* Add the <head> files if it's not the install page
* Left Menu
\Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyHome", array(
"text" => "Home",
"href" => L_URL,
"position" => "left"
$adminArray = array(
"text" => "Admin",
"href" => "/admin",
"position" => "left"
$adminArray["subItems"] = array(
"app_manager" => array(
"text" => "Apps",
"href" => "/admin/apps.php"
"lobby_store" => array(
"text" => "Lobby Store",
"href" => "/admin/lobby-store.php",
"about" => array(
"text" => "Settings",
"href" => "/admin/settings.php"
\Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyAdmin", $adminArray);
require_once L_DIR . "/includes/src/Update.php";
$l_info = json_decode(\Lobby\FS::get("/lobby.json"));
if($lobby_version != $l_info->version){
Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version", $l_info->version);
Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release", $l_info->released);
* Add Admin Pages' stylesheet, script
\Assets::js("admin", "/admin/js/admin.js");
* Add Left Panel items
\Lobby\UI\Panel::addLeftItem("lobby-link", array(
"html" => "<a target='_blank' href='http://lobby.subinsb.com'>Lobby ". \Lobby::getVersion(true) ."</a>"
$links = array(
"/admin/index.php" => "Dashboard",
"/admin/apps.php" => "Apps",
"/admin/lobby-store.php" => "Lobby Store",
"/admin/settings.php" => "Settings",
"/admin/modules.php" => "Modules",
"/admin/update.php" => "Updates"
$links = Hooks::applyFilters("admin.view.sidebar", $links);
$curPage = \Lobby::curPage();
foreach($links as $link => $text){
\Lobby\UI\Panel::addLeftItem("admin-nav-" . strtolower($text), array(
"text" => $text,
"href" => $link,
"class" => (substr($curPage, 0, strlen($link)) === $link || ($curPage == "/admin/install-app.php" && $text == "Apps")) ? "active" : null
* Check For New Versions (Apps & Core)
if(\Lobby::getConfig('server_check') === true && !isset($_SESSION['checkedForLatestVersion'])){
$_SESSION['checkedForLatestVersion'] = 1;
* Insert Lobby Info to JS Files
\Hooks::addAction("head.begin,admin.head.begin", function(){
window.tmp = {};
window.lobbyExtra = {
url: "<?php echo L_URL;?>",
csrfToken: "<?php echo CSRF::get();?>",
sysInfo: {
os: "<?php echo \Lobby::getSysInfo("os");?>"
echo 'window.lobbyExtra["app"] = {
id: "'. \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("id") .'",
url: "'. \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("url") .'",
src: "'. \Lobby\Apps::getInfo("srcURL") .'"