* Russian language file for the Zebra_Database class, by Andrew Rumm <info@rayz.ru>.
* @version 1.0
* @author Andrew Rumm <info@rayz.ru>
$this->language = array(
'affected_rows' => '?????????? ??????',
'backtrace' => '???????? ???????????',
'cache_path_not_writable' => '?????????? ??????? ??? ???????. ????????? ? ??????????? ? ??????????? ?????? ????.',
'cannot_use_parameter_marker' => '?????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ("?", ?????????????? ????) ? <br><br><pre>%s</pre><br>??????????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ????? ????????????? ????????????.',
'close_all' => '??????? ???',
'could_not_connect_to_database' => '?????????? ?????????????? ? ????',
'could_not_connect_to_memcache_server' => '?????????? ?????????????? ? ??????? memcache',
'could_not_seek' => '?????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????',
'could_not_select_database' => '?????????? ??????? ????',
'could_not_write_to_log' => '?????????? ???????? ? ??? ????. ????????? ? ??? ???????????.',
'date' => '????',
'email_subject' => '????????? ?????? ? %s!',
'email_content' => "????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ? %s ??????, ??? ???????? ?? %s ??????: \n\n %s",
'error' => '??????',
'errors' => '??????',
'execution_time' => '????? ??????????',
'explain' => 'explain',
'data_not_an_array' => '?????? ???????? <em>insert_bulk()</em> ?????? ???? ???????? ????????..',
'file' => '????',
'file_could_not_be_opened' => '?????????? ??????? ????',
'from_cache' => '?? ????',
'function' => '???????',
'globals' => '?????????? ??????????',
'line' => '??????',
'memcache_extension_not_installed' => '?????????? Memcache ?? ???????.<br><span>
??? ????????????? memcache ? ???????? ??????????? ????????, PHP ?????? ???? ?? ???? 4.3.3, ?????????????
? <a href="http://pecl.php.net/package/memcache">memcached</a>, ? ???????? ? ?????? <em>--with-zlib[=DIR]</em>.</span>',
'miliseconds' => '??',
'mysql_error' => '?????? MySQL',
'no' => '???',
'no_active_session' => '?? ??????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ? ??????, ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ???????. ????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??????????? <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php" target="_blank">session_start()</a>!',
'no_transaction_in_progress' => '??? ???????? ??????????.',
'not_a_valid_resource' => '???????????? ?????? (????????? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ??? fetch_assoc()/fetch_obj() ???? ?? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?????)',
'optimization_needed' => '<strong>????????</strong>: ????????? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ? <strong>%s</strong> ?????? ????????!',
'returned_rows' => '????? ??????????',
'successful_queries' => '???????? ????????',
'to_top' => '? ??????',
'transaction_in_progress' => '?????????? ?? ????? ???? ????????, ???? ??????????? ??????.',
'unsuccessful_queries' => '?????????? ????????',
'warning_charset' => '???????? ?? ????????? ??? charset ? collections ?????? ???????????. ???????? set_charset() ????? ??????????? ? ????.',
'warning_memcache' => '?????????? "memcache" ???????? ?? ????? ???????, ??????????? ??????????? ????????????? memcache ??? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ????????.<br>??????????? ? <a href="http://stefangabos.ro/wp-content/docs/Zebra_Database/Zebra_Database/Zebra_Database.html#var$caching_method">????????????</a>.',
'warning_replacements_not_array' => '<em>$replacements</em> ?????? ???? ???????? ????????',
'warning_replacements_wrong_number' => '?????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ? ??????? <em>$replacements</em>',
'warning_wait_timeout' => '???????? ?????????? MySQL <em>wait_timeout</em> ??????????? ? %s. ?????????? <em>wait_timeout</em> ?????????? ????? ? ????????, ??????? MySQL ????? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ????????? idle ???????????. ????? ?????????? ???????, ??????????? MySQL ?? ????????????, ? ???????????? ? ????????? idle ??? ???????? ????????????? ??? ?? ?????????????, ????????? ??????????? ? ???? (a very common scenario is when users navigate through the pages of a website). The default value of <em>wait_timeout</em> is 28800 seconds, or 8 hours. If you have lots of visitors this can lead to a <em><a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/too-many-connections.html" target="_blank">Too many connections</a></em> error, as eventualy there will be times when no <a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_max_connections" target="_blank">free connections</a> will be available. The recommended value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).',
'warning' => '??????????????',
'warnings' => '??????????????',
'yes' => '??',