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File: admin/lobby-store.php

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File: admin/lobby-store.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Lobby
Web OS to install and run Web applications
Author: By
Last change: Lobby 1.0 Cobra
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 11,272 bytes


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<?php use Lobby\Apps; use Lobby\Need; use Lobby\Time; $page_title = "Lobby Store"; $appID = \Request::get('app'); if($appID !== null){ $app = \Lobby\Server::store(array( "get" => "app", "id" => $appID )); if($app){ $page_title = $app['name'] . " | Lobby Store"; } } ?> <html> <head> <?php \Assets::css("apps-grid", "/admin/css/apps-grid.css"); \Assets::css("lobby-store", "/admin/css/lobby-store.css"); \Assets::js("lobby-store", "/admin/js/lobby-store.js"); \Hooks::doAction("admin.head.begin"); \Response::head($page_title); ?> </head> <body> <?php \Hooks::doAction("admin.body.begin"); ?> <div id="workspace"> <div class="contents"> <?php if($appID !== null){ if($app === false){ echo ser("404 - App Not Found", "App was not found in Lobby Store."); }else{ $appImage = $app['image'] != "" ? $app['image'] : L_URL . "/includes/lib/lobby/image/blank.png"; $c = $app['category']; $sc = $app['sub_category']; ?> <h1> <?php echo Lobby::l("/admin/lobby-store.php?id={$app['id']}", $app['name']); echo Lobby::l(L_SERVER . "/apps/{$app['id']}?lobby_url=" . urlencode(L_URL), "<i id='open-in-new' class='small'></i>", "target='_blank'"); ?> </h1> <div id="appNav"> <?php echo "<div class='chip'><a href='". L_SERVER ."/apps?c={$c}' target='_blank'>" . ucfirst($c) . "</a> &gt; <a href='". L_SERVER ."/apps?sc={$sc}' target='_blank' >" . ucfirst($sc) . "</a></div>";?> <p class="chip"><?php echo $app['short_description'];?></p> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col m3" id="leftpane" style="text-align: center;"> <img src='image/clear.gif' height="200" width="200" /> <script> $(window).load(function(){ var image = $("#leftpane img"); var downloadingImage = new Image(); downloadingImage.onload = function(){ image.attr("src", this.src); }; downloadingImage.src = "<?php echo $appImage;?>"; }); </script> <?php $App = new Apps($appID); $require = $app['require']; if(!$App->exists){ /** * Check whether Lobby version is compatible */ if(Need::checkRequirements($require, true)){ echo \Lobby::l("/admin/install-app.php?app={$appID}" . CSRF::getParam(), "Install", "class='btn red'"); }else{ echo "<a class='btn red disabled' title='The app requirements are not satisfied. See 'Info' tab.'>Install</a>"; } }else if(version_compare($app['version'], $App->info['version'], ">")){ /** * New version of app is available */ echo \Lobby::l("/admin/check-updates.php", "Update App", "class='btn red'"); }else if($App->enabled){ echo \Lobby::l($App->info['url'], "Open App", "class='btn green'"); }else{ /** * App is Disabled. Show button to enable it */ echo \Lobby::l("/admin/apps.php?action=enable&redirect=1&app=" . $appID . CSRF::getParam(), "Enable App", "class='btn green'"); } ?> <div class="chip" clear>Developed By <a href="<?php echo $app['author_page'];?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $app['author'];?></a></div> <div class="chip" clear><a href="<?php echo $app['app_page'];?>" target="_blank">App's Webpage</a></div> </div> <div class="col m9"> <ul class="tabs"> <li class="tab"><a href="#app-info">Info</a></li> <li class="tab"><a href="#app-description">Description</a></li> <li class="tab"><a href="#app-screenshots">Screenshots</a></li> <li class="tab"><a href="#app-stats">Stats</a></li> </ul> <div id="app-info" class="tab-contents"> <div class="chip">Version : <?php echo $app['version'];?></div> <div class="chip">Last updated <?php echo Time::getTimeago($app['updated']);?></div><cl/> <div class="chip"><span>Requirements :</span></div> <ul class="collection" style="margin-left: 20px;"> <?php $requirementsInSystemInfo = Need::checkRequirements($require); foreach($require as $k => $v){ if($requirementsInSystemInfo[$k]){ echo "<li class='collection-item'>$k $v</li>"; }else{ echo "<li class='collection-item red' title=''>$k $v</li>"; } } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="app-description" class="tab-contents"> <div class="card-panel light-green"> <span class="white-text"><?php echo $app['description'];?></span> </div> </div> <div id="app-screenshots" class="tab-contents"> <?php $screenshots = explode("\n", $app['screenshots']); if(count($screenshots) > 1){ foreach($screenshots as $screenshot){ if($screenshot != ""){ echo "<a href='$screenshot' target='_blank' clear><img src='image/clear.gif' data-none='' width='100%' /></a>"; } } ?> <script> $(window).load(function(){ var screenshots = <?php echo json_encode($screenshots);?>; $.each(screenshots, function(i, elem){ var image = $("#app-screenshots img[data-none]:first"); var downloadingImage = new Image(); downloadingImage.onload = function(){ image.attr("src", this.src); }; downloadingImage.src = elem; image.removeAttr("data-none"); }); }); </script> <?php }else{ echo ser("No Screenshots", "This app has no screenshots"); } ?> </div> <div id="app-stats" class="tab-contents"> <div class="chip">Downloads : <?php echo $app['downloads'];?></div><cl/> <div class="chip">Rating : <?php echo $app['rating'];?></div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .tab-contents{ padding: 10px 0; } </style> <?php } }else{ $q = Request::get("q"); $p = Request::get("p"); $section = Request::get("section"); ?> <h1> <a href="<?php echo Lobby::u("/admin/lobby-store.php");?>">Lobby Store</a> <a href="<?php echo L_SERVER . "/apps?lobby_url=" . urlencode(L_URL);?>" target="_blank"><i id="open-in-new" class="small"></i></a> </h1> <div id="storeNav" class="card"> <form method="GET" action="<?php echo \Lobby::u("/admin/lobby-store.php");?>"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search for an app" name="q" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($q);?>" /> <button class="hide"></button> </form> <?php echo Lobby::l("/admin/lobby-store.php", "New", "class='btn ". ($section === null ? "green" : "") ."'"); echo Lobby::l("/admin/lobby-store.php?section=popular", "Popular", "class='btn ". ($section === "popular" ? "green" : "") ."'"); ?> </div> <?php if($q !== null) $params = array( "q" => $_GET['q'] ); else $params = array( "get" => "newApps" ); if($section !== null) $params["get"] = "popular"; if($p !== null) $params["p"] = $p; $server_response = \Lobby\Server::store($params); if($server_response == false){ echo ser("Nothing Found", "Nothing was found that matches your criteria. Sorry..."); }else{ echo "<div class='apps row'>"; foreach($server_response['apps'] as $app){ $appImage = $app['image'] != "" ? $app['image'] : L_URL."/includes/lib/lobby/image/blank.png"; $url = \Lobby::u("/admin/lobby-store.php?app={$app['id']}"); ?> <div class="app card col s12 m6 l6"> <div class="app-inner row"> <div class="lpane col s4 m5 l4"> <a href="<?php echo $url;?>"> <img src="<?php echo $appImage;?>" /> </a> </div> <div class="rpane col s8 m6 l8"> <a href="<?php echo $url;?>" class="name"><?php echo $app['name'];?></a> <p class="description truncate" title="<?php echo $app['short_description'];?>"><?php echo $app['short_description'];?></p> <div class="chip">Version : <?php echo $app['version'];?></div> <div class="chip">By <a href="<?php echo $app['author_page'];?>"><?php echo $app['author'];?></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="bpane row"> <div class="lside col s6 l6"> <?php echo "<div>Rating: " . $app['rating'] . "</div>"; echo "<div class='downloads'>" . $app['downloads'] . " downloads</div>"; ?> </div> <div class="rside col s6 l6"> <div>Updated <?php echo Time::getTimeago($app['updated']);?></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } echo '</div>'; $apps_pages = (ceil($server_response['apps_count'] / 6)) + 1; $cur_page = \Request::get("p", "1"); echo "<ul class='pagination'>"; for($i = 1;$i < $apps_pages;$i++){ echo "<li class='waves-effect ". ($cur_page == $i ? "active" : "") ."'>"; echo "<a href='?p=$i'>$i</a>"; echo "</li>"; } echo '</div>'; } } ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>