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File: vendor/jackbooted/forms/CRUD.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/forms/CRUD.php
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Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
Web application framework using simplified MVC
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<?php namespace Jackbooted\Forms; use \Jackbooted\Config\Cfg; use \Jackbooted\DB\DB; use \Jackbooted\DB\DBMaintenance; use \Jackbooted\DB\DBTable; use \Jackbooted\Html\JS; use \Jackbooted\Html\Lists; use \Jackbooted\Html\Tag; use \Jackbooted\Html\WebPage; use \Jackbooted\Html\Widget; use \Jackbooted\Security\Cryptography; use \Jackbooted\Util\Invocation; use \Jackbooted\Util\Log4PHP; use \Jackbooted\Util\StringUtil; /** * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved. * * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software * brett at brettdutton dot com * * This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public * License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and * available to the general public. */ /** * */ class CRUD extends \Jackbooted\Util\JB { const TABLE_C = 'TABLE_CLASS'; const SUFFIX = '_C'; const ACTION = '_CA'; const DISPLAY = 'DISPLAY'; const HIDDEN = 'HIDDEN'; const NONE = 'NONE'; const SELECT = 'SELECT'; const RADIO = 'RADIO'; const ENCTEXT = 'ENCTEXT'; const TEXT = 'TEXT'; const CHECKBOX = 'CHECKBOX'; const TIMESTAMP = 'TIMESTAMP'; private static $headerDisplayed=false; protected $tableName; protected $primaryKey; protected $db; protected $log; protected $columnTitles = []; protected $cellAttributes = []; protected $styles = []; protected $displayType = []; protected $where; protected $extraCols; protected $canDelete; protected $canUpdate; protected $canInsert; protected $topPage; protected $bottomPage; protected $action; protected $suffix; protected $delTag; protected $updTag; protected $gridTag; protected $submitId; protected $formAction; protected $insDefaults; protected $dbType; protected $nullsEmpty; protected $paginator; protected $columnator; protected $resp; protected $ok = false; public static function factory ( $tableName, $extraArgs=[] ) { return new CRUD ( $tableName, $extraArgs ); } private static function header() { if ( self::$headerDisplayed ) return ''; self::$headerDisplayed = true; $js = <<<JS var pageDirty = false; function toggleAll ( box, checkBoxTag, submitId ) { $("input[id^='" + checkBoxTag + "_']").attr ( 'checked', $(box).is(':checked') ); showSubmit ( submitId ); } function autoUpdate ( rowIdx, updTag, delTag, submitId ) { pageDirty = true; $('#' + updTag + '_' + rowIdx).attr('checked',true); $('#' + delTag + '_' + rowIdx).attr('checked',false); showSubmit ( submitId ); } function showSubmit ( buttonId ) { $('#' + buttonId).fadeIn(); } function checkIfADelete ( delTag ) { var numOfDeletes = 0; $("input[id^='" + delTag + "_']").each ( function () { if ( $(this).attr ( 'checked' ) ) numOfDeletes ++; }); var plural = ( numOfDeletes == 1 ) ? '' : 's'; var proceed = ( numOfDeletes > 0 ) ? confirm ( 'Process Row Delete' + plural + '?' ) : true; if ( proceed ) pageDirty = false; return proceed; } $().ready(function() { window.onbeforeunload = function () { if ( ! pageDirty ) return; return 'Changes have been made on this page and will not be saved.' }; }); JS; return JS::library ( JS::JQUERY ) . JS::javaScript ( $js ); } /** * Create the CRUD Object. * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $extraArgs This is the properties that the CRUD will use to display/populate the database. * <pre> * $props = array ( 'primaryKey' => 'id', // Optional, if not supplied will be calculated. * // Need to supply if the primary key is not simple column name * 'db' => 'mydb', // Optional, Name of the database. If not supplied defaults to DB::DEF * // Database must be set up in the configuration * 'where' => array ( 'pid' => 5 ), * // Optional, List of conditions for the rows that we are looking for. * // This would be used when looking for foreign key. These values will * // be automatically inserted in new rows * 'userCols' => array ( 'Mapping' => array ( $this, 'managePrivilegesCallBack' ) ), * // This is a list of additional columns that will be added to the CRUD. These * // will display the column using the title that you have suggested and * // Then call the passed method. * // call_user_func_array ( $col, array ( $idx, $row[$this->primaryKey] ) ) * // Passes back the row number and the primary key for this row * // Then displays the html that the call back function generates * 'canDelete' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to delete rows set to false * 'canUpdate' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to update rows set to false * 'canInsert' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to insert rows set to false * 'topPager' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want pagination at top, set to false * 'bottomPager' => true,// Optional default: true. If you do not want pagination at bottom, set to false * 'suffix' => '_1', // Optional default: current CRUD invocation number. * // Useful if you have multiple CRUDs on one page. This is the suffix that * // is attached to the form variables * 'formAction' => 'view.php?ID=10', * // Optional default to ?. On submirt this will return to the current page * 'insDefaults' => array ( 'timestamp' => time() ), * // Optional. If there are dfefaults that you wat inserted when the CRUD * // inserts a row then you can list them here * 'displayRows' =>10, // Optional. Sets the number of rows that can be displayed * 'nullsEmpty' =>false, // Optional. If this is true then it will put in nulls if the variable is empty * 'dbType' =>'mysql',// Optional. Tels the system if this is oracle, sqlite or mysql database * * Sort column * 'colSort' =>'fldStartTime',// Optional. Sets an initial sort column * 'colSortOrder' =>'DESC',// Optional. Sets the direction of the sort column * ); * </pre> */ public function __construct( $tableName, $extraArgs=[] ) { parent::__construct(); $this->log = Log4PHP::logFactory( __CLASS__ ); $this->tableName = $tableName; $this->primaryKey = ( isset ( $extraArgs['primaryKey'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['primaryKey'] : null; $this->db = ( isset ( $extraArgs['db'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['db'] : DB::DEF; $this->where = ( isset ( $extraArgs['where'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['where'] : []; $this->extraCols = ( isset ( $extraArgs['userCols'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['userCols'] : []; $this->canDelete = ( isset ( $extraArgs['canDelete'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['canDelete'] : true; $this->canUpdate = ( isset ( $extraArgs['canUpdate'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['canUpdate'] : true; $this->canInsert = ( isset ( $extraArgs['canInsert'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['canInsert'] : true; $this->topPage = ( isset ( $extraArgs['topPager'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['topPager'] : true; $this->bottomPage = ( isset ( $extraArgs['bottomPager'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['bottomPager'] : true; $this->suffix = ( isset ( $extraArgs['suffix'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['suffix'] : '_' . Invocation::next(); $this->formAction = ( isset ( $extraArgs['formAction'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['formAction'] : '?'; $this->insDefaults = ( isset ( $extraArgs['insDefaults'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['insDefaults'] : []; $this->nullsEmpty = ( isset ( $extraArgs['nullsEmpty'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['nullsEmpty'] : false; $this->dbType = ( isset ( $extraArgs['dbType'] ) ) ? $extraArgs['dbType'] : DB::driver( $this->db ); $this->action = self::ACTION . $this->suffix; $this->delTag = 'D' . $this->suffix; $this->updTag = 'U' . $this->suffix; $this->gridTag = 'G' . $this->suffix; $this->submitId = 'S' . $this->suffix; $pageProps = [ 'suffix' => self::SUFFIX ]; $this->paginator = new Paginator ( $pageProps ); $colProps = [ 'suffix' => self::SUFFIX ]; if ( isset ( $extraArgs['colSort'] ) ) $colProps['init_column'] = $extraArgs['colSort']; if ( isset ( $extraArgs['colSortOrder'] ) ) $colProps['init_order'] = $extraArgs['colSortOrder']; $this->columnator = new Columnator ( $colProps ); $this->resp = new Response (); if ( isset ( $extraArgs['displayRows'] ) ) { $this->paginator->setPageSize ( $extraArgs['displayRows'] ); } if ( ! $this->getTableMetaData () ) return; $this->setupDefaultStyle (); if ( $this->paginator->getRows () <= 0 ) { $this->paginator->setRows ( $this->getRowCount() ); } $this->copyVarsFromRequest ( Columnator::navVar ( self::SUFFIX ) ); $this->copyVarsFromRequest ( Paginator::navVar ( self::SUFFIX ) ); $this->copyVarsFromRequest ( WebPage::ACTION ); $this->ok = true; } public function index () { if ( ! $this->ok ) return 'Invalid table: ' . $this->tableName; $html = $this->controller (); $paginationHtml = $this->paginator->toHtml(); $html .= Tag::form ( [ 'action' => $this->formAction, 'onSubmit' => "if (!checkIfADelete('{$this->delTag}')) return false; return true;"]) . Tag::table ( array_merge ( [ 'id' => 'CRUD' . $this->suffix ], $this->styles[self::TABLE_C] ) ) . Tag::tr ( ); if ( $this->canDelete ) { $js = "$().ready(function() { $('input[type=checkbox][name^={$this->delTag}]').shiftClick(); });"; $html .= JS::library ( 'jquery.shiftclick.js' ) . JS::javaScript ( $js ) . Tag::th ( ) . Tag::hTag( 'span', [ 'title' => 'Click here to Toggle all the Delete checkboxes' ] ) . 'D'. Tag::_hTag( 'span' ) . Tag::br() . Tag::checkBox ( '_dcheck', 'Y', false, [ 'onClick' => "toggleAll(this,'{$this->delTag}','{$this->submitId}')", 'title' => 'Toggle all the Delete checkboxes.' ] ) . Tag::_th (); } if ( $this->canUpdate ) { $js = "$().ready(function() { $('input[type=checkbox][name^={$this->updTag}]').shiftClick(); });"; $html .= JS::library ( 'jquery.shiftclick.js' ) . JS::javaScript ( $js ) . Tag::th ( ) . Tag::hTag( 'span', [ 'title' => 'Click here to Toggle all the Update checkboxes' ] ) . 'U'. Tag::_hTag( 'span' ) . Tag::br() . Tag::checkBox ( '_ucheck', 'Y', false, [ 'onClick' => "toggleAll(this,'{$this->updTag}','{$this->submitId}')", 'title' => 'Toggle all the Update checkboxes.'] ) . Tag::_th (); } foreach ( $this->columnTitles as $colName => $title ) { if ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName] ) ) { if ( is_string ( $this->displayType[$colName] ) ) { $type = $this->displayType[$colName]; } else { $type = $this->displayType[$colName][0]; } } else { $type = self::DISPLAY; } if ( ! in_array ( $type, [ self::HIDDEN, self::NONE ] ) ) { $html .= Tag::th ( ) . $this->columnator->toHtml ( $colName, $title ) . Tag::_th (); } } foreach ( $this->extraCols as $title => $col ) { $html .= Tag::th ( ); if ( isset ( $this->columnTitles[$title] ) ) { $html .= $this->columnator->toHtml ( $title, $this->columnTitles[$title] ); } else { $html .= $title; } $html .= Tag::_th (); } $html .= Tag::_tr ( ) . "\n"; $tab = $this->createSQLResult (); $this->calculateColumnWidths ( $tab ); foreach ( $tab as $idx => $row ) { $html .= Tag::tr ( ); if ( $this->canDelete ) { $html.=Tag::td ( [ 'align' => 'center' ] ) . Tag::checkBox ( "{$this->delTag}[$idx]", $row[$this->primaryKey], false, [ 'id' => "{$this->delTag}_$idx", 'onClick' => "showSubmit('{$this->submitId}')", 'title' => 'Toggle to delete this row.'] ) . Tag::_td (); } if ( $this->canUpdate ) { $html.=Tag::td ( [ 'align' => 'center' ] ) . Tag::checkBox ( "{$this->updTag}[$idx]", $row[$this->primaryKey], false, [ 'id' => "{$this->updTag}_$idx", 'onClick' => "showSubmit('{$this->submitId}')", 'title' => 'Toggle to update this row.' ] ) . Tag::_td (); } foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) { $html .= $this->renderValue ( $idx, $key, $value ); } foreach ( $this->extraCols as $col ) { $html .= Tag::td ( ) . call_user_func_array ( $col, [ $idx, $row[$this->primaryKey] ] ) . Tag::_td (); } $html .= Tag::_tr () . "\n"; } $this->resp->set ( $this->action, 'applyChanges' ); $html .= Tag::_table() . $this->resp->toHidden () . Tag::submit ( 'Apply Changes', [ 'style' => 'display: none', 'id' => $this->submitId, 'title' => 'Click here to apply the changes to this table' ] ) . Tag::_form (); return self::header () . Widget::styleTable ( '#CRUD' . $this->suffix ) . ( ( $this->topPage ) ? $paginationHtml : '' ) . $html . ( ( $this->bottomPage ) ? $paginationHtml : '' ) . $this->insertForm (); } public function copyVarsFromRequest ( $v ) { $this->resp->copyVarsFromRequest ( $v ); $this->paginator->getResponse ()->copyVarsFromRequest ( $v ); $this->columnator->getResponse ()->copyVarsFromRequest ( $v ); return $this; } /** * Sets up custom display for columns * @param string $colName * @param mixed $colStyle * @return CRUD current instance for chaining * <pre> * $crud->setColDisplay ( 'fldUserID', array ( CRUD::SELECT, 'SELECT id,username FROM tblUser', $displayBlank ) ) * $crud->setColDisplay ( 'fldGroupID', array ( CRUD::SELECT, self::GROUP_SQL, true ) ) * $crud->setColDisplay ( 'fldLevelID', array ( CRUD::SELECT, array ( 1, 2, 3 ), true ) ) * $crud->setColDisplay ( 'fldPrivilegeID', CRUD::DISPLAY ) * </./pre> */ public function setColDisplay ( $colName, $colStyle ) { $this->displayType[$colName] = $colStyle; return $this; } public function getTableName ( ) { return $this->tableName; } public function setProperty ( $name, $value ) { $this->$name = $value; return $this; } public function getProperty ( $name ) { return $this->$name; } private function controller ( ) { if ( ( $action = Request::get ( $this->action ) ) == '' ) return ''; if ( ! method_exists ( $this, $action ) ) return ''; return $this->$action (); } protected function applyChanges () { $grid = Request::get ( $this->gridTag ); $updateCnt = 0; $deleteCnt = 0; foreach ( Request::get ( $this->updTag, [] ) as $idx => $id ) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->tableName . ' SET '; $params = []; foreach ( $grid[$idx] as $colName => $value ) { if ( $colName == $this->primaryKey ) continue; if ( count ( $params ) > 0 ) $sql .= ', '; $sql .= $colName . '=?'; switch ( $this->getColumnType ( $colName ) ) { case self::ENCTEXT: $params[] = Cryptography::en ( $value ); break; case self::TIMESTAMP: $params[] = strtotime( (int)$value ); break; default: if ( $this->nullsEmpty && empty ( $value ) ) $value = null; $params[] = $value; break; } } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->primaryKey . '=?'; $params[] = $id; $updateCnt += $this->exec ( $sql, $params ); } foreach ( Request::get ( $this->delTag, [] ) as $idx => $id ) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' WHERE ' . $this->primaryKey . '=?'; $deleteCnt += $this->exec ( $sql, $id ); } if ( $deleteCnt > 0 ) { $this->paginator->setRows ( $this->getRowCount() ); } return 'Updated ' . $updateCnt . ', Deleted ' . $deleteCnt . ' rows' . Tag::br(); } protected function insertRows () { $rowsToInsert = (int)Request::get ( 'rows' ); $insertedCnt = 0; for ( $i=0; $i<$rowsToInsert; $i++ ) { $params = array_merge ( $this->insDefaults, $this->where ); $paramValues = null; if ( Cfg::get ( 'jb_db', false ) ) { $params[$this->primaryKey] = DBMaintenance::dbNextNumber ( $this->db, $this->tableName ); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->tableName; if ( count ( $params ) > 0 ) { $sql .= ' (' . join ( ',', array_keys ( $params ) ) . ') ' . 'VALUES (' . DB::in ( array_values ( $params ), $paramValues ) . ')'; } $insertedCnt += $this->exec ( $sql, $paramValues ); } if ( $insertedCnt > 0 ) { $this->paginator->setRows ( $this->getRowCount() ); } return 'Inserted ' . $insertedCnt . ' row' . StringUtil::plural ( $insertedCnt ) . Tag::br(); } private function renderValue ( $rowIdx, $colName, $value ) { $html = ''; $name = $this->gridTag . '[' . $rowIdx . '][' . $colName . ']'; $autoUpdateJS = "autoUpdate($rowIdx,'{$this->updTag}','{$this->delTag}','{$this->submitId}');"; $id = $this->gridTag . '_' . $rowIdx . '_' . $colName; $updClickAttrib = [ 'onClick' => $autoUpdateJS, 'id' => $id ]; $updCheckAttrib = [ 'onChange' => $autoUpdateJS, 'id' => $id ]; $type = $this->getColumnType ( $colName ); switch ( $type ) { case self::NONE: break; case self::DISPLAY: $html .= ( $value == '' ) ? '&nbsp;' : Tag::e ( $value ); break; case self::HIDDEN: $this->resp->set ( $name, $value ); break; case self::RADIO: $dispList = ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName][1] ) ) ? $this->displayType[$colName][1] : null; $updCheckAttrib['default'] = $value; $html .= Tag::table() . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'nowrap' => 'nowrap' ] ) . implode ( Tag::_td() . Tag::td( [ 'nowrap' => 'nowrap' ] ) , Lists::radio ( $name, $dispList, $updCheckAttrib ) ) . Tag::_td() . Tag::_tr(). Tag::_table (); break; case self::SELECT: $dispList = ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName][1] ) ) ? $this->displayType[$colName][1] : null; $blankLine = ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName][2] ) ) ? $this->displayType[$colName][2] : false; $updCheckAttrib['default'] = $value; $updCheckAttrib['hasBlank'] = $blankLine; $html .= Lists::select ( $name, $dispList, $updCheckAttrib ); break; case self::CHECKBOX: $checkValue = ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName][1] ) ) ? $this->displayType[$colName][1] : 'YES'; $html .= Tag::checkBox ( $name, $checkValue, $value == $checkValue, $updClickAttrib ); break; case self::TIMESTAMP: $attribs = array_merge ( $updCheckAttrib, $this->cellAttributes[$colName] ); $attribs['value'] = strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', (int)$value ); $attribs['size'] = strlen( $attribs['value'] ) + 1; $html .= Tag::text ( $name, $attribs ); break; case self::ENCTEXT: $value = Cryptography::de ( (string)$value ); // Fall through to output text field case self::TEXT: default: $updCheckAttrib['value'] = (string)$value; $html .= Tag::text ( $name, array_merge ( $updCheckAttrib, $this->cellAttributes[$colName] ) ); break; } if ( ! in_array ( $type, [ self::HIDDEN, self::NONE ] ) ) { $html = Tag::td () . $html . Tag::_td (); } return $html; } private function getColumnType ( $colName ) { if ( isset ( $this->displayType[$colName] ) ) { if ( is_string ( $this->displayType[$colName] ) ) { $type = $this->displayType[$colName]; } else { $type = $this->displayType[$colName][0]; } } else if ( $colName == $this->primaryKey ) { $type = self::DISPLAY; } else { $type = self::TEXT; } if ( ! $this->canUpdate && ! in_array ( $type, [ self::HIDDEN, self::NONE ] ) ) { $type = self::DISPLAY; } return $type; } private function insertForm () { if ( ! $this->canInsert ) return ''; $this->resp->set ( $this->action, 'insertRows' ); $html = Tag::form ( [ 'action' => $this->formAction ] ) . Tag::text ( 'rows', [ 'value' => '1', 'size' => '3' ] ) . $this->resp->toHidden () . Tag::submit ( 'Insert' ). Tag::_form(); return $html; } public function columnAttrib ( $col, $attrib= [] ) { foreach ( $attrib as $key => $val ) { $this->cellAttributes[$col][$key] = $val; } return $this; } public function style ( $type, $attribs=null ) { if ( $attribs === null ) { unset ( $this->styles[$type] ); } else { $this->styles[$type] = $attribs; } return $this; } private function setupDefaultStyle() { $this->styles[self::TABLE_C] = [ 'cellpadding' => 1, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'border' => 1 ]; } protected function getTableMetaData() { switch ( $this->dbType ) { case DB::MYSQL: $result = $this->query( 'DESCRIBE ' . $this->tableName ); if ( ! $result->ok () ) { return false; } $keyColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'Key' ); $fieldColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'Field' ); $typeColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'Type' ); // Make sure that we have the primary key if ( $this->primaryKey == null ) { $this->primaryKey = $fieldColumn[array_search ( 'PRI', $keyColumn )]; } // Get the column Titles foreach ( $fieldColumn as $col ) { $this->columnTitles[$col] = $this->convertColumnToTitle ( $col ); $this->cellAttributes[$col] = []; } // Get the column Titles foreach ( $typeColumn as $idx => $type ) { if ( preg_match ( '/^enum.*$/', $type ) ) { $evalString = '$enumList=' . str_replace ( 'enum', 'array', $type ) . ';'; eval ( $evalString ); $this->setColDisplay ( $fieldColumn[$idx], [ 'SELECT', $enumList ] ); } } return true; case DB::SQLITE: $result = $this->query( "PRAGMA table_info([{$this->tableName}])" ); if ( ! $result->ok () ) { return false; } $keyColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'pk' ); $fieldColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'name' ); $typeColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'type' ); // Make sure that we have the primary key if ( $this->primaryKey == null ) { $this->primaryKey = $fieldColumn[array_search ( '1', $keyColumn )]; } // Get the column Titles foreach ( $fieldColumn as $col ) { $this->columnTitles[$col] = $this->convertColumnToTitle ( $col ); $this->cellAttributes[$col] = []; } // Get the column Titles foreach ( $typeColumn as $idx => $type ) { if ( preg_match ( '/^enum.*$/', $type ) ) { $evalString = '$enumList=' . str_replace ( 'enum', 'array', $type ) . ';'; eval ( $evalString ); $this->setColDisplay ( $fieldColumn[$idx], [ 'SELECT', $enumList ] ); } } return true; case DB::ORACLE: $result = $this->query( 'SELECT * FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name=UPPER(?)', $this->tableName ); if ( ! $result->ok () ) return false; $fieldColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'COLUMN_NAME' ); $typeColumn = $result->getColumn ( 'DATA_TYPE' ); // Make sure that we have the primary key if ( $this->primaryKey == null ) { $this->primaryKey = $fieldColumn[0]; } // Get the column Titles foreach ( $fieldColumn as $col ) { $this->columnTitles[$col] = $this->convertColumnToTitle ( $col ); $this->cellAttributes[$col] = []; } return true; } return false; } protected function createSQLResult () { $qry = $this->paginator->getLimits( $this->dbType, 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' ' . $this->createSQLWhere ( $params ) . $this->columnator->getSort() ); $tab = $this->query( $qry, $params ); //echo '<pre>createSQLResult: ' . $qry . "\n"; //print_r ( $params ); //echo '</pre>'; return $tab; } private function calculateColumnWidths ( &$tab ) { foreach ( $this->columnTitles as $colName => $title ) { if ( isset ( $this->cellAttributes[$colName]['size'] ) ) continue; $width = $this->arrayMaxStringLength ( $tab->getColumn ( $colName ) ); if ( $width > 40 ) $width = 40; if ( $width >= 0 && $width <= 40 ) { $this->cellAttributes[$colName]['size'] = $width; } } } private function arrayMaxStringLength ( $arr ) { $maxWidth = 0; foreach ( $arr as $value ) { if ( ( $w = strlen ( $value ) ) > $maxWidth ) { $maxWidth = $w; } } return $maxWidth; } private function createSQLWhere ( &$params ) { $params = null; if ( count ( $this->where ) <= 0 ) return ''; $sql = ' WHERE '; $first = true; foreach ( $this->where as $key => $val ) { if ( ! $first ) $sql .= 'AND '; $comp = ( stripos( $val, '%' ) === false ) ? '=' : ' like '; $sql .= $key . $comp . '?'; $first = false; } $params = array_values ( $this->where ); //echo '<pre>createSQLWhere: ' . $qry . "\n"; //print_r ( $params ); //echo '</pre>'; return $sql; } protected function convertColumnToTitle ( $col ) { if ( $col == $this->primaryKey ) return 'ID'; $title = ''; if ( substr ( $col, 0, 3 ) == 'fld' ) { $title = self::jbCol2Title ( $col ); } else if ( substr ( $col, 0, 2 ) == 'f_' ) { foreach ( explode ( '_', substr ( $col, 2 ) ) as $segment ) { if ( $title != '' ) $title .= ' '; $title .= ucfirst ( $segment ); } } else { foreach ( explode ( '_', $col ) as $segment ) { if ( $title != '' ) $title .= ' '; $title .= ucfirst ( $segment ); } } return $title; } public static function jbCol2Title ( $col ) { $col = substr ( $col, 3 ); $title = ''; $colLen = strlen ( $col ); $lastCharacterIsUpper = true; for ( $i=0; $i<$colLen; $i++ ) { $ch = substr ( $col, $i, 1 ); $curCharacterIsUpper = ctype_upper ( $ch ); if ( $curCharacterIsUpper && ! $lastCharacterIsUpper ) $title .= ' '; $lastCharacterIsUpper = $curCharacterIsUpper; $title .= $ch; } return $title; } protected function getRowCount () { $qry = 'SELECT count(' . $this->primaryKey . ') ' . 'FROM ' . $this->tableName . ' ' . $this->createSQLWhere ( $params ); return DB::oneValue ( $this->db, $qry, $params ); } protected function query ( $qry, $params=null ) { //echo '<pre>query: ' . $qry . "\n"; //print_r ( $params ); //echo '</pre>'; return new DBTable( $this->db, $qry, $params, DB::FETCH_ASSOC ); } protected function exec ( $qry, $params=null ) { //echo '<pre>' . $qry . "\n"; //print_r ( $params ); //echo '</pre>'; return DB::exec ( $this->db, $qry, $params ); } }