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File: vendor/jackbooted/admin/FancyLogin.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/admin/FancyLogin.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
Web application framework using simplified MVC
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<?php namespace Jackbooted\Admin; use \Jackbooted\Config\Cfg; use \Jackbooted\DB\DB; use \Jackbooted\DB\DBMaintenance; use \Jackbooted\Forms\Request; use \Jackbooted\Forms\Response; use \Jackbooted\G; use \Jackbooted\Html\Gravatar; use \Jackbooted\Html\JS; use \Jackbooted\Html\Tag; use \Jackbooted\Html\Validator; use \Jackbooted\Html\WebPage; use \Jackbooted\Mail\Mailer; use \Jackbooted\Security\Captcha; use \Jackbooted\Security\Privileges; use \Jackbooted\Html\Widget; use \Jackbooted\Security\Password; /** * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved. * * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software * brett at brettdutton dot com * */ /** */ class FancyLogin extends Login { const ACTION = '_LL_ACT'; protected $loggedInMenuItems; public static function controller ( $default='', $actionKey=self::ACTION ) { return WebPage::controller ( __CLASS__ . '->index()', self::ACTION ); } public function __construct () { parent::__construct(); $this->loggedInMenuItems = [ 'My Account' => '\Jackbooted\Admin\Admin->editAccount()' ]; } public function index ( ) { return ( G::isLoggedIn () ) ? $this->displayUserDetails() : $this->loginForm(); } private function displayUserDetails ( ) { $jQuery = <<<JS $().ready(function() { $('#hoverimage').hover( function () { $('#extralinks').fadeIn('fast'); }, function () { setTimeout("$('#extralinks').fadeOut('slow');", 3000 ); }); }); JS; $resp = new Response (); $html = JS::library( JS::JQUERY ) . JS::javaScript( $jQuery ) . Tag::table () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'id' => 'hoverimage', 'class' => 'logindetails', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap' ] ) . 'Welcome ' . $this->getDisplayName() . Gravatar::icon ( G::get ( 'fldUser' ) ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'id' => 'extralinks', 'style' => 'display: none;' ] ) . Tag::ul ( [ 'id' => 'vertMenu' ] ) . Tag::li ( ) . Tag::hRef ( 'ajax.php?' . $resp->action ( '\Jackbooted\Admin\Login->logout()' )->toUrl (), 'Logout' ) . Tag::_li ( ); foreach ( $this->loggedInMenuItems as $name => $act ) { $html .= Tag::li ( ) . Tag::hRef ( '?' . $resp->action ( $act )->toUrl (), $name ) . Tag::_li ( ); } $html .= Tag::_ul ( ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::_table (); return $html; } private function loginForm ( ) { $jsUrl = Cfg::get ( 'js_url'); $jQuery = <<<JS $().ready(function() { $('#hoverimage').hover ( function () { $('#extralinks').fadeIn('fast'); }, function () { setTimeout("$('#extralinks').fadeOut();", 3000 ); }); $('a.facebox').facebox({closeImage: '$jsUrl/images/closelabel.png', loadingImage: '$jsUrl/images/loading.gif' }); }); JS; $formName = 'FancyLogin_loginForm'; $valid = Validator::factory ( $formName, 'LF' ) ->addExists ( self::LOGIN_FNAME, 'Email field must not be empty' ) ->addExists ( self::PASSW_FNAME, 'Password field must not be empty' ); $resp = new Response (); $html = JS::library( JS::JQUERY ) . JS::libraryWithDependancies ( JS::FACEBOX ) . JS::javaScript( $jQuery ) . Tag::table () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'id' => 'hoverimage', 'class' => 'login', 'nowrap' => 'nowrap' ] ) . $valid->toHtml ( ) . Tag::form ( [ 'id' => $formName, 'name' => $formName, 'onSubmit' => $valid->onSubmit() ] ) . $resp->set ( self::ACTION, __CLASS__ . '->checkLogin()' )->toHidden() . Tag::table ( ) . Tag::tr ( ) . Tag::td ( ) . 'Email' . Tag::_td ( ) . Tag::td ( ) . Tag::text ( self::LOGIN_FNAME, [ 'size' => 10, 'style' => 'opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50)' ] ) . Tag::_td ( ) . Tag::td ( ) . 'Password:' . Tag::_td ( ) . Tag::td ( ) . Tag::password ( self::PASSW_FNAME, [ 'size' => 10, 'style' => 'opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50)' ] ) . Tag::_td ( ) . Tag::td ( ) . Tag::submit ( 'Go' ) . Tag::_td ( ) . Tag::_tr ( ) . Tag::_table ( ) . Tag::_form ( ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr ( ) . Tag::td ( [ 'id' => 'extralinks', 'style' => 'display: none;' ] ) . Tag::ul ( [ 'id' => 'vertMenu' ] ); if ( Cfg::get( 'jb_self_register', false ) ) { $html .= Tag::li ( ) . Tag::hRef ( 'ajax.php?' . $resp->action ( __CLASS__ . '->newRegistration()' )->toUrl (), 'Register New Account', [ 'class' => 'facebox' ] ) . Tag::_li ( ); } $html .= Tag::li ( ) . Tag::hRef ( 'ajax.php?' . $resp->action ( __CLASS__ . '->forgotPassword()' )->toUrl (), 'Forgot My Password', [ 'class' => 'facebox' ] ) . Tag::_li ( ) . Tag::_ul ( ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::_table (); return $html; } public function newRegistration ( ) { // Initialise the $msg and $action and $disclaimer variables $disclaimer = Cfg::get ( 'disclaimer' ); $formName = 'FancyLogin_newRegistration'; $valid = Validator::factory ( $formName, 'NR' ) ->addExists ( 'fldEmail', 'Email field is empty. Please insert valid email and resubmit') ->addEmail ( 'fldEmail', 'Email needs to exist and be correct format' ) ->addExists ( 'fldFirstName', 'First Name must exist') ->addExists ( 'fldCaptcha', 'You must enter Captcha Code') ->addExists ( 'fldLastName' , 'Last Name must exist'); $cap = new Captcha (); $html = $valid->toHtml () . Tag::form ( [ 'id' => $formName, 'name' => $formName, 'onSubmit' => $valid->onSubmit() ] ) . Response::factory() ->set ( self::ACTION, __CLASS__ . '->signUp()' ) ->set ( '_CAP', $cap->getValue() ) ->toHidden() . Tag::table( [ 'align' => 'center', 'border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2 ] ) . Tag::tr () . Tag::td () . 'Email:'. Tag::_td () . Tag::td () . Tag::text ( 'fldEmail', Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td () . 'First&nbsp;Name:' . Tag::_td () . Tag::td () . Tag::text ( 'fldFirstName', Request::get ( 'fldFirstName' ) ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td () . 'Last&nbsp;Name:' . Tag::_td () . Tag::td () . Tag::text ( 'fldLastName', Request::get ( 'fldLastName' ) ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td () . Tag::img( $cap->imageUrl () ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::td () . Tag::text ( 'fldCaptcha' ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2, 'nowrap' => 'nowrap', 'valign' => 'top'] ) . 'Please Read Disclaimer:' . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2 ] ) . Tag::hTag ( 'iframe', [ 'src' => $disclaimer, 'width' => '100%' ] ) . Tag::_hTag ( 'iframe' ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center' ] ) . 'By clicking below, you are stating that you understand and agree to the Disclamer above' . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center' ] ) . Tag::submit ( 'New Account' ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::_table () . Tag::_form(); return $html; } public function forgotPassword ( ) { // Initialise the $msg and $action and $disclaimer variables $formName = 'FancyLogin_forgotPassword'; $valid = Validator::factory ( $formName, 'FP' ) ->addExists ( 'fldEmail', 'Email field is empty. Please insert valid email and resubmit' ) ->addEmail ( 'fldEmail', 'Email is in valid format. Must be of the form' ); $html = $valid->toHtml () . Tag::form ( [ 'id' => $formName, 'name' => $formName, 'onSubmit' => $valid->onSubmit() ] ) . Response::factory()->set ( self::ACTION, __CLASS__ . '->sendPW()' )->toHidden() . Tag::table ( [ 'align' => 'center', 'border' => 0, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2 ] ) . Tag::tr () . Tag::td () . 'Email' . Tag::_td () . Tag::td () . Tag::text ( 'fldEmail' ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center' ] ) . 'Your Password will be reset and sent to you via email you have provided' . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::tr () . Tag::td ( [ 'colspan' => 2, 'align' => 'center' ] ) . Tag::submit ( 'Send Password' ) . Tag::_td () . Tag::_tr () . Tag::_table () . Tag::_form(); return $html; } public function signUp ( ) { $checkIdSql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUser WHERE fldUser=?'; if ( Request::get ( '_CAP' ) != Request::get ( 'fldCaptcha' ) ) { $msg = 'Invalid Security Code ' . $this->newRegistration(); } else if ( DB::oneValue ( DB::DEF, $checkIdSql, Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) != 0 ) { $msg = 'A user with email: ' . Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) . ' currently exists on this system<br/>' . 'Either choose a new email address or request a new password.' . $this->newRegistration() ; } else { // Generate a password for the user $pw = Password::passGen ( 10, Password::MEDIUM ); // Add the User to the Database $now = time(); if ( DB::driver() == DB::MYSQL ) { $sql =<<<SQL INSERT INTO tblUser (fldUserID,fldUser,fldFirstName,fldLastName,fldPassword,fldDomain,fldCreated, fldLevel) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, PASSWORD(?),?, $now, ? ) SQL; } else { $sql =<<<SQL INSERT INTO tblUser (fldUserID,fldUser,fldFirstName,fldLastName,fldPassword,fldDomain,fldCreated, fldLevel) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, $now, ? ) SQL; $pw = hash( 'md5', $pw ); } $params = [ DBMaintenance::dbNextNumber ( DB::DEF, 'tblUser' ), Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ), Request::get ( 'fldFirstName' ), Request::get ( 'fldLastName' ), $pw, Cfg::get('server'), Privileges::getSecurityLevel ( 'USER' ) ]; DB::exec ( DB::DEF, $sql, $params ); $boss = Cfg::get ('boss'); $desc = Cfg::get ('desc'); $body = '<h3>New User: <b>%s %s</b><br>Email: <b>%s</b></h3><br>Has joined %s'; // create the email message to notify about a new user Mailer::envelope()->format ( Mailer::HTML_TEXT ) ->from ( Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) ->to ( $boss ) ->subject ( 'New user has joined ' . $desc ) ->body ( sprintf ( $body, Request::get ( 'fldFirstName' ), Request::get ( 'fldLastName' ), Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ), $desc ) ) ->send(); $body = <<<TXT Thanks for signing up for %s Here are your login details Username: %s Password: %s Regards %s TXT; // create the email message to notify the new user of his/her login details Mailer::envelope()->from ( $boss ) ->to ( Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) ->subject ( 'Welcome to ' . $desc ) ->body ( sprintf ( $body, $desc, Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ), $pw, $desc ) ) ->send (); // Let the user know that the registration was succesful $msg = 'Congratulations you have been signed up for ' . $desc . '<br>' . 'Soon you will receive a confirmation email that will contain' . 'your login details.'; } return Widget::popupWrapper($msg, -1 ); } public function sendPW () { $sql = 'SELECT fldUserID FROM tblUser WHERE fldUser=?'; if ( ( $id = DB::oneValue ( DB::DEF, $sql, Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) ) === false ) { $msg = 'This email does not exist on this system.<br>' . 'Either choose a new email address or register as new customer.' . $this->forgotPassword (); } else { $pw = Password::passGen ( 10, Password::MEDIUM ); if ( DB::driver() == DB::MYSQL ) { $sql = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=PASSWORD(?) WHERE fldUserID=?'; DB::exec ( DB::DEF, $sql, [ $pw, $id ] ); } else { $sql = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=? WHERE fldUserID=?'; DB::exec ( DB::DEF, $sql, [ hash( 'md5', $pw ), $id ] ); } // Update the Database with the new Password combo $boss = Cfg::get ('boss'); $desc = Cfg::get ('desc'); // create the email message to notify about a password request $body = '<h3>User requested password<br>Email: <b>%s</b></h3><br>From %s'; Mailer::envelope()->format ( Mailer::HTML_TEXT ) ->from ( Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) ->to ( $boss ) ->subject ( 'User requested password' ) ->body ( sprintf ( $body, Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ), $desc ) ) ->send (); $body = <<<TXT Message from %s Here are your login details Password: %s Regards %s TXT; // create the email message to notify the user of his/her login details Mailer::envelope()->from ( $boss ) ->to ( Request::get ( 'fldEmail' ) ) ->subject ( 'Login Request ' . $desc ) ->body ( sprintf ( $body, $desc, $pw, $desc ) ) ->send (); $msg = 'Soon you will receive an email that will contain your login details.'; } return Widget::popupWrapper( $msg, -1 ); } }