require 'autoload.php';
* This example shows the basic usage of file filesystem it self to store scan information
* about your scans. If you would use this code in real life please make sure you store the output file (data.yml)
* in a secure location on your drive.
$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/assets";
$newfile = $path.'/new.tmp';
$timefile = $path.'/time.txt';
$datafile = $path.'/data.yml';
* Oke lets instantiate a new service and scan the assets folder inside
* our current folder and write the data.yml file to the filesystem using the Filesystem adapter.
$scan = new Redbox\Scan\ScanService(new Redbox\Scan\Adapter\Filesystem($datafile));
if ($scan->index($path, 'Basic scan', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) == false) {
throw new Exception('Writing datafile failed.');
* After indexing the directory let's create a new file and update an other so
* we can see if the filesystem picks it up.
file_put_contents($newfile, 'Hello world');
file_put_contents($timefile, time());
* Oke the changes have been made lets scan the assets directory again for changes.
$report = $scan->scan();
* Do the cleanup. This is not needed if this where to be real code.
* Output the changes since index action.
if(php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
echo "New files\n\n";
foreach ($report->getNewfiles() as $file) {
echo $file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath())."\n";
echo "\nModified Files\n\n";
foreach ($report->getModifiedFiles() as $file) {
echo $file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath())."\n";
echo "\n";
} else {
echo '<h1>New files</h1>';
foreach ($report->getNewfiles() as $file) {
echo '<li>'.$file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath()).'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '<h1>Modified Files</h1>';
foreach ($report->getModifiedFiles() as $file) {
echo '<li>'.$file->getFilename().' '.Redbox\Scan\Filesystem\FileInfo::getFileHash($file->getRealPath()).'</li>';
echo '</ul>';