html/Validator.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/html/Validator.php
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<?php namespace Jackbooted\Html; use \Jackbooted\Util\Invocation; /** * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved. * * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software * brett at brettdutton dot com * * This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public * License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and * available to the general public. */ /** * Generates the javascript validation based on the required directives. * * After you initialise the * class with the form name you call methods to direct the style of validation. Then call to method * <i>toHtml</i> to generate the javascript needed for the validation. * * Current validation functions are: * <ul> * <li>Exists</li> * <li>String Length</li> * <li>Numerical Range</li> * <li>Is Integer</li> * <li>Valid Email</li> * <li>2 fields are equal (password)</li> * <li>Duplicate Field (prefered name)</li> * <li>24Hr Time Check</li> * </ul> * * <b>PLease Note. This dependends on jquery!</b> * * <h4>Example of use</h4> * <pre> * &lt;?php * require_once ( dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) ) . &quot;/config.php&quot; ); * * $val = new Validator( 'testFormName' ); * $val-&gt;setMissingAlert( true ); * * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Exists', 'Exists Description' ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Length1', 'Length1 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addLength( 'Length1', 'Length1 Description', 5, 5 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Length2', 'Length2 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addLength( 'Length2', 'Length2 Description', 2, 6 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Length3', 'Length3 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addLength( 'Length3', 'Length3 Description', 2 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Length4', 'Length4 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addLength( 'Length4', 'Length4 Description', null, 5 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Range1', 'Range1 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addRange( 'Range1', 'Range1 Description', 5, 5 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Range2', 'Range2 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addRange( 'Range2', 'Range2 Description', 2, 6 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Range3', 'Range3 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addRange( 'Range3', 'Range3 Description', 2 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Range4', 'Range4 Description' ); * $val-&gt;addRange( 'Range4', 'Range4 Description', null, 5 ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Integer', 'Integer Description' ); * $val-&gt;addInteger( 'Integer', 'Integer Description' ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Email', 'Email Description' ); * $val-&gt;addEmail( 'Email', 'Email Description' ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Equal1', 'Equal Description' ); * $val-&gt;addEqual( 'Equal1', 'Equal2', 'Equal Description' ); * $val-&gt;addCopy( 'Copy1', 'Copy2' ); * $val-&gt;addExists( 'Copy1', 'Copy 1 descr' ); * $val-&gt;add24HrTime( '24HR', 'Time needs to be HH:MM' ); * $html = $val-&gt;toHtml(); * echo '&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:void(0)&quot; onclick=&quot;$(\'#code\').toggle()&quot;&gt;Hide/Show Javascript Output&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;'; * echo '&lt;div id=&quot;code&quot; style=&quot;display:none&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;' . htmlspecialchars( $html ) . '&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'; * echo '&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:void(0)&quot; onclick=&quot;$(\'#vars\').toggle()&quot;&gt;Hide/Show GET Variables&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;'; * if ( count ( $_GET ) &gt; 0 ) { * echo '&lt;div id=&quot;vars&quot; style=&quot;display:none&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;'; * print_r( $_GET ); * echo '&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'; * } * * echo $html; * echo '&lt;form name=&quot;testFormName&quot; onSubmit=&quot;' . $val-&gt;onSubmit() . '&quot;&gt;'; * echo 'Exists' . Tag::text( 'Exists', array ( 'value' =&gt; 'xyz' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Length1' . Tag::text( 'Length1', array ( 'value' =&gt; '12345' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Length2' . Tag::text( 'Length2', array ( 'value' =&gt; '123' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Length3' . Tag::text( 'Length3', array ( 'value' =&gt; '12345' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Length4' . Tag::text( 'Length4', array ( 'value' =&gt; '1234' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Range1' . Tag::text( 'Range1', array ( 'value' =&gt; '5' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Range2' . Tag::text( 'Range2', array ( 'value' =&gt; '5' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Range3' . Tag::text( 'Range3', array ( 'value' =&gt; '4' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Range4' . Tag::text( 'Range4', array ( 'value' =&gt; '4' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Integer' . Tag::text( 'Integer', array ( 'value' =&gt; '10' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Email' . Tag::text( 'Email', array ( 'value' =&gt; 'a@b.c' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Equal1' . Tag::text( 'Equal1', array ( 'value' =&gt; 'A1' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Equal2' . Tag::text( 'Equal2', array ( 'value' =&gt; 'A1' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Copy1' . Tag::text( 'Copy1', array ( 'value' =&gt; 'BB' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo 'Copy2' . Tag::text( 'Copy2' ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo '24Hr' . Tag::text( '24HR', array ( 'value' =&gt; '01:02' ) ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo Tag::submit( 'Submit', 'submit' ) . '&lt;br&gt;'; * echo Response::factory()-&gt;toHidden(false); * echo '&lt;/form&gt;'; * </pre> */ class Validator extends \Jackbooted\Util\JB { /** * Enumerated list of functions that are available. */ const FN_EXISTS = 'EXISTS'; /** * Function to check a range. */ const FN_RANGE = 'RANGE'; /** * Function to check if the field is a valid integer. */ const FN_INTEGER = 'INTEGER'; /** * Check to see if the field is a valid email. */ const FN_EMAIL = 'EMAIL'; /** * Check to see if 2 fields are the same. */ const FN_EQUAL = 'EQUAL'; /** * Copies one field to another if the second one is empty. */ const FN_COPY = 'COPY'; /** * Validates if the field is a particular length or range. */ const FN_LENGTH = 'LENGTH'; /** * Validates if the field is 24hr time. */ const FN_24HRTIME = '24HRTIME'; public static function factory ( $formName, $suffix='' ) { return new Validator ( $formName, $suffix ); } /** * Name of the form in this document. * @var String */ private $formName; /** * An array of all the form variables that will be tested. * @see $add * @var array */ private $testCases = []; /** * List of used functions. * * This is used so we * do not generate javascript that we don't need. * @var array */ private $usedFunct = []; /** * This variable will alert the user to any form variables that are missing. * * This is not used in anything other than testing. * @var array */ private $alertOnMissingFormVar = FALSE; /** * @var int is a unique name for the javascript. Automatically generated. */ private $id; private $headerJS; private $existsJS; private $emailJS; private $integerJS; private $validateHeaderJS; private $testCaseHeaderJS; private $caseExistsJS; private $caseLenEqJS; private $caseLenBetweenJS; private $caseLenGTJS; private $caseLenLTJS; private $caseIntegerJS; private $caseRangeBetweenJS; private $caseRangeGTJS; private $caseRangeLTJS; private $caseEmailJS; private $caseEqualJS; private $caseCopyJS; private $caseAlertMissingJS; private $validateFooterJS; private $validateFunctionJS; private $case24HrTimeJS; private $t24HrTimeJS; /** * Creates the Validation object. * * Requires the form name. * * @param string $formName The name of the form that will be validated. * @param string $suffix The suffix will give the unique identifier if there are a number of * validators on a page. The uniquie suffix is automatically generated based on number of * invokations of the form. This does not work on ajax late generated forms * so for ajax, supply a unique suffix * * @since 1.0 */ public function __construct ( $formName, $suffix='' ) { parent::__construct(); if ( $suffix == '' ) { $suffix = Invocation::next(); } $this->formName = $formName; $this->id = '_' . $suffix; $this->setUpJavaScriptFunctions (); } /** * Sets the variable alertOnMissingFormVar. * * This variable controlles * is there is a message displayed if the javascript is given an * invalid form variable name to test. * * @param boolean $state The state of this variable. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function setMissingAlert ( $state ) { $this->alertOnMissingFormVar = $state; return $this; } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for Existance. * * @param string $fv Form Variable name. * @param string $desc A message if the test fails. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addExists ( $fv, $desc ) { return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_EXISTS ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for a length. * if $minLength is set and $maxLength then the test will ensure that * the field is at least $minLength long. The same goes for $maxLength set and * $minLength not set. The field can be a maximum of maxLength long * If they are both set then the field must ve between the 2 lengths * If they are the same then the field must be exactly that length. * If both $minLength and $maxLength are null then no tests are performed. * * @param string $fv Form Variable name. * @param string $desc A message if the test fails. * @param integer $minLength Minimum length of string. * @param integer $maxLength Maximum length of string. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addLength ( $fv, $desc, $minLength=null, $maxLength=null, $zeroOk='false' ) { return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_LENGTH, [ $minLength, $maxLength, $zeroOk ] ); } /** * Add a test that a field is within a particular range. * * The range works in * the same sort of way as the length checking. If both variables are set then the * field value must be between the max and min. If the min is set and max not set then * the value must be greater than min, and visa-versa * If both $mn and $mx are null then no tests are performed. * * @param string $fv Form Variable name. * @param string $desc A message if the test fails. * @param float $mn Minimum value of the field. * @param float $mx Maximum value of the field. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addRange ( $fv, $desc, $mn=null, $mx=null ) { return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_RANGE, [ $mn, $mx ] ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for value being an integer * ensures that the field contains a valid integer. Note that empty is valid as well * Usually you check for existance before you test for integer. * * @param string $fv Form Variable name. * @param string $desc A message if the test fails. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addInteger ( $fv, $desc ) { return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_INTEGER ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for valid email * Note that empty is valid. That means that you must check for * Existance as well as email. * * @param string $fv The form variable name to test. * @param string $desc The description of the error. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addEmail ( $fv, $desc ) { return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_EMAIL ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for valid 24 hour time * * @param string $fv The form variable name to test. * @param string $desc The description of the error. * * @since 2.0 * @return void */ public function add24HrTime ( $fv, $desc, $defaultTime='' ) { $this->usedFunct[self::FN_INTEGER] = 'YES'; return $this->add ( $fv, $desc, self::FN_24HRTIME, $defaultTime ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests for 2 form variables * are equal. This is particually useful for passwords * * @param string $fv1 First form variable to check. * @param string $fv2 Other form variable to test againse. * @param string $desc Message if the variables are not the same. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addEqual ( $fv1, $fv2, $desc ) { return $this->add ( $fv1, $desc, self::FN_EQUAL, $fv2 ); } /** * Add a test for this form variable. * * Tests if a form variable * is empty. If it is then it copies the value from $fv1 into $fv2 * This would be useful for say prefered name. * * @param string $fv1 Source Form Variable. * @param string $fv2 Destination Form Variable. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public function addCopy ( $fv1, $fv2 ) { return $this->add ( $fv1, '', self::FN_COPY, $fv2 ); } /** * Generic function for adding tests. * * This is only called internally. * * @param string $fv Form Variable. * @param string $desc Description for this test. * @param enum $t Test type. * @param string $xtra Extra information. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ private function add ( $fv, $desc, $t, $xtra=NULL ) { $this->testCases[] = [ 'NAME' => $fv, 'DESC' => $desc, 'TEST' => $t, 'XTRA' => $xtra ]; $this->usedFunct[$t] = 'YES'; return $this; } /** * Generates HTML and Javascript to do the tests on this form. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public function toHtml () { $msg = $this->headerJS; foreach ( $this->usedFunct as $key => $val ) { $msg .= $this->addJSFunctions ( $key ); } // Then create the validation function that will test all the // different form variables $msg .= sprintf ( $this->validateHeaderJS, $this->formName ); foreach ( $this->testCases as $val ) { $nam = $val['NAME']; $desc = $val['DESC']; $xtra = $val['XTRA']; // Test is in java and check if the form variable exists // Ensures the Javascript does not crash on // missing Form Variables $msg .= sprintf ( $this->testCaseHeaderJS, $nam ); $msg .= $this->createCaseJSTests ( $val, $xtra, $desc ); // End of the if test that check if the form var exists $msg .= sprintf ( $this->validateFooterJS, $this->formName ); // Check if we are notifying the user on missing form vars if ( $this->alertOnMissingFormVar ) { $msg .= sprintf ( $this->caseAlertMissingJS, $nam ); } } $msg .= sprintf ( $this->validateFunctionJS, $this->formName ); return JS::library ( JS::JQUERY ) . JS::javaScript ( $msg ); } private function createCaseJSTests ( $val, $xtra, $desc ) { // Output the javascript to do the different checks switch ( $val['TEST'] ) { case self::FN_EXISTS: return sprintf ( $this->caseExistsJS, $desc ); case self::FN_LENGTH: return $this->lengthJSCases ( $xtra, $desc ); case self::FN_INTEGER: return sprintf ( $this->caseIntegerJS, $desc ); case self::FN_RANGE: return $this->rangeJSCases ( $xtra, $desc ); case self::FN_EMAIL: return sprintf ( $this->caseEmailJS, $desc ); case self::FN_24HRTIME: return sprintf ( $this->case24HrTimeJS, $desc, $val['XTRA'], $val['XTRA'] ); case self::FN_EQUAL: return sprintf ( $this->caseEqualJS, $val['XTRA'], $desc ); case self::FN_COPY: return sprintf ( $this->caseCopyJS, $val['XTRA'], $desc ); default: return ''; } } private function rangeJSCases ( $xtra, $desc ) { if ( $xtra[0] != NULL && $xtra[1] != NULL ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseRangeBetweenJS, $xtra[0], $xtra[1], $desc ); } else if ( $xtra[0] != NULL ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseRangeGTJS, $xtra[0], $desc ); } else if ( $xtra[1] != NULL ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseRangeLTJS, $xtra[1], $desc ); } else { return ''; } } private function lengthJSCases ( $xtra, $desc ) { if ( $xtra[0] != NULL && $xtra[1] != NULL ) { if ( $xtra[0] == $xtra[1] ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseLenEqJS, $xtra[2], $xtra[0], $desc ); } else { return sprintf ( $this->caseLenBetweenJS, $xtra[2], $xtra[0], $xtra[1], $desc ); } } else if ( $xtra[0] != NULL ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseLenGTJS, $xtra[2], $xtra[0], $desc ); } else if ( $xtra[1] != NULL ) { return sprintf ( $this->caseLenLTJS, $xtra[2], $xtra[1], $desc ); } else { return ''; } } private function addJSFunctions ( $key ) { switch ( $key ) { case self::FN_EXISTS: // Output the javascript functions for Existance return $this->existsJS; case self::FN_EMAIL: // Output the javascript functions for email return $this->emailJS; case self::FN_24HRTIME: // Output the javascript functions for time validation return $this->t24HrTimeJS; case self::FN_INTEGER: $ret = $this->integerJS; $this->integerJS = ''; return $ret; default: return ''; } } /** * Creates the javascript that can be included in attribute that will validate the form. * * Typically this would be used in the creation of the form so that it does the validation. * <pre> * echo '&lt;form onSubmit="' . $val->onSubmit () . '"&gt;'; * </pre> * * @param string $js Additional javascript. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public function onSubmit ( $js='' ) { return 'if(!' . $this->jsValidate() . ')return false;' . $js .'return true;'; } /** * Returns the javascript that is just used for doing the validation. * * Typically this would be used in the javascript when you have to integrate with other validation. * <pre> * &lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt; * function saveClicked() { * if ( ! &lt;?php echo $valid-&gt;jsValidate(); ?&gt; ) { * return; * } * var f = document.forms[0]; * if (f['issues[]'].selectedIndex &lt; 0) { * if (!confirm('There is no issue selected.')) { * return; * } * } * top.restoreSession(); * f.submit(); * } * &lt;/script&gt; * </pre> * * @since 2.0 * @return string */ public function jsValidate ( ) { return "validateForm{$this->id}()"; } private function setUpJavaScriptFunctions () { $this->headerJS = <<<EOT1 function isEmpty{$this->id}( s ) { return ( ( s == null ) || ( s.length == 0 ) ); } var whitespace{$this->id} = " \\t\\n\\r"; function isWhitespace{$this->id} ( s ) { var i; if ( isEmpty{$this->id}( s ) ) return true; for ( i=0; i<s.length; i++ ) { var c = s.charAt( i ); if ( whitespace{$this->id}.indexOf( c ) == -1 ) return false; } return true; } EOT1; $this->existsJS = <<<EOT2 function doesExist{$this->id} ( s ) { return ( ! isEmpty{$this->id}( s ) && ! isWhitespace{$this->id} ( s ) ); } EOT2; $this->emailJS = <<<EOT3 function isEmail{$this->id} ( s ) { if ( isEmpty{$this->id}( s ) ) return true; if ( isWhitespace{$this->id}( s ) ) return false; var i = 1; var sLength = s.length; while ( ( i < sLength ) && ( s.charAt( i ) != "@" ) ) i++; if ( ( i >= sLength ) || ( s.charAt( i ) != "@" ) ) return false; else i += 2; while ( ( i < sLength ) && ( s.charAt( i ) != "." ) ) i++; if ( ( i >= sLength - 1 ) || ( s.charAt( i ) != "." ) ) return false; else return true; } EOT3; $this->integerJS = <<<EOT4 function isDigit{$this->id}( num ) { if ( num.length > 1 ) return false; var string = "1234567890"; if ( string.indexOf( num ) != -1) return true; return false; } function isInteger{$this->id}( val ) { var ok; for ( var i=0; i<val.length; i++ ) { var ch = val.charAt( i ); if ( ( i == 0 ) && ( ch == '+' || ch == '-' ) ) ok = true; else if ( isDigit{$this->id} ( ch ) ) ok = true; else { return false; } } return true; } EOT4; $this->validateHeaderJS = <<<EOT5 function validateForm{$this->id}() { var formName='%s'; EOT5; $this->testCaseHeaderJS = <<<EOT6 var fieldName = '%s'; var element = $('form[name=' + formName + '] input[name=' + fieldName + ']'); if ( element.length == 1 ) { EOT6; $this->caseExistsJS = <<<EOT7 if ( ! doesExist{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT7; $this->caseLenEqJS = <<<EOT8 if ( ! ( ( element.val().length == 0 && %s ) || element.val().length == %s ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT8; $this->caseLenBetweenJS = <<<EOT9 if ( ! ( ( element.val().length == 0 && %s ) || ( element.val().length >= %s && element.val().length <= %s ) ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT9; $this->caseLenGTJS = <<<EOT10 if ( ! ( ( element.val().length == 0 && %s ) || element.val().length >= %s ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT10; $this->caseLenLTJS = <<<EOT11 if ( ! ( ( element.val().length == 0 && %s ) || element.val().length <= %s ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT11; $this->caseIntegerJS = <<<EOT12 if ( ! isInteger{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false ; } EOT12; $this->caseRangeBetweenJS = <<<EOT13 if ( ! isEmpty{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { if ( parseInt ( element.val() ) < %s || parseInt ( element.val() ) > %s ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } } EOT13; $this->caseRangeGTJS = <<<EOT14 if ( ! isEmpty{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { if ( parseInt ( element.val() ) < %s ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return ( false ); } } EOT14; $this->caseRangeLTJS = <<<EOT15 if ( ! isEmpty{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { if ( parseInt ( element.val() ) > %s ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } } EOT15; $this->caseEmailJS = <<<EOT16 if ( ! isEmail{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT16; $this->caseEqualJS = <<<EOT17 var fieldName2='%s'; var element2 = $('form[name=' + formName + '] input[name=' + fieldName2 + ']'); if ( element.val() != element2.val() ) { alert ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT17; $this->caseCopyJS = <<<EOT18 var fieldName2 = '%s'; var element2 = $('form[name=' + formName + '] input[name=' + fieldName2 + ']'); if ( ! doesExist{$this->id} ( element2.val() ) ) { element2.val( element.val() ); } EOT18; $this->validateFooterJS = <<<EOT20 } EOT20; $this->caseAlertMissingJS = <<<EOT19 else { alert ( "Form variable '%s' does not exist in this form" ); return false; } EOT19; $this->validateFunctionJS = <<<EOT21 return true; } EOT21; $this->case24HrTimeJS = <<<EOT22 if ( ! is24HrTime{$this->id} ( element.val() ) ) { alert ( "%s" ); if ( "%s" != "" ) element.val ( "%s" ); element.focus(); return false; } EOT22; $this->t24HrTimeJS = <<<EOT23 function is24HrTime{$this->id} ( s ) { s = $.trim ( s ); if ( s.length == 0 ) return true; if ( s.length != 5 ) return false; var parts = s.split ( ':' ); if ( parts.length != 2 ) return false; if ( ! isInteger{$this->id} ( parts[0] ) ) return false; if ( ! isInteger{$this->id} ( parts[1] ) ) return false; var hrs = parseInt ( parts[0] ); var min = parseInt ( parts[1] ); if ( hrs < 0 || hrs > 23 || min < 0 || min > 60 ) return false; return true; } EOT23; } }