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File: vendor/jackbooted/3rdparty/FeedWriter.php

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File: vendor/jackbooted/3rdparty/FeedWriter.php
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<?php // RSS 0.90 Officially obsoleted by 1.0 // RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93 and 0.94 Officially obsoleted by 2.0 // So, define constants for RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and ATOM define( 'RSS1', 'RSS 1.0', true ); define( 'RSS2', 'RSS 2.0', true ); define( 'ATOM', 'ATOM', true ); /** * Univarsel Feed Writer class * * Genarate RSS 1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM Feed * * @package UnivarselFeedWriter * @author Anis uddin Ahmad <> * @link */ class FeedWriter { private $channels = array ( ); // Collection of channel elements private $items = array ( ); // Collection of items as object of FeedItem class. private $data = array ( ); // Store some other version wise data private $CDATAEncoding = array ( ); // The tag names which have to encoded as CDATA private $version = null; /** * Constructor * * @param constant the version constant (RSS1/RSS2/ATOM). */ function __construct ( $version = RSS2 ) { $this->version = $version; // Setting default value for assential channel elements $this->channels['title'] = $version . ' Feed'; $this->channels['link'] = ''; //Tag names to encode in CDATA $this->CDATAEncoding = array ( 'description', 'content:encoded', 'summary' ); } // Start # public functions --------------------------------------------- /** * Set a channel element * @access public * @param srting name of the channel tag * @param string content of the channel tag * @return void */ public function setChannelElement ( $elementName, $content ) { $this->channels[$elementName] = $content; } /** * Set multiple channel elements from an array. Array elements * should be 'channelName' => 'channelContent' format. * * @access public * @param array array of channels * @return void */ public function setChannelElementsFromArray ( $elementArray ) { if ( !is_array( $elementArray ) ) return; foreach ( $elementArray as $elementName => $content ) { $this->setChannelElement( $elementName, $content ); } } /** * Genarate the actual RSS/ATOM file * * @access public * @return void */ public function genarateFeed () { header( "Content-type: text/xml" ); $this->printHead(); $this->printChannels(); $this->printItems(); $this->printTale(); } /** * Create a new FeedItem. * * @access public * @return object instance of FeedItem class */ public function createNewItem () { $Item = new FeedItem( $this->version ); return $Item; } /** * Add a FeedItem to the main class * * @access public * @param object instance of FeedItem class * @return void */ public function addItem ( $feedItem ) { $this->items[] = $feedItem; } // Wrapper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the 'title' channel element * * @access public * @param srting value of 'title' channel tag * @return void */ public function setTitle ( $title ) { $this->setChannelElement( 'title', $title ); } /** * Set the 'description' channel element * * @access public * @param srting value of 'description' channel tag * @return void */ public function setDescription ( $desciption ) { $this->setChannelElement( 'description', $desciption ); } /** * Set the 'link' channel element * * @access public * @param srting value of 'link' channel tag * @return void */ public function setLink ( $link ) { $this->setChannelElement( 'link', $link ); } /** * Set the 'image' channel element * * @access public * @param srting title of image * @param srting link url of the imahe * @param srting path url of the image * @return void */ public function setImage ( $title, $link, $url ) { $this->setChannelElement( 'image', array ( 'title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'url' => $url ) ); } /** * Set the 'about' channel element. Only for RSS 1.0 * * @access public * @param srting value of 'about' channel tag * @return void */ public function setChannelAbout ( $url ) { $this->data['ChannelAbout'] = $url; } /** * Genarates an UUID * @author Anis uddin Ahmad <> * @param string an optional prefix * @return string the formated uuid */ public function uuid ( $key = null, $prefix = '' ) { $key = ($key == null) ? uniqid( rand() ) : $key; $chars = md5( $key ); $uuid = substr( $chars, 0, 8 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 8, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 12, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 16, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 20, 12 ); return $prefix . $uuid; } // End # public functions ---------------------------------------------- // Start # private functions ---------------------------------------------- /** * Prints the xml and rss namespace * * @access private * @return void */ private function printHead () { $out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n"; if ( $this->version == RSS2 ) { $out .= '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" >' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ( $this->version == RSS1 ) { $out .= '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" >' . PHP_EOL; ; } else if ( $this->version == ATOM ) { $out .= '<feed xmlns="">' . PHP_EOL; ; } echo $out; } /** * Closes the open tags at the end of file * * @access private * @return void */ private function printTale () { if ( $this->version == RSS2 ) { echo '</channel>' . PHP_EOL . '</rss>'; } elseif ( $this->version == RSS1 ) { echo '</rdf:RDF>'; } else if ( $this->version == ATOM ) { echo '</feed>'; } } /** * Creates a single node as xml format * * @access private * @param srting name of the tag * @param mixed tag value as string or array of nested tags in 'tagName' => 'tagValue' format * @param array Attributes(if any) in 'attrName' => 'attrValue' format * @return string formatted xml tag */ private function makeNode ( $tagName, $tagContent, $attributes = null ) { $nodeText = ''; $attrText = ''; if ( is_array( $attributes ) ) { foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) { $attrText .= " $key=\"$value\" "; } } if ( is_array( $tagContent ) && $this->version == RSS1 ) { $attrText = ' rdf:parseType="Resource"'; } $attrText .= ( in_array( $tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding ) && $this->version == ATOM) ? ' type="html" ' : ''; $nodeText .= ( in_array( $tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding )) ? "<{$tagName}{$attrText}><![CDATA[" : "<{$tagName}{$attrText}>"; if ( is_array( $tagContent ) ) { foreach ( $tagContent as $key => $value ) { $nodeText .= $this->makeNode( $key, $value ); } } else { $nodeText .= ( in_array( $tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding )) ? $tagContent : htmlentities( $tagContent ); } $nodeText .= ( in_array( $tagName, $this->CDATAEncoding )) ? "]]></$tagName>" : "</$tagName>"; return $nodeText . PHP_EOL; } /** * @desc Print channels * @access private * @return void */ private function printChannels () { //Start channel tag switch ( $this->version ) { case RSS2: echo '<channel>' . PHP_EOL; break; case RSS1: echo (isset( $this->data['ChannelAbout'] )) ? "<channel rdf:about=\"{$this->data['ChannelAbout']}\">" : "<channel rdf:about=\"{$this->channels['link']}\">"; break; } //Print Items of channel foreach ( $this->channels as $key => $value ) { if ( $this->version == ATOM && $key == 'link' ) { // ATOM prints link element as href attribute echo $this->makeNode( $key, '', array ( 'href' => $value ) ); //Add the id for ATOM echo $this->makeNode( 'id', $this->uuid( $value, 'urn:uuid:' ) ); } else { echo $this->makeNode( $key, $value ); } } //RSS 1.0 have special tag <rdf:Seq> with channel if ( $this->version == RSS1 ) { echo "<items>" . PHP_EOL . "<rdf:Seq>" . PHP_EOL; foreach ( $this->items as $item ) { $thisItems = $item->getElements(); echo "<rdf:li resource=\"{$thisItems['link']['content']}\"/>" . PHP_EOL; } echo "</rdf:Seq>" . PHP_EOL . "</items>" . PHP_EOL . "</channel>" . PHP_EOL; } } /** * Prints formatted feed items * * @access private * @return void */ private function printItems () { foreach ( $this->items as $item ) { $thisItems = $item->getElements(); //the argument is printed as rdf:about attribute of item in rss 1.0 echo $this->startItem( $thisItems['link']['content'] ); foreach ( $thisItems as $feedItem ) { echo $this->makeNode( $feedItem['name'], $feedItem['content'], $feedItem['attributes'] ); } echo $this->endItem(); } } /** * Make the starting tag of channels * * @access private * @param srting The vale of about tag which is used for only RSS 1.0 * @return void */ private function startItem ( $about = false ) { if ( $this->version == RSS2 ) { echo '<item>' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ( $this->version == RSS1 ) { if ( $about ) { echo "<item rdf:about=\"$about\">" . PHP_EOL; } else { die( 'link element is not set .\n It\'s required for RSS 1.0 to be used as about attribute of item' ); } } else if ( $this->version == ATOM ) { echo "<entry>" . PHP_EOL; } } /** * Closes feed item tag * * @access private * @return void */ private function endItem () { if ( $this->version == RSS2 || $this->version == RSS1 ) { echo '</item>' . PHP_EOL; } else if ( $this->version == ATOM ) { echo "</entry>" . PHP_EOL; } } // End # private functions ---------------------------------------------- } // end of class FeedWriter /** * Univarsel Feed Writer * * FeedItem class - Used as feed element in FeedWriter class * * @package UnivarselFeedWriter * @author Anis uddin Ahmad <> * @link */ class FeedItem { private $elements = array ( ); //Collection of feed elements private $version; /** * Constructor * * @param contant (RSS1/RSS2/ATOM) RSS2 is default. */ function __construct ( $version = RSS2 ) { $this->version = $version; } /** * Add an element to elements array * * @access public * @param srting The tag name of an element * @param srting The content of tag * @param array Attributes(if any) in 'attrName' => 'attrValue' format * @return void */ public function addElement ( $elementName, $content, $attributes = null ) { $this->elements[$elementName]['name'] = $elementName; $this->elements[$elementName]['content'] = $content; $this->elements[$elementName]['attributes'] = $attributes; } /** * Set multiple feed elements from an array. * Elements which have attributes cannot be added by this method * * @access public * @param array array of elements in 'tagName' => 'tagContent' format. * @return void */ public function addElementArray ( $elementArray ) { if ( !is_array( $elementArray ) ) return; foreach ( $elementArray as $elementName => $content ) { $this->addElement( $elementName, $content ); } } /** * Return the collection of elements in this feed item * * @access public * @return array */ public function getElements () { return $this->elements; } // Wrapper functions ------------------------------------------------------ /** * Set the 'dscription' element of feed item * * @access public * @param string The content of 'description' element * @return void */ public function setDescription ( $description ) { $tag = ($this->version == ATOM) ? 'summary' : 'description'; $this->addElement( $tag, $description ); } /** * @desc Set the 'title' element of feed item * @access public * @param string The content of 'title' element * @return void */ public function setTitle ( $title ) { $this->addElement( 'title', $title ); } /** * Set the 'date' element of feed item * * @access public * @param string The content of 'date' element * @return void */ public function setDate ( $date ) { if ( !is_numeric( $date ) ) { $date = strtotime( $date ); } if ( $this->version == ATOM ) { $tag = 'updated'; $value = date( DATE_ATOM, $date ); } elseif ( $this->version == RSS2 ) { $tag = 'pubDate'; $value = date( DATE_RSS, $date ); } else { $tag = 'dc:date'; $value = date( "Y-m-d", $date ); } $this->addElement( $tag, $value ); } /** * Set the 'link' element of feed item * * @access public * @param string The content of 'link' element * @return void */ public function setLink ( $link ) { if ( $this->version == RSS2 || $this->version == RSS1 ) { $this->addElement( 'link', $link ); } else { $this->addElement( 'link', '', array ( 'href' => $link ) ); $this->addElement( 'id', FeedWriter::uuid( $link, 'urn:uuid:' ) ); } } /** * Set the 'encloser' element of feed item * For RSS 2.0 only * * @access public * @param string The url attribute of encloser tag * @param string The length attribute of encloser tag * @param string The type attribute of encloser tag * @return void */ public function setEncloser ( $url, $length, $type ) { $attributes = array ( 'url' => $url, 'length' => $length, 'type' => $type ); $this->addElement( 'enclosure', '', $attributes ); } }