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File: config.default.php

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  Classes of Brett Dutton   JackBooted PHP Framework   config.default.php   Download  
File: config.default.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
Web application framework using simplified MVC
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,760 bytes


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 * Don't change this file
$config['version'] = 'JACKBOOTWEB Version 12.0';
$config['debug'] = ! isset ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) || strpos ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'local' ) !== false;
$config['quercus'] = isset ( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) && preg_match ( '/^.*Quercus.*$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] );
$config['FireBug'] = false;
$config['cookie_path'] = '/';
$config['LF'] = "\r\n";

// Pick up the current server config
$config['site_path'] = dirname ( __FILE__ );
$config['tmp_path'] = $config['site_path'] . '/_private';
$config['class_path'] = [ $config['site_path'] . '/vendor', $config['site_path'] . '/app' ];

$config['server'] = ( isset ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'cli.local';
$config['site_url'] = 'http://' . $config['server'];
$config['js_url'] = $config['site_url'] . '/js';
$config['images_url'] = $config['site_url'] . '/images';
$config['favicon'] = $config['site_url'] . '/favicon.ico';

$config['local-driver'] = 'sqlite';
$config['local-host'] = $config['tmp_path'] . '/jackbooted.sqlite';
$config['local-db'] = '';
$config['local-user'] = '';
$config['local-pass'] = '';

$config['boss'] = '';
$config['mail.smtp'] = '';
$config['desc'] = 'Jackbooted Example Site';
$config['title'] = 'Jackbooted Example Site Title';

$config['check_priviliages'] = true; // If true checks all actions agains privilages tables
$config['encrypt_override'] = false; // If this is set to true, the system does not do encryption
$config['maintenance'] = false; // If this is set to true the system redirects to the maintenance.php page
$config['save_cookies'] = true; // If true then the username, and password are saved in cookies user will have to login more often, but less secure
$config['jb_error_mode'] = true; // If true then errors will be set to E_ALL | E_STRICT and display errors. Good for debugging
$config['jb_self_register'] = false; // If true then guest user will be able to create account
$config['jb_forgery_check'] = true; // If true system will check for URL and form variable tampering
$config['jb_tamper_detail'] = true; // If true there will be more details about Tampering violations
$config['jb_audit_tables'] = false; // If true all models will audit the tables to ensure they exist.
$config['jb_db'] = true; // If this is standard Jackbooted database then the tables are of a vertain format

$config['timezone'] = 'UTC';
$config['known'] = [ ]; //TamperGuard Variables. Variables that add to Tamperguard that are not checked
$config['exempt'] = [ 'cron.php', 'menu.php' ]; // List of files that are not checked

// Jackbooted checks for Timeout of URL, also checks for tampering. These variables must
// exist in the url or form variables
// The list below are the scripts that are exempt from checking.
$config['exempt'] = [ 'cron.php', 'router.php' ]; // List of files that are not checked

$config['crypto_key'] = 'PredefinedEncryptionKeyhgfqf786w7676wedw'; // This key is shuffled around and put into the session
                                                                           // Which is then used for encrypting form variables
                                                                           // You probably should not use this in your app as changing it
                                                                           // will break anything that uses it. eg save encryption to DB
                                                                           // and then change will not be able to unencrypt