$install_step = Request::get('step');
$steps = array(
"1", "2", "3", "4"
<!DOCTYPE html>
* Install Head
\Assets::css("install", "/admin/css/install.css");
\Assets::js("install", "/admin/js/install.js");
if(in_array($install_step, $steps))
\Response::head("Install | Step $install_step");
<body id="workspace">
<div class="contents" id="<?php
if(in_array($install_step, $steps)){
echo "step$install_step";
<h1 style="text-align: center;">
<?php echo \Lobby::l(L_URL, "Install Lobby");?>
if(\Lobby::$installed && Request::get("step") !== "4"){
echo sss("<a href='". L_URL ."'>Lobby Installed</a>", "Lobby Is Installed. If you want to reinstall, delete the database tables and remove <b>config.php</b> file.<cl/>If you want to just remake the <b>config.php</b> file, don't delete the database tables, delete the existing <b>config.php</b> file and do ". \Lobby::l("/admin/install.php?step=1", "this installation") ." until Step 3 where \"Database Tables Exist\" error occur");
}else if($install_step === null){
<p>Welcome to the Lobby Installation process. Thank you for downloading Lobby.</p>
<p>For further help, see <a target='_blank' href='http://lobby.subinsb.com/docs/quick'>Quick Install</a>.</p>
<p>To start Installation, click the Install button</p>
<center clear>
<a href="?step=1<?php echo CSRF::getParam();?>" class="btn red" style="font-size: 18px;width: 200px;">Install</a>
if($install_step === "1" && CSRF::check()){
<p>Your system must meet the requirements to install Lobby.</p>
<td>PHP 5.6</td>
<td><?php if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6') >= 0){
echo sss("Ok", "Your PHP version is compatible with Lobby");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "Lobby requires atleast PHP version 5.6");
<td>PHP Output Buffering</td>
<td><?php if(ini_get('output_buffering') != "Off"){
echo sss("Ok", "Ouput Buffering is enabled");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "Lobby needs Output Buffering to be turned on.");
<td>PHP PDO Extension</td>
<td><?php if (extension_loaded('pdo')){
echo sss("Ok", "PDO extension is enabled");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "PDO extension seems to be missing");
if(ini_get('output_buffering') != "Off"){
$info = ob_get_contents();
<td>PHP JSON Extension</td>
<td><?php if (extension_loaded('json')){
echo sss("Ok", "JSON extension is enabled");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "JSON extension seems to be missing");
<td>PHP Zip Extension</td>
<td><?php if (extension_loaded('zip')){
echo sss("Ok", "Zip extension is enabled");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "Zip extension seems to be missing");
$g_info = ob_get_contents();
$server_software = stristr($g_info, 'Server API');
if(preg_match("/\>Apache/", $server_software)){
<td>Apache mod_rewrite Module</td>
<td><?php if (preg_match("/mod_rewrite/", $info)){
echo sss("Ok", "Apache mod_rewrite module is enabled");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "Apache mod_rewrite module is not enabled");
<td><?php if (is_writable(L_DIR)){
echo sss("Ok", "Lobby directory is writable.");
$error = 1;
echo ser("Not Ok", "Lobby directory is not writable. Please make it writable. Here's the location : <blockquote>". L_DIR ."</blockquote>");
<a href="?step=2<?php echo CSRF::getParam();?>" class="btn orange" id="continue">Proceed To Installation</a>
echo "<p>Cannot Procced to Installation. Please make the requirements satisfied.</p>";
}else if($install_step === "4"){
echo "<h2>Safety</h2>";
$safe = \Lobby\Install::safe();
if($safe === "configFile"){
echo ser("Permission Error", "The <b>config.php</b> file still has write permission. Change the permission to Read Only.");
if($safe !== true){
echo "<a class='btn' href='javascript:;' onclick='window.location = window.location;'>Check Again</a>";
}else if($install_step === "2" && CSRF::check()){
$info = ob_get_contents();
<h3>Choose Database System</h3>
<td width="50%"><?php
$sqlite_version = stristr($info, 'SQLite Library');
preg_match('/[1-9].[0-9].[1-9][0-9]/', $sqlite_version, $match);
$sqlite_version = isset($match[0]) ? $match[0] : "";
if(version_compare($sqlite_version, '3.8.0') >= 0){
$whitelist = array(
if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){
* Localhost
echo "<a class='btn green' href='?step=3&db_type=sqlite". CSRF::getParam() ."'>SQLite</a>";
* Give warning when using SQLite on a web server
echo "<a class='btn red' href='?step=3&db_type=sqlite". CSRF::getParam() ."'>SQLite</a><p style='color:red;'>WARNING<br/>It is very unsafe to use SQLite on a non localhost server</p>";
echo "<a class='btn disabled'>SQLite Not Available</a><p>Lobby Requires SQLite version atleast 3.8</p>";
<td width="50%"><?php
$mysql_version = stristr($info, 'Client API version');
preg_match('/[1-9].[0-9].[1-9][0-9]/', $mysql_version, $match);
$mysql_version = $match[0];
if(version_compare($mysql_version, '5.0') >= 0){
echo "<a class='btn green' href='?step=3&db_type=mysql". CSRF::getParam() ."'>MySQL</a>";
echo "<a class='btn disabled'>MySQL Not Available</a><p>Lobby Requires MySQL version atleast 5.0</p>";
<p>Using SQLite is easy. <a href="<?php echo L_SERVER;?>/docs/quick#section-database" class="btn" target="_blank">Read More</a></p>
}else if($install_step === "3" && CSRF::check()){
$db_type = Request::get("db_type");
* We call it again, so that the user had already went through the First Step
if(\Lobby\Install::step1() === false){
// The stuff mentioned in step 1 hasn't been done
}else if(isset($_POST['submit'])){
if($db_type === "mysql"){
$dbhost = \Request::postParam('dbhost', "");
$dbport = \Request::postParam('dbport', "");
$dbname = \Request::postParam('dbname', "");
$username = \Request::postParam('dbusername', "");
$password = \Request::postParam('dbpassword', "");
$prefix = \Request::postParam('prefix', "");
if($dbhost === "" || $dbport === "" || $dbname === "" || $username === ""){
echo ser("Empty Fields", "Buddy, you left out some details.<cl/>" . \Lobby::l("/admin/install.php?step=3&db_type=mysql" . CSRF::getParam(), "Try Again", "class='btn orange'"));
* We give the database config to the Install Class
"host" => $dbhost,
"port" => $dbport,
"dbname" => $dbname,
"username" => $username,
"password" => $password,
"prefix" => $prefix
* First, check if prefix is valid
* Check if connection to database can be established using the credentials given by the user
if($prefix == "" || preg_match("/[^0-9,a-z,A-Z,\$,_]+/i", $prefix) != 0 || strlen($prefix) > 50){
echo ser("Error", "The Prefix should only contain alphabets, digits (0-9), dollar or underscore and shouldn't exceed 50 characters.<cl/>" . \Lobby::l("/admin/install.php?step=3&db_type=mysql" . CSRF::getParam(), "Try Again", "class='btn orange'"));
}else if(\Lobby\Install::checkDatabaseConnection() !== false){
* Create Tables
* Make the Config File
echo sss("Success", "Database Tables and <b>config.php</b> file was successfully created.");
echo '<cl/><a href="?step=4'. CSRF::getParam() .'" class="btn">Proceed</a>';
echo ser("Unable To Create Database Tables", "Are there any tables with the same name ? Or Does the user have the permissions to create tables ? Error :<blockquote>". \Lobby\Install::$error ."</blockquote>" . \Lobby::l("/admin/install.php?step=2" . CSRF::getParam(), "Try Again", "class='btn'"));
$db_loc = $_POST['db_location'];
$db_create = \Lobby\Install::createSQLiteDB($db_loc);
* Prefix is "l_" and can't be changed
if($db_create && \Lobby\Install::makeDatabase("l_", "sqlite")){
* We give the database config to the Install Class
* Make path relative if DB file in Lobby dir
"path" => Lobby\FS::rel($db_loc),
"prefix" => "l_"
* Make the Config File
echo sss("Success", "Database and <b>config.php</b> file was successfully created.");
echo '<cl/><a href="?step=4'. CSRF::getParam() .'" class="btn">Proceed</a>';
echo ser("Couldn't Make SQLite Database", "I was unable to make the database. Error :<blockquote>". \Lobby\Install::$error ."</blockquote> <cl/>" . \Lobby::l("/admin/install.php?step=3&db_type=sqlite" . CSRF::getParam(), "Try Again", "class='btn'"));
if($db_type === "mysql"){
<p>Provide the database credentials. Double check before submitting</p>
<form action="<?php \Lobby::u();?>" method="POST">
<td width="20%">Name</td>
<td width="40%">Value</td>
<td width="40%">Description</td>
<td>Database Host</td>
<input type="text" name="dbhost" value="">
<td>The hostname of database</td>
<td>Database Port</td>
<input type="text" name="dbport" value="3306">
<td>On Most Systems, It's 3306</td>
<td>Database Name</td>
<input type="text" name="dbname" />
<td>The name of the database you want to run Lobby in. Lobby will create DB if it doesn't exist.</td>
<td>User Name</td>
<input type="text" name="dbusername" />
<td>Your MySQL Username</td>
<input type="password" name="dbpassword" />
<td>Your MySQL Password</td>
<td>Table Prefix</td>
<input type="text" name="prefix" value="l_" />
<td>The name of tables created by Lobby would start with this value</td>
<button name="submit" style="width:200px;font-size:15px;" class="btn green">Install Lobby</button>
<?php echo CSRF::getInput();?>
}else if($db_type === "sqlite"){
<form action="<?php \Lobby::u();?>" method="POST">
<p>The location of the SQLite database file :</p>
<input type="text" name="db_location" id="db_location" value="<?php echo \Lobby\FS::loc("/contents/extra/lobby_db.sqlite");?>" />
<button name="submit" style="width:200px;font-size:15px;" class="btn green">Install Lobby</button>
<input type="hidden" name="db_type" value="sqlite" />
<?php echo CSRF::getInput();?>
echo ser("Error", "Uh... You didn't mention the DBMS to use");
if($install_step === "3"){
function getTimeZone() {
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), o = Math.abs(offset);
return (offset < 0 ? "+" : "-") + ("00" + Math.floor(o / 60)).slice(-2) + ":" + ("00" + (o % 60)).slice(-2);
lobby.ar("admin/set-timezone", {offset: getTimeZone()});