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File: examples/blog/app/controllers/user.php

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File: examples/blog/app/controllers/user.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Skeleton Framework
Extensive Web application development framework
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<?php #include_once 'A/User/Session.php'; #include_once 'A/Model/Form.php'; class user extends A_Controller_Action { public function login($locator) { $session = $locator->get('Session'); $user = $locator->get('UserSession'); $session->start(); // controller and view use session $session->set('foo', 'bar'); $form = new A_Model_Form(); $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('username'); $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('username', 'Username required')); $form->addField($field); $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('password'); $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('password', 'Password required')); $form->addField($field); $errmsg = ''; // If username and password valid and isPost if($form->isValid($this->request)){ $model = $this->_load('app')->model('users', $locator->get('Db')); $userdata = $model->login($form->get('username'), $form->get('password') ); if ($userdata) { // user record matching userid and password found unset($userdata['password']); // don't save passwords in the session $user->login($userdata); $this->_redirect($locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/login/'); // build redirect URL back to this page } else { $errmsg = $model->loginErrorMsg(); } } elseif($form->isSubmitted()){ // submitted form has errors $errmsg = $form->getErrorMsg(', '); } $template = $this->_load()->template('user/login'); $template->set('errmsg', $errmsg); $template->set('username', $form->get('username')); $template->set('user', $user); $this->response->set('maincontent', $template); } public function logout($locator) { $session = $locator->get('Session'); $user = $locator->get('UserSession'); $session->start(); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { // user record matching userid and password found $user->logout(); } $this->_redirect($locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/login/'); // build redirect URL back to this page } public function register($locator){ $session = $locator->get('Session'); $user = $locator->get('UserSession'); $session->start(); $request = $this->request; $messages = array(); if($request->isPost()){ $usermodel = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); $usermodel->addRule(new A_Rule_Match('passwordagain', 'password', 'Fields password and passwordagain do not match')); $usermodel->addRule(new A_Rule_Regexp('/agree/', 'tos', 'Dont agree with the terms of service?'), 'tos'); // Inlcude only rules for these fields $usermodel->includeRules(array('username', 'password', 'passwordagain', 'email', 'tos')); if(!$usermodel->isValid($request)) { $messages[] = $usermodel->getErrorMsg("</li>\n<li>"); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/registerForm', array('messages' => $messages)); } else { if($usermodel->isUsernameAvailable($request->get('username'))) { if($usermodel->isEmailAvailable($request->get('email'))) { // Create activation key $actkey = $usermodel->createActivationkey(); // Insert user data in db $usermodel->insertUser( $request->get('username'), $request->get('password'), $request->get('email'), $actkey ); // Send confirmation email $activationlink = $locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/activate?id=' . $actkey; $this->mailActivationMessage($request->get('email'), $activationlink); // Get Template SuccesfulRegistration $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/success', array( 'email'=>$request->get('email'))); } else { // Another account for this email adress exists, get Template email adress already in database $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/emailTakenForm'); } } else { if($usermodel->usernameMatchesEmail($request->get('username'), $request->get('email'))) { if($usermodel->isAccountActivated($request->get('username'), $request->get('email'))) { if($usermodel->isPasswordCorrect($request->get('username'), $request->get('password'), $locator->get('Config')->get('SITESALT'))) { // Login the user $usermodel->login($request->get('username'), $request->get('password')); // Get Template you have been logged in $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/signedin'); } else { // Password was wrong. Get Template LoginForm $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/loginForm'); } } else { // Get Template AccountNotYetActivated $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/activate'); } } else { // Get Template username already taken $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/usernameUnavailable',array('username'=> $request->get('username'))); } } } } else { // Show registration form $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/register/registerForm'); } } private function mailActivationMessage($email, $activationlink){ $subject = 'Registration at this app'; $message = 'Thanks for registering, ' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Please click the following link to activate your account' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Click this: ' . $activationlink . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Thanks.'; $from = 'From: skeleton blog'; mail($email, $subject, $message, $from); } public function activate($locator){ // get the activation key $activationkey = $this->request->get('id'); $model = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); $model->activate($activationkey); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/activate', array('errmsg' => $model->getErrorMsg(' '))); } public function password($locator){ $session = $locator->get('Session'); $user = $locator->get('UserSession'); $session->start(); $request = $this->request; $errmsg = ''; $form = new A_Model_Form(); $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('email'); //$field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('email', 'Please fill in your email address.')); $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Email('email', 'Please provide a valid email address.')); $form->addField($field); // @todo: should we check in db if filled in username even exists //$model = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); $usermodel = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); if($request->isPost()){ // If password forgot form is posted and is valid if($form->isValid($this->request)){ // Retrieve email from user model and send email with istructions $userdata = $usermodel->findByEmail($request->get('email')); if(empty($userdata)){ // no userdata exists with this email address $this->mailResetPasswordAttemptMessage($request->get('email')); } else { // userdata for this email adress exist // Create unique reset key $resetkey = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // insert reset key in db $usermodel->insertResetkey($resetkey, $userdata['id']); // send email with link and reset key $resetlink = $locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/resetpassword?id=' . $resetkey; $this->mailResetPasswordMessage($request->get('email'), $userdata['username'], $resetlink); } // Show page with instructions $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password-instructions-send'); } elseif($form->isSubmitted()){ // submitted form has errors $errmsg = $form->getErrorMsg(' '); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password', array('errmsg' => $errmsg )); } } else { // Show password forgot page and form $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password'); } } private function mailResetPasswordAttemptMessage($email){ $subject = 'Account access attempted'; $message = 'You (or someone else) entered this email address when trying to change the password of a Skeleton app account.'. "\n\r"; $message .= 'However, this email address is not in our database of registered users and therefore the attempted password change has failed' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'If you are a Skeleton app member and were expecting this email, please try again using the email address you gave when registering your account.' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'If you are not a Skeleton app member, please ignore this email.' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'For information about Skeleton app, please visit skeleton app dot com.'. "\n\r"; $message .= 'Thanks.' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Skeleton app support team'; $from = 'From: skeleton blog'; return mail($email, $subject, $message, $from); } private function mailResetPasswordMessage($email, $username, $resetlink){ $subject = 'Reset your password'; $message = 'Hi, ' . $username . "\n\r"; $message .= 'You (or someone else) entered this email address when trying to change the password of a Skeleton app account.'. "\n\r"; $message .= 'If you are the one who tried to reset your password, please click the following link to reset your password' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Click this: ' . $resetlink . "\n\r"; $message .= 'If you did not fill in your email address, please ignore this email.' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Thanks.' . "\n\r"; $message .= 'Skeleton app support team'; $from = 'From: skeleton blog'; return mail($email, $subject, $message, $from); } public function resetpassword($locator) { // get the reset key $resetkey = $this->request->get('id'); // Load usermodel $usersmodel = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); // Check if resetkey is valid $result = $usersmodel->findResetkey($resetkey); if($result === true){ // Show a form with which a user can reset his password $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/resetpasswordform', array('resetkey'=>$resetkey)); } else { // invalid key provided $errorMsg = 'Sorry that\'s not a valid reset key'; // Show a page with an error message $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/resetpassworderror', array('errmsg' => $errorMsg)); } } public function setpassword($locator){ $request = $this->request; $usermodel = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); $form = new A_Model_Form(); $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('password'); $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('password', 'Please fill in the password.')); $field2 = new A_Model_Form_Field('passwordagain'); $field2->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('passwordagain', 'Please fill in the passwordagain.')); $form->addRule(new A_Rule_Match('passwordagain', 'password', 'Fields password and passwordagain do not match')); $form->addField($field); $form->addField($field2); if($request->isPost()){ $resetkey = $request->get('resetkey'); if($form->isValid($this->request)){ $resetkey = $request->get('resetkey'); $result = $usermodel->findResetkey($resetkey); if($result === true){ $usermodel->resetPassword($request->get('password'), $resetkey); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/resetpasswordsuccess'); } else { $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/resetpassworderror', array('message'=>'reset failed')); } } else { $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/resetpasswordform', array('message'=>'reset form invalid', 'resetkey'=>$resetkey)); } } } public function profile($locator){ $session = $locator->get('Session'); $user = $locator->get('UserSession'); $session->start(); $messages = array(); $request = $this->request; // If user is not signed in don't show profile page but redirect to login? if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { $this->_redirect($locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/login/'); // build redirect URL back to this page } // To show the profile we need the model $model = $this->_load('app')->model('users'); $userdata = $model->find($user->get('id')); if($request->isPost()){ $model->includeRules(array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email')); if(!$model->isValid($request)){ $messages[] = $model->getErrorMsg("</li>\n<li>"); $data = array( 'firstname' => $request->get('firstname'), 'lastname' => $request->get('lastname'), 'email' => $request->get('email') ); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/profile', array( 'messages' => $messages, 'data'=>$data )); } else { $data = array( 'firstname' => $model->get('firstname'), 'lastname' => $model->get('lastname'), 'email' => $model->get('email') ); $user_id = $user->get('id'); $model->updateUser($data, $user_id); $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/profile', array( 'messages' => $messages, 'data'=>$data )); } } else { $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/profile', array( 'messages' => $messages, 'data' => $userdata )); } } }