namespace Redbox\Scan\Tests;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml as Yaml;
use Redbox\Scan\Exception;
use Redbox\Scan;
* This class will run tests against the default Filesystem adapter.
* @coversDefaultClass Scan\Adapter\Filesystem
* @package Redbox\Scan\Tests
class FilesystemAdapterTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* This test will make sure that an PHPUnit_Framework_Error is thrown if there was no Adapter
* set via either the constructor or via the scan method.
public function test_filesystem_write_should_throw_exception_on_invalid_report_argument()
if (phpversion() < 7.0) {
} elseif (phpversion() >= 7.0) {
$filesystem = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem('somefile.yml');
$filesystem->write(new Assets\Report\InvalidReport());
* This test will make sure if no argument is passed (it defaults to null) it
* will return false.
public function test_filesystem_write_fails_with_empty_argument()
$filesystem = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem('somefile.yml');
* Test that Filesystem::read() returns false if a non existing source file
* is passed to the adapter.
public function test_filesystem_read_fails_on_unknown_file()
$filesystem = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem('I do not exist');
* Test that Yaml throws an ParseException if the yml file was corrupted.
* @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
public function test_filesystem_read_files_that_could_not_be_parsed_throws_a_parse_exception()
$filesystem = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem(dirname(__FILE__).'/Assets/Data/Corrupt.yml');
* Test that Filesystem::read returns the correct information.
public function test_filesystem_read_returns_correct_data()
$data_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/Assets/Filesystem/data.yml';
$local_data = Yaml::parse(@file_get_contents($data_file));
* Create new filesystem adapter and read the same file.
* Then we compare the report to the $local_data array.
$filesystem = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem($data_file);
$report = $filesystem->read();
* Compare the results
$this->assertEquals($local_data['name'], $report->getName());
$this->assertEquals($local_data['path'], $report->getPath());
$this->assertEquals($local_data['date'], $report->getDate());
$this->assertEquals(array(), $report->getModifiedFiles());
$this->assertEquals(array(), $report->getNewfiles());
* Compare a write and read operation on the filesystem adapter.
* Lets hope this passes.
public function test_filesystem_write_and_read_get_the_same_data()
$src_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/Assets/Filesystem/data.yml';
$target_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/Assets/tmp/filesystem.yml';
$local_data = Yaml::parse(@file_get_contents($src_file));
* Read the source file and create a report from it.
* We will write te file to a temp location and then read it
* and compare the results.
$fs1 = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem($target_file);
$report1 = Scan\Report\Report::fromArray($local_data);
* Read the test file and compare the results.
$fs2 = new Scan\Adapter\Filesystem($target_file);
$report2 = $fs2->read();
* Here go comparing the 2 results.
$this->assertEquals($report2->getName(), $report1->getName());
$this->assertEquals($report2->getPath(), $report1->getPath());
$this->assertEquals($report2->getDate(), $report1->getDate());
$this->assertEquals(array(), $report1->getModifiedFiles());
$this->assertEquals(array(), $report1->getNewfiles());