Simple Yet Powerful PHP Caching Class
More information at
One Class uses for All Cache. You don't need to rewrite your code many times again.
Supported: SSDB, Redis, Predis, Cookie, Files, MemCache, MemCached, APC, WinCache, X-Cache, PDO with SQLite
Not a "Traditional" Caching
phpFastCache is not a traditional caching method which is keep read and write to files, sqlite or mass connections to memcache, redis, mongodb... phpFastCache use my unique caching method.
When you use Files, and Sqlite, I am guarantee you still can get fast speed almost like memcache & redis for sure. Also, when you use Memcache / Memcached, your miss hits will be reduce.
Different with normal caching methods which shared everywhere on internet, phpFastCache Lib reduce the high I/O load, and faster than traditional caching method at least x7 - 10 times.
However, some time you still want to use traditional caching, we support them too.
use phpFastCache\CacheManager;
// Default value: is "phpfastcache" (fastest), you can change to "normal" or "memory" (fast)
// Recommend: use phpfastcache to reduce files I/O & CPU Load, Memcached missing hits, and make redis and other connections become faster.
// If you get any error due to Server / Hosting, try to change to "memory" , act almost same way as "phpfastcache" but slower a little bit
// In bad situation, use "normal" as traditional caching method
Reduce Database Calls
Your website have 10,000 visitors who are online, and your dynamic page have to send 10,000 same queries to database on every page load.
With phpFastCache, your page only send 1 query to DB, and use the cache to serve 9,999 other visitors.
Rich Development API
phpFastCache offers you a lot of usefull APIS:
get($keyword) // The getter, obviously, return your cache object
set($keyword, $something_your_want_to_cache, $time_as_second = 0) // The setter, for those who missed it, put 0 meant cache it forever
delete($keyword) // For removing a cached thing
clean() // Allow you to completely empty the cache and restart from the beginning
touch($keyword, $time_you_want_to_extend) // Allow you to extends the lifetime of an entry without altering the value
increment($keyword, $step = 1) // For integer that we can count on
decrement($keyword, $step = 1) // Redundant joke...
search($string_or_regex, $search_in_value = false | true) // Allow you to perform some search on the cache index
isExisting($keyword) // Check if your cache entry exists, it is the equivalent of isset()
stats() // Return the cache statistics, useful for checking disk space used by the cache etc.
Also support Multiple calls, Tagging, Setup Folder for caching. Look at our examples folders.
As Fast To Implement As Opening a Beer
:thumbsup: Step 1: Include phpFastCache in your project with composer:
composer require phpFastCache/phpFastCache
:construction: Step 2: Setup your website code to implements phpFastCache bits (With Composer)
use phpFastCache\CacheManager;
// require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');
$cache = CacheManager::Files();
// $cache = CacheManager::Memcached();
// phpFastCache supported: SSDB, Redis, Predis, Cookie, Files, MemCache, MemCached, APC, WinCache, XCache, SQLite
// $cache = CacheManager::getInstance("auto", $config);
// $cache = CacheManager::getInstance("memcached", $server_config);
* Try to get $products from Caching First
* product_page is "identity keyword";
$key = "product_page";
$products = $cache->get($key);
if (is_null($products)) {
// Write products to Cache in 10 minutes with same keyword
$cache->set($key, $products, 600);
echo " --> NO CACHE ---> DB | Func | API RUN FIRST TIME ---> ";
} else {
echo " --> USE CACHE --> SERV 10,000+ Visitors FROM CACHE ---> ";
* use your products here or return it;
echo $products;
:floppy_disk: Legacy / Lazy Method (Without Composer)
// In your config files
// require_once ('phpFastCache/src/autoload.php');
use phpFastCache\CacheManager;
// $cache = $cache = CacheManager::Files();
// $cache = phpFastCache();
// $cache = phpFastCache("files");
// $cache = phpFastCache("memcached");
* Try to get $products from Caching First
* product_page is "identity keyword";
$key = "product_page";
// $products = $cache->get($key);
$products = CacheManager::get($key);
// CacheManager::set() , ::touch ::increment ::search ..etc, work same way without create new instance
// yet it's the same as autoload
:zap: Step 3: Enjoy ! Your website is now faster than flash !
For curious developpers, there is a lot of others available examples here.
:boom: phpFastCache support
Found an issue or had an idea ? Come here here and let you know !