// Just for debugging
function dump($var='', $name='') {
static $output = '';
if ($var) {
# echo '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;width:900px;background:#fff;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:10px;"';
$output .= '<div style="clear:both;background:#fff;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:10px;">';
$output .= $name . '<pre>' . print_r($var, 1) . '</pre>';
$output .= '</div>';
} else {
echo $output;
// Basic config data
$file_path = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
$url_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/');
if ($url_path == '\\') {
$url_path = ''; // fix on Windows
$ConfigArray = array(
'BASE' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $url_path . '/',
'PATH' => $file_path . '/',
'APP' => $file_path . '/app',
'LIB' => $file_path . '/../../', // will be $file_path . '/library'
// Configure PHP include path
set_include_path($ConfigArray['LIB'] . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
// Init autoload using Locator
require_once $ConfigArray['LIB'] . 'A/Locator.php';
$Locator = new A_Locator();
// Load application config data
$Config = new A_Config_Ini('config/example.ini', 'production');
// import base config array into config object
// Create HTTP Request object
$Request = new A_Http_Request();
// Create HTTP Response object and set default template and valuesS
$Response = new A_Http_Response();
$Response->setTemplate('mainlayout', 'module');
$Response->set('BASE', $ConfigArray['BASE']);
$Response->set('title', 'Default Title');
$Response->set('maincontent', 'Default main content set in index.php. If you can see this then none of your controllers gave a value to maincontent or, more likely, you put in a url for which no module/controller/action could be found. I think you should be looking at a 404 page here.');
// Start Sessions
$Session = new A_Session();
$UserSession = new A_User_Session($Session);
// Add common objects to registry
$Locator->set('Config', $Config);
$Locator->set('Request', $Request);
$Locator->set('Response', $Response);
$Locator->set('Session', $Session);
$Locator->set('UserSession', $UserSession);
// Create router and have it modify request
$map = array(
'' => array(
'blog' => array(
'' => array(
'admin' => array(
'' => array(
$Pathinfo = new A_Http_Pathinfo($map);
// Create mapper with base application path and default action
$Mapper = new A_Controller_Mapper($Config->get('APP'), array('', 'index', 'index'));
// Create and run FC with error action
$Controller = new A_Controller_Front($Mapper, array('', 'error', 'index'));
$Controller->addPreFilter(new A_User_Prefilter_Group($Session));
// Finally, display
echo $Response->render();
echo '<div style="clear:both;"><b>Included files:</b><pre>' . implode(get_included_files(), "\n") . '</pre></div>';