use Lobby\Need;
use Lobby\Update;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="workspace">
<div class="contents">
<p>Lobby and apps can be updated automatically.</p>
<a class='btn blue' href='check-updates.php'>Check For Updates</a>
<a href="<?php echo L_SERVER;?>/docs/update" target="_blank" class="btn pink">Help</a>
$action = Request::postParam("action");
$step = Request::get("step");
if($action === null && $step === null){
Welcome To The Lobby Update Page. A latest version is available for you to upgrade.
Latest Version is <?php echo Lobby\DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version");?> released on <?php echo date( "jS F Y", strtotime(Lobby\DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version_release")) );?>
<p style="margin: 10px 0;">
Lobby will automatically download the latest version and install. In case something happens, Lobby will not be accessible anymore.<cl/>
So backup your database and Lobby installation before you do anything.
<div clear></div>
<a class="btn green" href="backup-db.php">Export Lobby Database</a>
<a class="btn blue" href="backup-dir.php">Export Lobby Folder</a>
<h4>Release Notes</h4>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(Lobby\DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version_release_notes"));?>
echo '<div style="margin-top: 10px;">';
echo \Lobby::l("/admin/update.php?step=1" . CSRF::getParam(), "Start Lobby Update", "class='btn btn-large red'");
echo '</div>';
echo "<h2>Lobby</h2>";
echo sme("No Updates", "You are using the latest version of Lobby : <blockquote><b>". Lobby::getVersion(true) . "</b> released on <b>" . Lobby::$versionReleased ."</b></blockquote>");
if($step !== null && CSRF::check()){
$step = $step;
if($step === "1"){
echo ser("Lobby Directory Not Writable", "The Lobby directory (". L_DIR .") is not writable. Make the folder writable to update Lobby.");
Looks like everything is ok. Hope you backed up Lobby installation & Database.
<div clear></div>
You can update now.
echo \Lobby::l("/admin/update.php?step=2" . CSRF::getParam(), "Start Update", "clear class='btn green'");
}elseif($step == 2){
$version = Lobby\DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version");
echo '<iframe src="'. L_URL . "/admin/download.php?type=lobby". CSRF::getParam() .'" style="border: 0;width: 100%;height: 200px;"></iframe>';
$shouldUpdate = Request::postParam("updateApp");
if($action === "updateApps" && is_array($shouldUpdate) && CSRF::check()){
* Prevent display of Apps' Update List
$step = 1;
foreach($shouldUpdate as $appID){
echo '<iframe src="'. L_URL . "/admin/download.php?type=app&app={$appID}&isUpdate=1". CSRF::getParam() .'" style="border: 0;width: 100%;height: 200px;"></iframe>';
if($step === null){
echo "<h2>Apps</h2>";
$appUpdates = Update::getApps();
if($step === null && empty($appUpdates)){
echo sme("No Updates", "All apps installed are up to date");
}else if($step === null && isset($appUpdates) && count($appUpdates)){
<p>New versions of apps are available. Choose which apps to update from the following :</p>
<form method="POST" clear>
<?php echo CSRF::getInput();?>
<td style='width: 5%;'>Update ?</td>
<td style='width: 20%;'>App</td>
<td style='width: 5%;'>Version</td>
<td style='width: 10%;'>Latest Version</td>
<td style='width: 40%;'>Requires</td>
$appUpdatesCount = count($appUpdates);
foreach($appUpdates as $appID => $latestAppInfo){
$App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID);
if(Need::checkRequirements($latestAppInfo["require"], true)){
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td><label><input style="vertical-align:top;display:inline-block;" checked="checked" type="checkbox" name="updateApp[]" value="'. $appID .'" /><span></span></label></td>';
echo "<tr title='Cannot update app because requirements are not satisfied'>";
echo '<td><label><input style="vertical-align:top;display:inline-block;" disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" name="updateApp[]" value="'. $appID .'" /><span></span></label></td>';
echo '<td><span style="vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;margin-left:5px;">'. $App->info["name"] .'</span></td>';
echo '<td>'. $App->info["version"] .'</td>';
echo '<td>'. $latestAppInfo["version"] .'</td>';
echo '<td>';
$requirements = Need::checkRequirements($latestAppInfo["require"], false, true);
echo "<ul class='collection'>";
foreach($requirements as $dependency => $depInfo){
echo "<li class='collection-item'>$dependency {$depInfo['require']}</li>";
echo "<li class='collection-item red'>$dependency {$depInfo['require']}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="updateApps" />
<button class="btn red" <?php if($appUpdatesCount === 0) echo "disabled='disabled'"; ?> clear>Update Selected Apps</button>