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File: vendor/jackbooted/db/DB.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/db/DB.php
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<?php namespace Jackbooted\DB; use \Jackbooted\Config\Cfg; use \Jackbooted\Util\Log4PHP; use \Jackbooted\Util\PHPExt; /** * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved. * * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software * brett at brettdutton dot com * * This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public * License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and * available to the general public. */ /** * DB - Database abstraction for PDO. * The DB Strings are created from the configuration * @see addDB */ class DB extends \Jackbooted\Util\JB { /** * Default DB is Local */ const DEF = 'local'; /** * Wrap up the PDO Constants. */ const FETCH_ASSOC = \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; /** * Wrap up the PDO Constants. */ const FETCH_NUM = \PDO::FETCH_NUM; /** * Wrap up the PDO Constants. */ const FETCH_BOTH = \PDO::FETCH_BOTH; /** * Default SQL Table Engine type. */ const SQL_ENGINE = 'InnoDB'; /** * Default SQL Table Charset. */ const SQL_CHARSET = 'utf8'; const SQLITE = 'sqlite'; const MYSQL = 'mysql'; const SQLSERVER = 'dblib'; const ORACLE = 'oracle'; // Keep a cache of the connections private static $connections = []; // Thelast accessed database private static $lastDB = null; // Keep a log of the number of calls private static $callNumber = 0; // Logging private static $log; private static $queryLoggingFunction; private static $queryLoggingLevel; private static $queryLogFlag; private static $errorLoggingFunction; private static $errorLoggingLevel; /** * Controls whether to use direct queries or prepared statements */ private static $directQuery = true; /** * Set up the statics, sets up the logging level in one place. * * If you want to change this throughout this class, you can adjust here. * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function init() { self::$log = Log4PHP::logFactory ( __CLASS__ ); self::$log->setClassErrorLevel( Log4PHP::INFO ); // Sets up the logging level in one place // If you want to change this throughout this class, you can adjust here self::$queryLoggingFunction = [ self::$log, 'info' ]; self::$queryLoggingLevel = Log4PHP::INFO; self::$queryLogFlag = self::$log->isDisplayed ( self::$queryLoggingLevel ); self::$errorLoggingFunction = [ self::$log, 'error' ]; self::$errorLoggingLevel = Log4PHP::ERROR; } /** * Returns the log object so that you can selectively turn on log flags. * * Eg: * <pre> * $dbLogger = DB::getLogger (); * $dbLogger->setClassOutputDevice ( Log4PHP::SCREEN ); * $dbLogger->setClassErrorLevel ( Log4PHP::ALL ); * DB::init(); * </pre> * @since 1.0 * @return Log4PHP - returns the log object. */ public static function getLogger () { return self::$log; } /** * Allows a database to be created and saved in the $config. * * This allows compatibility with fab_query * * @param string $name Name of the database connection eg: 'reg'. * @param string $host Host name of the database server. * @param string $user Username to access the server. * @param string $password Password for this account. * @param string $database Database name. * @param string $driver Database driver - Supported drivers are 'mysql' or 'pgsql'. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function addDB($name, $host, $user, $password, $database, $driver = 'mysql') { Cfg::set($name.'-host', $host); Cfg::set($name.'-db', $database); Cfg::set($name.'-user', $user); Cfg::set($name.'-pass', $password); Cfg::set($name.'-driver', $driver); } /** * This is a standard normalizing function that can be called throughout the system. * * And will always return the PDO object that is necessary for the calls. * <ul> * <li>If the $db variable is a string it is assumed to be the index of the db connection * that is needed. If the connection exists already it is returned, otherwise it sets * up the connection using the $config variables</li> * <li>If $db is an object then it is assumed to be a PDO object and passed straight thru</li> * <li>If $db is an array then it must contain the items array ( 'hostname' => $host, * 'username' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'dbname' => $database, 'driver' => 'mysql' ) If they don't exist * in the $config, then they are set up</li> * </ul> * @param mixed $db - This is either null, and array of the the database connection * information or the connection handle itself. * @since 1.0 * @return PDO Object connection to the database. */ private static function connectionFactory ( $db=null, $key=null ) { if ( is_string ( $db ) ) { // If this is a string then a key has been passed. // The key may have been set up as PDO object or // it might be a key from legacy config return self::connectionFactoryFromString ( $db ); } else if ( is_object ( $db ) ) { // If this is an objecct then it is likely a PDO object self::$lastDB = $db; return self::$lastDB; } else if ( is_array ( $db ) ) { // If this is an array then it might be a database information return self::connectionFactoryFromArray ( $db, $key ); } else { return self::$lastDB; } } private static function connectionFactoryFromString ( $db ) { if ( isset ( self::$connections[$db] ) ) { self::$lastDB = self::$connections[$db]; return self::$lastDB; } else { $dbConnection = [ 'hostname' => Cfg::get ( $db . '-host' ), 'dbname' => Cfg::get ( $db . '-db' ), 'username' => Cfg::get ( $db . '-user' ), 'password' => Cfg::get ( $db . '-pass' ), 'driver' => Cfg::get ( $db . '-driver', DB::MYSQL ) ]; if ( $dbConnection['hostname'] != '' ) { return self::connectionFactoryFromArray ( $dbConnection, $db ); } else { self::logErrorMessage ( 'Unknown DB: ' . $db ); return false; } } } private static function connectionFactoryFromArray ( $db, $key=null ) { if ( ! isset ( $db['driver'] ) ) { $db['driver'] = self::MYSQL; } if ( preg_match ( '/^java:comp\/env\/jdbc\/.*$/', $db['dbname'] ) ) { $connectionString = $db['dbname']; } else if ( $db['driver'] == self::SQLITE ) { $connectionString = $db['driver'] . ':' . $db['hostname']; } else { $connectionString = $db['driver'] . ':host=' . $db['hostname'] . ';dbname=' . $db['dbname']; } if ( $key == null ) { $key = hash ( 'md4', $connectionString . $db['username'] . $db['password'] ); } if ( ! isset ( self::$connections[$key] ) ) { self::dbg ( 'Setting up new DB conn: ' . $connectionString . ' - ' . $db['username'] ); try { if ( $db['driver'] == self::SQLITE ) { self::$connections[$key] = new \PDO ( $connectionString ); } else { self::$connections[$key] = new \PDO ( $connectionString, $db['username'], $db['password'] ); } } catch ( Exception $ex ) { self::logErrorMessage ( 'Error Setting up new DB conn: ' . $connectionString . ' - ' . $db['username'] . ' - ' . $ex->getMessage() ); return false; } } self::$lastDB = self::$connections[$key]; return self::$lastDB; } /** * Converts the passed array to the necessary for prepared statement. * * If the array is associative then * it creates a :x,:y style string. If the array is numeric then creates a string with ? eg: * <pre> * $arr = array ( 'domain' => 0, 'length' => 1, 'tld' => 5, 'pricescore' => 2, 'intprice' => 4 ); * $params = array ( 'foo' => 'dummy1', 'bar' => 'dummy2' ); * echo 'INSERT INTO domain_info VALUES(' . DB::in ( $arr, $params ) . ')<br>'; * echo '<pre>'; print_r ( $params ); echo '</pre>'; * * $arr = array_values ( $arr ); * $params = array ( 'dummy1', 'dummy2' ); * echo 'INSERT INTO domain_info VALUES(' . DB::in ( $arr, $params ) . ')<br>'; * echo '<pre>'; print_r ( $params ); echo '</pre>'; * </pre> * @param mixed $values Values that will be in the IN. * @param mixed &$params Adds to the parameters. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public static function in ( $values, &$params=null ) { if ( ! is_array ( $params ) ) { $params = []; } if ( PHPExt::is_assoc ( $values ) ) { foreach ( $values as $key => $val ) { $params[$key] = $val; } return ':' . join ( ',:', array_keys ( $values ) ); } else { if ( ! is_array ( $values ) ) { $values = [ $values ]; } foreach ( $values as $val ) $params[] = $val; return join ( ',', array_fill( 0, count ( $values ), '?' ) ); } } /** * Sets the buffering mode for mysql. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param boolean $flag Set buffered on or off. * * @since 1.0 * @return boolean The old value. */ public static function setBuffered ( $dbh, $flag=true ) { if ( ( $dbh = self::connectionFactory ( $dbh ) ) === false ) { return false; } $oldAttribute = self::$directQuery; if ( $oldAttribute != $flag ) { self::$directQuery = $flag; } return $oldAttribute; } /** * Sets the prepared emulation mode for mysql. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param boolean $flag Set emulated prepared statements on or off. * * @since 1.0 * @return boolean The old value. */ public static function setPreparedMode ( $dbh, $flag=true ) { if ( ( $dbh = self::connectionFactory ( $dbh ) ) === false ) { return false; } $oldAttribute = self::$directQuery; self::$directQuery = $flag; return $oldAttribute; } /** * Returns a single value. * * Useful for count(*) sql calls. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * * @since 1.0 * @return mixed */ public static function oneValue ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null ) { $row = self::oneRow ( $dbh, $qry, $params, self::FETCH_NUM ); if ( $row === false || ! is_array ( $row ) || $row[0] === null ) { return false; } else { return $row[0]; } } /** * Returns a single row. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * @param integer $fetchType Fetch Type. * * @since 1.0 * @return array */ public static function oneRow ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null, $fetchType=self::FETCH_ASSOC ) { $result = self::query ( $dbh, $qry, $params ); return ( $result === false ) ? false : $result->fetch ( $fetchType ); } /** * Returns a single column. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * @param integer $fetchType Fetch Type. * * @since 1.0 * @return array */ public static function oneColumn ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null ) { $result = self::query ( $dbh, $qry, $params ); if ( $result === false ) return false; $col = []; while ( ( $row = $result->fetch ( self::FETCH_NUM ) ) !== false ) { $col[] = $row[0]; } if ( count( $col ) == 0 ) return false; return $col; } /** * Sets a database handle to unbuffered mode then makes a call then resets it back to buffered mode. * * This is good for one off calls, but if you are doing many updated you should call @see setBuffered * at the beginning of the loop and the again at the end. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * * @since 1.0 * @return object Database resource */ public static function unbuffered ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null ) { $oldAttribute = self::setBuffered ( $dbh, false ); self::exec ( $dbh, $qry, $params ); self::setBuffered ( $dbh, $oldAttribute ); return $dbh; } /** * Executes a query and returns a PDOStatement that you can iterate over. * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * @param boolean $log Force not log this call. * * @since 1.0 * @return object Result set of the query */ public static function query ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null, $log=false ) { $qry = self::doReplacements( $qry ); if ( self::$queryLogFlag || $log ) { self::dbg ( $qry, $params ); } if ( ( $dbResource = self::connectionFactory ( $dbh ) ) === false ) { return false; } try { if ( $params == null ) { // turn on emulating prepared statements because mysql gets confused on some statements if ( ! Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) && ! in_array ( self::driver( $dbh ), [ self::SQLSERVER, self::SQLITE ] ) ) { $dbResource->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true ); } $result = $dbResource->query ( $qry ); if ( ! Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) && ! in_array ( self::driver( $dbh ), [ self::SQLSERVER, self::SQLITE ] ) ) { $dbResource->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false ); } return ( $result === FALSE ) ? self::logError ( $qry, $dbResource ) : $result; } else { $prepareParams = []; if ( self::$directQuery === true && ! Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) && ! in_array ( self::driver( $dbh ), [ self::SQLSERVER, self::SQLITE ] ) ) { $prepareParams[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY] = true; } if ( ( $dbResource = $dbResource->prepare ( $qry, $prepareParams ) ) === false ) { return self::logErrorMessage ( 'Problem SQL: ' . $qry ); } if ( ! is_array ( $params ) ) { $params = [ $params ]; } $result = $dbResource->execute ( $params ); return ( $result === FALSE ) ? self::logError ( $qry, $dbResource ) : $dbResource; } } catch ( Exception $ex ) { return self::logError ( 'E: ' . $ex->getMessage() . ': ' . $qry, $dbResource ); } } /** * Executes an update, insert of delete. * * Returns the number of rows affected * * @param mixed $dbh Database handle. * @param string $qry Query String. * @param mixed $params Paraneters (array) or single parameter. * @param boolean $log Force not log this call. * * @since 1.0 * @return integer */ public static function exec ( $dbh, $qry, $params=null, $log=false ) { $qry = self::doReplacements($qry); if ( self::$queryLogFlag || $log ) { self::dbg ( $qry, $params ); } if ( ( $dbResource = self::connectionFactory ( $dbh ) ) === false ) return false; try { if ( $params == null ) { $result = $dbResource->exec ( $qry ); } else { if ( ( $newResource = $dbResource->prepare ( $qry ) ) === false ) { return self::logError ( $qry, $dbResource ); } else { $dbResource = $newResource; } if ( ! is_array ( $params ) ) { $params = [ $params ]; } $result = $dbResource->execute ( $params ); } if ( Cfg::get ( 'quercus', false ) ) { if ( $result < 0 ) { return self::logError ( $qry, $dbResource ); } else { return (int)$result; } } else { if ( $result === false ) { return self::logError ( $qry, $dbResource ); } else if ( is_int ( $result ) ) { return $result; } else { return $dbResource->rowCount(); } } } catch ( Exception $ex ) { return self::logError ( 'E: ' . $ex->getMessage() . ': ' . $qry, $dbResource ); } } /** * Generates the Limit sql on the passed in query * @param string $sql * @param int $start * @param int $cnt * @return string the sql with the limit added */ static function limit ( $sql, $start, $cnt ) { // Check if we are already doing the limiting if ( strpos ( strtoupper ( $sql ), 'LIMIT' ) !== FALSE ) return ( $sql ); return ( $sql . " LIMIT $start,$cnt" ); } /** * Replaces any special strings in the query with the appropriate values. * * @param string $query * * @since 1.0 * @return string **/ private static function doReplacements( $query ) { return strtr ( $query, [ '%%PRE%%' => Cfg::get( 'prefix', 'w_' ), '%%SQLENGINE%%' => Cfg::get( 'sql_tabletype', self::SQL_ENGINE ), '%%SQLCHARSET%%' => Cfg::get( 'sql_charset', self::SQL_CHARSET ) ] ); } private static function logError( $qry, $resource ) { self::logErrorMessage ( join ( ':', $resource->errorInfo () ) . ':' . $qry ); //echo ( join ( ':', $resource->errorInfo () ) . ':' . $qry ); return false; } private static function logErrorMessage( $message ) { //echo $message . self::calculateCallLocation(); self::$log->error ( $message, self::calculateCallLocation() ); return false; } private static function dbg ( $qry, &$params=null ) { $msg = self::$callNumber . ':"' . $qry . '"'; self::$callNumber ++; if ( $params != null ) { $msg .= ( is_array ( $params ) ) ? join ( ':', $params ) : $params; } self::$log->debug ( $msg, self::calculateCallLocation() ); } private static function calculateCallLocation ( ) { $stack = debug_backtrace (); $stackLength = count ( $stack ); for ( $origin = 1; $origin<$stackLength; $origin++ ) { if ( __FILE__ != $stack[$origin]['file'] ) break; } $fileLocation = basename ( $stack[$origin]['file'] ); $lineNumber = '(L:' . $stack[$origin]['line'] . ')'; $origin ++; $calledFrom = ( ( isset ( $stack[$origin]['class'] ) ) ? $stack[$origin]['class'] : '' ) . ( ( isset ( $stack[$origin]['type'] ) ) ? $stack[$origin]['type'] : '' ) . ( ( isset ( $stack[$origin]['function'] ) ) ? $stack[$origin]['function'] : '' ); if ( $calledFrom == '' ) { $calledFrom = $fileLocation; } return $lineNumber . $calledFrom; } /** * Returns last_insert_id(). * * @param mixed $dbh Database resource. * * @since 1.0 * @return integer Last inset id */ public static function lastInsertId ( $dbh ) { if ( ( $dbResource = self::connectionFactory ( $dbh ) ) === false ) { return false; } return $dbResource->lastInsertId(); } /** * Resets the connections etc back to a fresh state. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function reset() { if ( isset( self::$connections ) AND is_array( self::$connections ) AND count( self::$connections ) > 0) { foreach ( self::$connections as $db => $connection ) { unset( self::$connections[$db] ); } } else { self::$connections = []; } } public static function driver ( $dbh=self::DEF ) { return Cfg::get ( $dbh . '-driver' ); } }