* ShoutcastInfo Class
* -------------------
* begin : Wednesday, Aug 18, 2004 - 4:12
* copyright : (C) 2004 MC Breit
* email : support@mcb.cc - MCB.CC - Free and Open Sources
* last modified : 18/08/04 - 06:26 - MC Breit
* version : 0.0.2
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
// Begin ShoutcastInfo class.
class ShoutcastInfo
// Begin of class variables
* @var $sock
* contains the socket handler.
var $sock = FALSE;
* @var $error
* saves errorstr and numbers as array(no,str)
var $error = array(NULL, NULL);
* @var $host
* contains the hostname for shoutcast server
var $hostname = NULL;
* @var $port
* contains the port used for connection
var $port = NULL;
* @var $timeout
* the timeout for connection
var $timeout = NULL;
* @var $parsed
* is true when datas where parsed
var $parsed = FALSE;
* @var $datas
* contains the unparsed datas
var $datas = NULL;
* @var $pdatas
* assitioative array of parsed datas
var $pdatas = NULL;
// Begin of class functions
* object ShoutcastInfo(string hostname [, int port [, int timeout])
* Crates an new Shoutcast Object. (Is the Class Creator)
function ShoutcastInfo($hostname, $port=8888, $timeout=30)
$this->hostname = $hostname;
$this->port = $port;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
} // ShoutcastInfo()
// Begin of socket and connection functions
* bool connect( void )
* creates server connection, returns true on success, else retruns false.
function connect()
if( !$this->sock )
$this->sock = fsockopen($this->hostname, $this->port, $this->error[0] , $this->error[1], $this->timeout);
//Check connection
if( $this->sock )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // connect()
* bool close( void )
* closes current connection
function close()
if( $this->sock )
} // close()
* bool refresh( void )
* closes connection and opens it again to get new datas.
* parsed datas will not replaced, but parsing will be
* able again.
function refresh()
$this->sock = NULL;
if( !$this->connect() )
return FALSE;
$this->parsed = FALSE;
return TRUE;
} // refresh()
* void send( void )
* Sends http header and recives datas from server
function send()
if( $this->sock )
//Send HTTP Header
fputs($this->sock, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n"
."User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ShoutCastInfoClass/0.0.2; ".PHP_OS.")\r\n"
//Get datas
$this->datas = NULL;
while( !feof($this->sock) )
$this->datas .= fgets($this->sock, 128);
} // send()
* mixed error( [bool return])
* if return is true it will return a error message,
* else it will print it out (HTML Formatted!).
function error($return=FALSE)
if( $return == FALSE )
print "<br><b>Error:</b> {$this->error[1]} (<i>{$this->error[0]}</i>)<br>";
return "{$this->error[1]} ({$this->error[0]})";
// Begin of public functions
* bool get_stat( void )
* Checks that stream will be up and private/public.
function get_stat()
if( strstr($this->datas, 'Server is currently up and') )
$this->pdatas['status'] = 1;
return TRUE;
$this->pdatas['status'] = 0;
return FALSE;
} // get_stat()
* integer get_listener( void )
* returns and resets the number of accutal listener.
function get_listener()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['listener'] = 0;
return 0;
$this->pdatas['listener_max'] = explode('kbps with <B>', $this->datas);
$this->pdatas['listener'] = explode(' of ', $this->pdatas['listener_max'][1]);
$this->pdatas['listener_max'] = $this->pdatas['listener'][1];
$this->pdatas['listener'] = $this->pdatas['listener'][0];
$this->pdatas['listener_max'] = explode(' l', $this->pdatas['listener_max']);
$this->pdatas['listener_max'] = $this->pdatas['listener_max'][0];
return $this->pdatas['listener'];
} // get_listener()
* integer get_peak( void )
* returns the listener peak from stream and resets it.
function get_peak()
$this->pdatas['peak'] = $this->_extract_datas('Listener Peak: </font></td><td><font class=default><b>');
return $this->pdatas['peak'];
} // get_peak()
* string get_title( void )
* returns and resetts the actual moderator/dj/stream_title at stream.
function get_title()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['title'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['title'] = $this->_extract_datas('Stream Title: </font></td><td><font class=default><b>');
return $this->pdatas['title'];
} // get_title()
* string get_content_type( void )
* returns and resetts the actual ContentType at stream.
function get_content_type()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['content_type'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['content_type'] = $this->_extract_datas('Content Type: </font></td><td><font class=default><b>');
return $this->pdatas['content_type'];
} // get_content_type()
* string get_genre( void )
* returns and resetts the actual Stream Genre.
function get_genre()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['genre'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['genre'] = $this->_extract_datas('Stream Genre: </font></td><td><font class=default><b>');
return $this->pdatas['genre'];
} // get_genre()
* string get_url( void )
* returns and resetts the actual Stream URL.
function get_url()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['url'] = 'none';
return 'none';
$this->pdatas['url'] = $this->_extract_datas('Stream URL: </font></td><td><font class=default><b><a href="', '"');
return $this->pdatas['url'];
} // get_url()
* string get_icq( void )
* returns and resetts the actual Stream ICQ.
function get_icq()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['icq'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['icq'] = $this->_extract_datas('ICQ: </font></td><td><font class=default><b><a href="http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/contact.dll?msgto=', '"');
//ICQ is aviable?
$this->pdatas['icq'] = ( $this->pdatas['icq'] == 'NA' ) ? FALSE : $this->pdatas['icq'];
return $this->pdatas['icq'];
} // get_icq()
* string get_aim( void )
* returns and resetts the actual Stream AIM.
function get_aim()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['aim'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['aim'] = $this->_extract_datas('AIM: </font></td><td><font class=default><b><a href="aim:goim?screenname=', '"');
//AIM is aviable?
$this->pdatas['aim'] = ( $this->pdatas['aim'] == 'NA' ) ? FALSE : $this->pdatas['aim'];
return $this->pdatas['aim'];
} // get_aim()
* string get_irc( void )
* returns and resetts the actual Stream IRC.
* Note: This often is not a valid form of URL!
function get_irc()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['irc'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['irc'] = $this->_extract_datas('Stream IRC: </font></td><td><font class=default><b><a href="');
$this->pdatas['irc'] = strstr($this->pdatas['irc'], '">');
$this->pdatas['irc'] = substr($this->pdatas['irc'], 2);
return $this->pdatas['irc'];
} // get_irc()
* string get_track( void )
* returns and resetts the current track informations.
function get_track()
//Is stream up?
if( $this->pdatas['status'] == 0 )
$this->pdatas['track'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$this->pdatas['track'] = $this->_extract_datas('Current Song: </font></td><td><font class=default><b>');
return $this->pdatas['track'];
} // get_track()
* array parse( void )
* get all the items aviable and return an assoc array.
* Note: Use this only if you need ALL the informations!
function parse()
if( $this->parsed != TRUE )
//get all single infos
//set parsed stat
$this->parsed = TRUE;
return $this->pdatas;
} // parse()
* mixed get_parsed_value( string key )
* Sucht aus dem geparsten array einen wert herraus und gibt ihn zurück
* wenn er noch nicht gesetzt ist wird NULL zurückgegeben.
function get_parsed_value($key)
return ( isset($this->pdatas[$key]) ) ? $this->pdatas[$key] : FALSE;
} // get_parsed_value()
// Begin private functions
* private mixed _extract_datas(string match_str [, string ending])
* extracts and returns datas after an match_string and before net html tag or ending.
function _extract_datas($match_str, $ending='<')
$datas = strstr($this->datas, $match_str);
//remove match_str because strstr starts before..
$datas = str_replace($match_str, '', $datas);
//split text after ending mark and throw all away isnt needed.
$datas = explode($ending, $datas);
return $datas[0];
} // _extract_datas()
} // ShoutcastInfo class
// Thats it folks!