#require_once 'A/Controller/Action/Dispatch.php';
#include_once 'A/Model/Form.php';
#require_once 'A/Rule/Set.php';
#require_once 'A/Filter/Set.php';
#require_once 'A/Html/Form.php';
#require_once 'A/Filter/Alnum.php';
#require_once 'A/Filter/Digit.php';
#require_once 'A/Filter/Trim.php';
#require_once 'A/Rule/Digit.php';
#equire_once 'A/Rule/Inarray.php';
#require_once 'A/Rule/Length.php';
#require_once 'A/Rule/Match.php';
class MyRules extends A_Rule_Set {
public function init() {
$this->addRule(new A_Rule_Length(5, 9, '', 'Please provide a five or nine digit zip code'), array('zip_home', 'zip_work'));
$this->addRule(new A_Rule_Digit('', 'Please provide a valid phone number'), array('zip_home', 'zip_work'));
$this->addRule(new A_Rule_Inarray(array('male', 'female'), '', 'You have selected an invalid choice'), array('gender'));
// same goes for filter sets
class MyFilters extends A_Filter_Set {
public function init() {
$this->addFilter(new A_Filter_Trim()); // apply to all
$this->addFilter(new A_Filter_Digit(), array('zip_home', 'zip_work', 'phone_home', 'phone_work')); // apply to only the elements in the array
$this->addFilter(new A_Filter_Alnum(true), array('', 'zip_work')); // atomic rules / filters like arborint argues are superior (I happen to agree) - passing true means allowWhiteSpace
class Form4 extends A_Controller_Action_Dispatch {
function index($locator) {
$model = $this->_load()->model('Users');
$form = new A_Model_Form();
# $input->setRequired($model->getRequired()); // get required fields from model
# $input->addRule(new AddressRules); // modularity!
# $input->addRule(new PhoneRules); // modularity!
$form->addRule($model->getRules()); // modularity!
// Now add an additional field, the second password field. Which must match the first password field.
// The $form get the Rules for the first password field from $usersmodel
$form->addField($passwordfield = new A_Model_Form_Field('password2'));
// now we add an additional rule, specific for the form we are dealing with.
$form->addRule(new A_Rule_Match('password', 'password2', 'Password 2 must match Password 1'));
// $form->addRule(new MyRules);
// $form->addFilter(new MyFilters);dump($form);
$view = $this->_load()->view('Form4');
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($this->request)) {
try {
// redirect to user detail page or whatever
} catch (A_Model_Exception $e) {
// bummer!
} else {
echo $view->render();