#Section 1: DATABASE
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DATABASE_TYPE'] = 'mysql'; //PDO supported DBMS Types (for now only MySql supported)
#Section 1.1: Connection data
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DB_DATABASE'] = 'sql28591'; //DB Name
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DB_PASSWORD'] = 'pL8!iY8!'; //MySql password
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DB_SERVER'] = 'sql2.freesqldatabase.com'; //MySql server
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DB_USERNAME'] = 'sql28591'; //MySql user
#Section 1.2: Table and columns name
$_MYSESSION_CONF['TB_NAME_SESSION'] = 'mySession_Sessions'; //Table name
$_MYSESSION_CONF['SID'] = 'sid';
$_MYSESSION_CONF['EXP'] = 'expires';
$_MYSESSION_CONF['FEXP'] = 'forced_expires';
$_MYSESSION_CONF['UA'] = 'ua';
$_MYSESSION_CONF['TB_NAME_VALUE'] = 'mySession_Vars'; //Table name
$_MYSESSION_CONF['NAME'] = 'name';
$_MYSESSION_CONF['VALUE'] = 'value';
#Section 2.1: General configuration
$_MYSESSION_CONF['OVERWRITE_PHP_FUNCTION'] = 1; //the class overwrite php session function
$_MYSESSION_CONF['SID_LEN'] = 32; //session_id chars length
$_MYSESSION_CONF['DURATION'] = 1800; //Session duration (seconds) - Session will expires if no reload was made in this period
$_MYSESSION_CONF['MAX_DURATION'] = 3600; //Max session duration (seconds) - Session will expires after this time interval - 0 if no forced expired needed
$_MYSESSION_CONF['SESSION_VAR_NAME']= 'MYPHPSESSID'; //Session variable name - You will use this name to propagate session (like PHPSESSID)
#Section 2.2: Cookie
$_MYSESSION_CONF['USE_COOKIE'] = 1; //Use cookie to propagate session. If yes you do not need to put the session vars in the URL or POST.
//1 to use cookie, 0 do not use cookie
#Section 2.3: Cripto
$_MYSESSION_CONF['CRIPT'] = 1; //Use AES cryptography to store session vars - 1 to encrypt data - 0 to use plain data
$_MYSESSION_CONF['CRIPT_KEY'] = "god"; //Encrypt Key: The strongest key that your mind can think. You do not need to remember it!!!
#Section 2.4: Hijacking Prevention
$_MYSESSION_CONF['ENABLE_ANTI_HIJACKING'] = 1; //Use UserAgent check to prevent Hijacking
$_MYSESSION_CONF['ANTI_HIJACKING_SALT'] = "antiHijack"; //The salt used to adding more security to the UserAgent check