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File: vendor/jackbooted/3rdparty/HTMLGraphs.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/3rdparty/HTMLGraphs.php
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Description: Class source
Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
Web application framework using simplified MVC
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<?php /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | H T M L - G R A P H S (v4.8) | | | | Copyright Gerd Tentler | | Created: Sep. 17, 2002 Last modified: Feb. 13, 2010 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This program may be used and hosted free of charge by anyone for | | personal purpose as long as this copyright notice remains intact. | | | | Obtain permission before selling the code for this program or | | hosting this software on a commercial website or redistributing | | this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all | | cases copyright must remain intact. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ ====================================================================================================== Example: $graph = new BAR_GRAPH("hBar"); $graph->values = array(234, 125, 289, 147, 190); echo $graph->create(); Returns HTML code ====================================================================================================== */ class BAR_GRAPH { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var $type = 'hBar'; // graph type: "hBar", "vBar", "pBar", or "fader" var $values; // graph data: array or string with comma-separated values var $valuesHRef = ''; // url link for the bar TODO BCD var $valuesTitle; // titles for the bar or for the link TODO BCD var $graphBGColor = ''; // graph background color: string var $graphBorder = ''; // graph border: string (CSS specification; doesn't work with NN4) var $graphPadding = 0; // graph padding: integer (pixels) var $titles; // titles: array or string with comma-separated values var $titleColor = 'black'; // title font color: string var $titleBGColor = '#C0E0FF'; // title background color: string var $titleBorder = '2px groove white'; // title border: string (CSS specification) var $titleFont = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // title font family: string (CSS specification) var $titleSize = 12; // title font size: integer (pixels) var $titleAlign = 'center'; // title text align: "left", "center", or "right" var $titlePadding = 2; // title padding: integer (pixels) var $labels; // label names: array or string with comma-separated values var $labelsTitle; // Titles for the link var $labelColor = 'black'; // label font color: string var $labelBGColor = '#C0E0FF'; // label background color: string var $labelBorder = '2px groove white'; // label border: string (CSS specification; doesn't work with NN4) var $labelFont = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // label font family: string (CSS specification) var $labelSize = 12; // label font size: integer (pixels) var $labelAlign = 'center'; // label text align: "left", "center", or "right" var $labelSpace = 0; // additional space between labels: integer (pixels) var $barWidth = 15; // bar width: integer (pixels) var $barLength = 2.0; // bar length ratio: float (from 0.1 to 2.9) var $barColors; // bar colors OR bar images: array or string with comma-separated values var $barBGColor; // bar background color: string var $barBorder = '2px outset white'; // bar border: string (CSS specification; doesn't work with NN4) var $barLevelColors; // bar level colors: ascending array (bLevel, bColor[,...]); draw bars >= bLevel with bColor var $showValues = 0; // show values: 0 = % only, 1 = abs. and %, 2 = abs. only, 3 = none var $baseValue = 0; // base value: integer or float (only hBar and vBar) var $absValuesColor = 'black'; // abs. values font color: string var $absValuesBGColor = '#C0E0FF'; // abs. values background color: string var $absValuesBorder = '2px groove white'; // abs. values border: string (CSS specification; doesn't work with NN4) var $absValuesFont = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // abs. values font family: string (CSS specification) var $absValuesSize = 12; // abs. values font size: integer (pixels) var $absValuesPrefix = ''; // abs. values prefix: string (e.g. "$") var $absValuesSuffix = ''; // abs. values suffix: string (e.g. " kg") var $percValuesColor = 'black'; // perc. values font color: string var $percValuesFont = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // perc. values font family: string (CSS specification) var $percValuesSize = 12; // perc. values font size: integer (pixels) var $percValuesDecimals = 0; // perc. values number of decimals: integer var $charts = 1; // number of charts: integer // hBar/vBar only: var $legend; // legend items: array or string with comma-separated values var $legendColor = 'black'; // legend font color: string var $legendBGColor = '#F0F0F0'; // legend background color: string var $legendBorder = '2px groove white'; // legend border: string (CSS specification; doesn't work with NN4) var $legendFont = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // legend font family: string (CSS specification) var $legendSize = 12; // legend font size: integer (pixels) var $legendAlign = 'top'; // legend vertical align: "top", "center", "bottom" // debug mode: false = off, true = on; just shows some extra information var $debug = false; // default bar colors; only used if $barColors isn't set var $colors = array('#0000FF', '#FF0000', '#00E000', '#A0A0FF', '#FFA0A0', '#00A000'); // error messages var $err_type = 'ERROR: Type must be "hBar", "vBar", "pBar", or "fader"'; // CSS names (don't change) var $cssGRAPH = ''; var $cssBAR = ''; var $cssBARBG = ''; var $cssTITLE = ''; var $cssLABEL = ''; var $cssLABELBG = ''; var $cssLEGEND = ''; var $cssLEGENDBG = ''; var $cssABSVALUES = ''; var $cssPERCVALUES = ''; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Methods //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BAR_GRAPH($type = '') { if($type) $this->type = $type; } function set_styles() { if($this->graphBGColor) $this->cssGRAPH .= 'background-color:' . $this->graphBGColor . ';'; if($this->graphBorder) $this->cssGRAPH .= 'border:' . $this->graphBorder . ';'; if($this->barBorder) $this->cssBAR .= 'border:' . $this->barBorder . ';'; if($this->barBGColor) $this->cssBARBG .= 'background-color:' . $this->barBGColor . ';'; if($this->titleColor) $this->cssTITLE .= 'color:' . $this->titleColor . ';'; if($this->titleBGColor) $this->cssTITLE .= 'background-color:' . $this->titleBGColor . ';'; if($this->titleBorder) $this->cssTITLE .= 'border:' . $this->titleBorder . ';'; if($this->titleFont) $this->cssTITLE .= 'font-family:' . $this->titleFont . ';'; if($this->titleAlign) $this->cssTITLE .= 'text-align:' . $this->titleAlign . ';'; if($this->titleSize) $this->cssTITLE .= 'font-size:' . $this->titleSize . 'px;'; if($this->titleBGColor) $this->cssTITLE .= 'background-color:' . $this->titleBGColor . ';'; if($this->titlePadding) $this->cssTITLE .= 'padding:' . $this->titlePadding . 'px;'; if($this->labelColor) $this->cssLABEL .= 'color:' . $this->labelColor . ';'; if($this->labelBGColor) $this->cssLABEL .= 'background-color:' . $this->labelBGColor . ';'; if($this->labelBorder) $this->cssLABEL .= 'border:' . $this->labelBorder . ';'; if($this->labelFont) $this->cssLABEL .= 'font-family:' . $this->labelFont . ';'; if($this->labelSize) $this->cssLABEL .= 'font-size:' . $this->labelSize . 'px;'; if($this->labelAlign) $this->cssLABEL .= 'text-align:' . $this->labelAlign . ';'; if($this->labelBGColor) $this->cssLABELBG .= 'background-color:' . $this->labelBGColor . ';'; if($this->legendColor) $this->cssLEGEND .= 'color:' . $this->legendColor . ';'; if($this->legendFont) $this->cssLEGEND .= 'font-family:' . $this->legendFont . ';'; if($this->legendSize) $this->cssLEGEND .= 'font-size:' . $this->legendSize . 'px;'; if($this->legendBGColor) $this->cssLEGENDBG .= 'background-color:' . $this->legendBGColor . ';'; if($this->legendBorder) $this->cssLEGENDBG .= 'border:' . $this->legendBorder . ';'; if($this->absValuesColor) $this->cssABSVALUES .= 'color:' . $this->absValuesColor . ';'; if($this->absValuesBGColor) $this->cssABSVALUES .= 'background-color:' . $this->absValuesBGColor . ';'; if($this->absValuesBorder) $this->cssABSVALUES .= 'border:' . $this->absValuesBorder . ';'; if($this->absValuesFont) $this->cssABSVALUES .= 'font-family:' . $this->absValuesFont . ';'; if($this->absValuesSize) $this->cssABSVALUES .= 'font-size:' . $this->absValuesSize . 'px;'; if($this->percValuesColor) $this->cssPERCVALUES .= 'color:' . $this->percValuesColor . ';'; if($this->percValuesFont) $this->cssPERCVALUES .= 'font-family:' . $this->percValuesFont . ';'; if($this->percValuesSize) $this->cssPERCVALUES .= 'font-size:' . $this->percValuesSize . 'px;'; } function level_color($value, $color) { if($this->barLevelColors) { for($i = 0; $i < count($this->barLevelColors); $i += 2) { if($i+1 < count($this->barLevelColors)) { if(($this->barLevelColors[$i] > 0 && $value >= $this->barLevelColors[$i]) || ($this->barLevelColors[$i] < 0 && $value <= $this->barLevelColors[$i])) { $color = $this->barLevelColors[$i+1]; } } } } return $color; } function build_bar($value, $width, $height, $color, $href='') { $title = $this->absValuesPrefix . $value . $this->absValuesSuffix; $bg = preg_match ('/\.(jpg|jpeg|jpe|gif|png)$/i', $color) ? 'background' : 'bgcolor'; $bgStyle = ( $bg == 'bgcolor' ) ? "background-color: $color; " : ''; $bar = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>'; $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssBAR . $bgStyle . '" ' . $bg . '="' . $color . '"'; $bar .= ($value != '') ? ' title="' . $title . '">' : '>'; $bar .= ( $href == '' ) ? '' : '<a href="' . $href . '">'; $bar .= '<div style="width:' . $width . 'px; height:' . $height . 'px;'; $bar .= ' line-height:1px; font-size:1px;"></div>'; $bar .= ( $href == '' ) ? '' : '</a>'; $bar .= '</td></tr></table>'; return $bar; } function build_fader($value, $width, $height, $x, $color) { $fader = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>'; $x -= round($width / 2); if($x > 0) $fader .= '<td width=' . $x . '></td>'; $fader .= '<td>' . $this->build_bar($value, $width, $height, $color) . '</td>'; $fader .= '</tr></table>'; return $fader; } function build_value($val, $max_dec, $sum = 0, $align = '') { $val = $this->number_format($val, $max_dec); if($sum) $sum = $this->number_format($sum, $max_dec); $value = '<td style="' . $this->cssABSVALUES . '"'; if($align) $value .= ' align=' . $align; $value .= ' nowrap>'; $value .= '&nbsp;' . $this->absValuesPrefix . $val . $this->absValuesSuffix; if($sum) $value .= ' / ' . $this->absValuesPrefix . $sum . $this->absValuesSuffix; $value .= '&nbsp;</td>'; return $value; } function build_legend($barColors) { $legend = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>'; $legend .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLEGENDBG . '">'; $legend .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0>'; $l = (is_array($this->legend)) ? $this->legend : explode(',', $this->legend); for($i = 0; $i < count($barColors); $i++) { $legend .= '<tr>'; $legend .= '<td>' . $this->build_bar('', $this->barWidth, $this->barWidth, $barColors[$i]) . '</td>'; $legend .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLEGEND . '" nowrap>' . trim($l[$i]) . '</td>'; $legend .= '</tr>'; } $legend .= '</table></td></tr></table>'; return $legend; } function build_hTitle($titleLabel, $titleValue, $titleBar) { $title = '<tr>'; $title .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '">' . $titleLabel . '</td>'; if($titleValue != '') $title .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '">' . $titleValue . '</td>'; $title .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '">' . $titleBar . '</td>'; $title .= '</tr>'; return $title; } function create_hBar($value, $percent, $mPerc, $mPerc_neg, $max_neg, $mul, $valSpace, $bColor, $border, $spacer, $spacer_neg) { $bar = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height=100%><tr>'; if($percent < 0) { $percent *= -1; $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '" height=' . $this->barWidth . ' width=' . round(($mPerc_neg - $percent) * $mul + $valSpace) . ' align=right nowrap>'; if($this->showValues < 2) $bar .= '<span style="' . $this->cssPERCVALUES . '">' . $this->number_format($percent, $this->percValuesDecimals) . '%</span>'; $bar .= '&nbsp;</td><td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '">'; $bar .= $this->build_bar($value, round($percent * $mul), $this->barWidth, $bColor); $bar .= '</td><td width=' . $spacer . '></td>'; } else { if($max_neg) { $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '" width=' . $spacer_neg . '>'; $bar .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>'; } if($percent) { $bar .= '<td>'; $bar .= $this->build_bar($value, round($percent * $mul), $this->barWidth, $bColor); $bar .= '</td>'; } else $bar .= '<td width=1 height=' . ($this->barWidth + ($border * 2)) . '></td>'; $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssPERCVALUES . '" width=' . round(($mPerc - $percent) * $mul + $valSpace) . ' align=left nowrap>'; if($this->showValues < 2) $bar .= '&nbsp;' . $this->number_format($percent, $this->percValuesDecimals) . '%'; $bar .= '&nbsp;</td>'; } $bar .= '</tr></table>'; return $bar; } function create_vBar($value, $percent, $mPerc, $mPerc_neg, $max_neg, $mul, $valSpace, $bColor, $border, $spacer, $spacer_neg) { $bar = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr align=center>'; if($percent < 0) { $percent *= -1; $bar .= '<td height=' . $spacer . '></td></tr><tr align=center valign=top><td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '">'; $bar .= $this->build_bar($value, $this->barWidth, round($percent * $mul), $bColor); $bar .= '</td></tr><tr align=center valign=top>'; $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '" height=' . round(($mPerc_neg - $percent) * $mul + $valSpace) . ' nowrap>'; $bar .= ($this->showValues < 2) ? '<span style="' . $this->cssPERCVALUES . '">' . $this->number_format($percent, $this->percValuesDecimals) . '%</span>' : '&nbsp;'; $bar .= '</td>'; } else { $bar .= '<td style="' . $this->cssPERCVALUES . '" valign=bottom height=' . round(($mPerc - $percent) * $mul + $valSpace) . ' nowrap>'; if($this->showValues < 2) $bar .= $this->number_format($percent, $this->percValuesDecimals) . '%'; $bar .= '</td>'; if($percent) { $bar .= '</tr><tr align=center valign=bottom><td>'; $bar .= $this->build_bar($value, $this->barWidth, round($percent * $mul), $bColor); $bar .= '</td>'; } else $bar .= '</tr><tr><td width=' . ($this->barWidth + ($border * 2)) . ' height=1></td>'; if($max_neg) { $bar .= '</tr><tr><td style="' . $this->cssLABELBG . '" height=' . $spacer_neg . '>'; $bar .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>'; } } $bar .= '</tr></table>'; return $bar; } function create() { $this->type = strtolower($this->type); $d = (is_array($this->values)) ? $this->values : explode(',', $this->values); $valuesHRef = (is_array($this->valuesHRef)) ? $this->valuesHRef : explode(',', $this->valuesHRef); if(is_array($this->titles)) $t = $this->titles; else $t = (strlen($this->titles) > 1) ? explode(',', $this->titles) : array(); if(is_array($this->labels)) $r = $this->labels; else $r = (strlen($this->labels) > 1) ? explode(',', $this->labels) : array(); if($this->barColors) $drc = (is_array($this->barColors)) ? $this->barColors : explode(',', $this->barColors); else $drc = array(); $val = $bc = array(); if($this->barLength < 0.1) $this->barLength = 0.1; else if($this->barLength > 2.9) $this->barLength = 2.9; $bars = (count($d) > count($r)) ? count($d) : count($r); if($this->type == 'pbar' || $this->type == 'fader') { if(!$this->barBGColor) $this->barBGColor = $this->labelBGColor; if($this->labelBGColor == $this->barBGColor && count($t) == 0) { $this->labelBGColor = ''; $this->labelBorder = ''; } } $this->set_styles(); $graph = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=' . $this->graphPadding . '><tr>'; $graph .= '<td' . ($this->cssGRAPH ? ' style="' . $this->cssGRAPH . '"' : '') . '>'; if($this->legend && $this->type != 'pbar' && $this->type != 'fader') $graph .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>'; if($this->charts > 1) { $divide = ceil($bars / $this->charts); $graph .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6><tr valign=top><td>'; } else $divide = 0; for($i = $sum = $max = $max_neg = $max_dec = $ccnt = $lcnt = $chart = 0; $i < $bars; $i++) { if($divide && $i && !($i % $divide)) { $lcnt = 0; $chart++; } $drv = explode(';', $d[$i]); for($j = $dec = 0; $j < count($drv); $j++) { $val[$chart][$lcnt][$j] = trim(str_replace(',', '.', $drv[$j])); $v = $val[$chart][$lcnt][$j] ? $val[$chart][$lcnt][$j] - $this->baseValue : 0; if($v > $max) $max = $v; else if($v < $max_neg) $max_neg = $v; if($v < 0) $v *= -1; $sum += $v; if(strstr($v, '.')) { $dec = strlen(substr($v, strrpos($v, '.') + 1)); if($dec > $max_dec) $max_dec = $dec; } if(!$bc[$j]) { if($ccnt >= count($this->colors)) $ccnt = 0; $bc[$j] = (!$drc[$j] || strlen($drc[$j]) < 3) ? $this->colors[$ccnt++] : trim($drc[$j]); } } $lcnt++; } $border = (int) $this->barBorder; $mPerc = $sum ? round($max * 100 / $sum) : 0; if($this->type == 'pbar' || $this->type == 'fader') $mul = 2; else $mul = $mPerc ? 100 / $mPerc : 1; $mul *= $this->barLength; if($this->showValues < 2) { if($this->type == 'hbar') $valSpace = ($this->percValuesDecimals * ($this->percValuesSize / 1.6)) + ($this->percValuesSize * 3.2); else $valSpace = $this->percValuesSize * 1.2; } else $valSpace = $this->percValuesSize; $spacer = $maxSize = round($mPerc * $mul + $valSpace + $border * 2); $mPerc_neg = 0; $spacer_neg = 0; if($max_neg) { $mPerc_neg = $sum ? round(-$max_neg * 100 / $sum) : 0; if($mPerc_neg > $mPerc && $this->type != 'pbar' && $this->type != 'fader') { $mul = 100 / $mPerc_neg * $this->barLength; } $spacer_neg = round($mPerc_neg * $mul + $valSpace + $border * 2); $maxSize += $spacer_neg; } $titleLabel = $titleValue = $titleBar = ''; if(count($t) > 0) { $titleLabel = ($t[0] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $t[0]; if($this->showValues == 1 || $this->showValues == 2) { $titleValue = ($t[1] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $t[1]; $titleBar = ($t[2] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $t[2]; } else $titleBar = ($t[1] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $t[1]; } for($chart = $lcnt = 0; $chart < count($val); $chart++) { $graph .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>'; if($this->type == 'hbar') { if(count($t) > 0) $graph .= $this->build_hTitle($titleLabel, $titleValue, $titleBar); for($i = 0; $i < count($val[$chart]); $i++, $lcnt++) { $label = ($lcnt < count($r)) ? trim($r[$lcnt]) : $lcnt+1; $rowspan = count($val[$chart][$i]); $graph .= '<tr><td style="' . $this->cssLABEL . '"' . (($rowspan > 1) ? ' rowspan=' . $rowspan : '') . '>'; $graph .= '&nbsp;'; $graph .= $label; $graph .= '&nbsp;</td>'; for($j = 0; $j < count($val[$chart][$i]); $j++) { $value = $val[$chart][$i][$j] ? $val[$chart][$i][$j] - $this->baseValue : 0; $percent = $sum ? $value * 100 / $sum : 0; $value = $this->number_format($val[$chart][$i][$j], $max_dec); $bColor = $this->level_color($val[$chart][$i][$j], $bc[$j]); if($this->showValues == 1 || $this->showValues == 2) $graph .= $this->build_value($val[$chart][$i][$j], $max_dec, 0, 'right'); $graph .= '<td' . ($this->cssBARBG ? ' style="' . $this->cssBARBG . '"' : '') . ' height=100% width=' . $maxSize . '>'; $graph .= $this->create_hBar($value, $percent, $mPerc, $mPerc_neg, $max_neg, $mul, $valSpace, $bColor, $border, $spacer, $spacer_neg); $graph .= '</td></tr>'; if($j < count($val[$chart][$i]) - 1) $graph .= '<tr>'; } if($this->labelSpace && $i < count($val[$chart])-1) $graph .= '<tr><td colspan=3 height=' . $this->labelSpace . '></td></tr>'; } } else if($this->type == 'vbar') { $graph .= '<tr align=center valign=bottom>'; if($titleBar != '') { $titleBar = str_replace('-', '-<br>', $titleBar); $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '" valign=middle>' . $titleBar . '</td>'; } for($i = 0; $i < count($val[$chart]); $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < count($val[$chart][$i]); $j++) { $value = $val[$chart][$i][$j] ? $val[$chart][$i][$j] - $this->baseValue : 0; $percent = $sum ? $value * 100 / $sum : 0; $value = $this->number_format($val[$chart][$i][$j], $max_dec); $bColor = $this->level_color($val[$chart][$i][$j], $bc[$j]); $graph .= '<td' . ($this->cssBARBG ? ' style="' . $this->cssBARBG . '"' : '') . '>'; $graph .= $this->create_vBar($value, $percent, $mPerc, $mPerc_neg, $max_neg, $mul, $valSpace, $bColor, $border, $spacer, $spacer_neg); $graph .= '</td>'; } if($this->labelSpace) $graph .= '<td width=' . $this->labelSpace . '></td>'; } if($this->showValues == 1 || $this->showValues == 2) { $graph .= '</tr><tr align=center>'; if($titleValue != '') $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '">' . $titleValue . '</td>'; for($i = 0; $i < count($val[$chart]); $i++) { for($j = 0; $j < count($val[$chart][$i]); $j++) { $graph .= $this->build_value($val[$chart][$i][$j], $max_dec); } if($this->labelSpace) $graph .= '<td width=' . $this->labelSpace . '></td>'; } } $graph .= '</tr><tr>'; if($titleLabel != '') $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssTITLE . '">' . $titleLabel . '</td>'; for($i = 0; $i < count($val[$chart]); $i++, $lcnt++) { $label = ($lcnt < count($r)) ? trim($r[$lcnt]) : $lcnt+1; $colspan = count($val[$chart][$i]); $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLABEL . '"' . (($colspan > 1) ? ' colspan=' . $colspan : '') . '>'; $graph .= '&nbsp;'; $graph .= $label; $graph .= '&nbsp;</td>'; if($this->labelSpace) $graph .= '<td width=' . $this->labelSpace . '></td>'; } $graph .= '</tr>'; } else if($this->type == 'pbar' || $this->type == 'fader') { if(count($t) > 0) $graph .= $this->build_hTitle($titleLabel, $titleValue, $titleBar); for($i = 0; $i < count($val[$chart]); $i++, $lcnt++) { $label = ($lcnt < count($r)) ? trim($r[$lcnt]) : ''; $graph .= '<tr>'; if($label) { $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssLABEL . '">'; $graph .= $label; } $sum = (float) $val[$chart][$i][1]; $percent = $sum ? $val[$chart][$i][0] * 100 / $sum : 0; $value = $this->number_format($val[$chart][$i][0], $max_dec); if($this->showValues == 1 || $this->showValues == 2) $graph .= $this->build_value($val[$chart][$i][0], $max_dec, $sum, 'right'); $graph .= '<td' . ($this->cssBARBG ? ' style="' . $this->cssBARBG . '"' : '') . '>'; $this->barColors = $drc[$i] ? trim($drc[$i]) : $this->colors[0]; $bColor = $this->level_color($val[$chart][$i][0], $this->barColors); $graph .= '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>'; if($this->type == 'fader') $graph .= $this->build_fader($value, round($this->barWidth / 2), $this->barWidth, round($percent * $mul), $bColor); else $graph .= $this->build_bar($value, round($percent * $mul), $this->barWidth, $bColor); $graph .= '</td><td width=' . round((100 - $percent) * $mul) . '></td>'; $graph .= '</tr></table></td>'; if($this->showValues < 2) $graph .= '<td style="' . $this->cssPERCVALUES . '" nowrap>&nbsp;' . $this->number_format($percent, $this->percValuesDecimals) . '%</td>'; $graph .= '</tr>'; if($this->labelSpace && $i < count($val[$chart])-1) $graph .= '<td colspan=3 height=' . $this->labelSpace . '></td>'; } } else $graph .= '<tr><td>' . $this->err_type . '</td></tr>'; $graph .= '</table>'; if($chart < $this->charts - 1 && count($val[$chart+1])) { $graph .= '</td>'; if($this->type == 'vbar') $graph .= '</tr><tr valign=top>'; $graph .= '<td>'; } } if($this->charts > 1) $graph .= '</td></tr></table>'; if($this->legend && $this->type != 'pbar' && $this->type != 'fader') { $graph .= '</td><td width=10>&nbsp;</td><td' . ($this->legendAlign ? ' valign=' . $this->legendAlign : '') . '>'; $graph .= $this->build_legend($bc); $graph .= '</td></tr></table>'; } if($this->debug) { $graph .= "<br>sum=$sum max=$max max_neg=$max_neg max_dec=$max_dec "; $graph .= "mPerc=$mPerc mPerc_neg=$mPerc_neg mul=$mul valSpace=$valSpace "; $graph .= "spacer=$spacer spacer_neg=$spacer_neg"; } $graph .= '</td></tr></table>'; return $graph; } function number_format($val, $dec) { $decimal_point = '.'; $thousands_sep = ''; return number_format($val, $dec, $decimal_point, $thousands_sep); } }