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File: mmsdecoder.php

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File: mmsdecoder.php
Role: Class source
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Description: MMS Decoder Class
Class: MMS Decoder
Recieve, decode and display MMS messages.
Author: By
Last change: Updated to 0.81 version.


[2009-04-14 20:32] [0.81] Fixed rendering bug in example application which generated a broken HTML table.
[2009-04-14 20:32] [0.81] Fixed serious typo bug in example application that broke list view with parse error.
[2009-04-14 20:32] [0.81] Added message-id to MMSDecoder->confirm() function, so that it conforms with MMS 1.2 specification (Thanks to Mikko Antila for pointing this out). This fixes a problem with Nokia 3120, and possibly other Nokia phones, which caused the phone to reboot.
[2009-04-14 19:54] [0.81] Fixed example application to function correctly with PHP strict mode.
[2009-04-14 19:54] [0.81] Fixed MMSDecoder to function correctly with PHP strict mode.

[2006-11-04 16:32] [0.80] Added support for utf-8 character encoding, for the Encoded-String-Value fields.
[2006-11-04 16:03] [0.80] Fixed a bug in the Encoded-String-Value decoding.
[2004-12-27 13:07] [0.80] Fixed a bug which occured when parsing the EXPIRY field (every time).

[2004-08-03 18:38] [0.78] Added a document which describes the MMS Decoder API.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 30,011 bytes


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<?php // Version 0.81 // /** * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Jonatan Heyman * * This file is part of the PHP application MMS Decoder. * * MMS Decoder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Affero General Public License as * published by Affero, Inc.; either version 1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMS Decoder is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public * License in the COPYING file that comes with The Affero Project; if * not, write to Affero, Inc., 510 Third Street, Suite 225, San * Francisco, CA 94107 USA. */ define( "DEBUG", 0 ); /* Print parseerrors? Print values while they are parsed? If you enable this, getting the binary encoded confirmation message whensending MMS from mobiles will not work. This is only for development purpose. */ /*---------------------------------------------------* * Constants * * * * * * WAP-209-MMSEncapsulation-20020105-a * * Table 8 * * * * The values are enconded using WSP 7bit encoding. * * Read more about how to decode this here: * ** * * * Example from the above adress: * * 7Bit 0D = 0001101 * * 8Bit 0D = 10001101 = 8D * *---------------------------------------------------*/ define( "BCC", 0x81 ); define( "CC", 0x82 ); define( "CONTENT_LOCATION", 0x83 ); define( "CONTENT_TYPE", 0x84 ); define( "DATE", 0x85 ); define( "DELIVERY_REPORT", 0x86 ); define( "DELIVERY_TIME", 0x87 ); define( "EXPIRY", 0x88 ); define( "FROM", 0x89 ); define( "MESSAGE_CLASS", 0x8A ); define( "MESSAGE_ID", 0x8B ); define( "MESSAGE_TYPE", 0x8C ); define( "MMS_VERSION", 0x8D ); define( "MESSAGE_SIZE", 0x8E ); define( "PRIORITY", 0x8F ); define( "READ_REPLY", 0x90 ); define( "REPORT_ALLOWED", 0x91 ); define( "RESPONSE_STATUS", 0x92 ); define( "RESPONSE_TEXT", 0x93 ); define( "SENDER_VISIBILITY", 0x94 ); define( "STATUS", 0x95 ); define( "SUBJECT", 0x96 ); define( "TO", 0x97 ); define( "TRANSACTION_ID", 0x98 ); /*--------------------------* * Array of header contents * *--------------------------*/ $mmsMessageTypes = array ( 0x80 => "m-send-req", 0x81 => "m-send-conf", 0x82 => "m-notification-ind", 0x83 => "m-notifyresp-ind", 0x84 => "m-retrieve-conf", 0x85 => "m-acknowledge-ind", 0x86 => "m-delivery-ind", 0x00 => NULL ); /*--------------------------* * Some other useful arrays * *--------------------------*/ $mmsYesNo = array( 0x80 => 1, 0x81 => 0, 0x00 => NULL ); $mmsPriority = array( 0x80 => "Low", 0x81 => "Normal", 0x82 => "High", 0x00 => NULL ); $mmsMessageClass = array( 0x80 => "Personal", 0x81 => "Advertisement", 0x82 => "Informational", 0x83 => "Auto" ); $mmsContentTypes = array( 0x00 => '*/*', 0x01 => 'text/*', 0x02 => 'text/html', 0x03 => 'text/plain', 0x04 => 'text/x-hdml', 0x05 => 'text/x-ttml', 0x06 => 'text/x-vCalendar', 0x07 => 'text/x-vCard', 0x08 => 'text/vnd.wap.wml', 0x09 => 'text/vnd.wap.wmlscript', 0x0A => 'text/vnd.wap.wta-event', 0x0B => 'multipart/*', 0x0C => 'multipart/mixed', 0x0D => 'multipart/form-data', 0x0E => 'multipart/byterantes', 0x0F => 'multipart/alternative', 0x10 => 'application/*', 0x11 => 'application/java-vm', 0x12 => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 0x13 => 'application/x-hdmlc', 0x14 => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc', 0x15 => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc', 0x16 => 'application/vnd.wap.wta-eventc', 0x17 => 'application/vnd.wap.uaprof', 0x18 => 'application/vnd.wap.wtls-ca-certificate', 0x19 => 'application/vnd.wap.wtls-user-certificate', 0x1A => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 0x1B => 'application/x-x509-user-cert', 0x1C => 'image/*', 0x1D => 'image/gif', 0x1E => 'image/jpeg', 0x1F => 'image/tiff', 0x20 => 'image/png', 0x21 => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', 0x22 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.*', 0x23 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed', 0x24 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.form-data', 0x25 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.byteranges', 0x26 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative', 0x27 => 'application/xml', 0x28 => 'text/xml', 0x29 => 'application/vnd.wap.wbxml', 0x2A => 'application/x-x968-cross-cert', 0x2B => 'application/x-x968-ca-cert', 0x2C => 'application/x-x968-user-cert', 0x2D => 'text/', 0x2E => 'application/vnd.wap.sic', 0x2F => 'text/', 0x30 => 'application/vnd.wap.slc', 0x31 => 'text/', 0x32 => 'application/vnd.wap.coc', 0x33 => 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.related', 0x34 => 'application/vnd.wap.sia', 0x35 => 'text/vnd.wap.connectivity-xml', 0x36 => 'application/vnd.wap.connectivity-wbxml', 0x37 => 'application/pkcs7-mime', 0x38 => 'application/vnd.wap.hashed-certificate', 0x39 => 'application/vnd.wap.signed-certificate', 0x3A => 'application/vnd.wap.cert-response', 0x3B => 'application/xhtml+xml', 0x3C => 'application/wml+xml', 0x3D => 'text/css', 0x3E => 'application/vnd.wap.mms-message', 0x3F => 'application/vnd.wap.rollover-certificate', 0x40 => 'application/vnd.wap.locc+wbxml', 0x41 => 'application/vnd.wap.loc+xml', 0x42 => 'application/', 0x43 => 'application/', 0x44 => 'application/vnd.syncml.notification', 0x45 => 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml', 0x46 => 'application/vnd.wv.csp.cir', 0x47 => 'application/vnd.oma.dd+xml', 0x48 => 'application/vnd.oma.drm.message', 0x49 => 'application/vnd.oma.drm.content', 0x4A => 'application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml', 0x4B => 'application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml' ); // character set (mibenum numbers by IANA, ored with 0x80) $mmsCharSet = array(0xEA => 'utf-8', 0x83 => 'ASCII', // ascii 0x84 => 'iso-8859-1', 0x85 => 'iso-8859-2', 0x86 => 'iso-8859-3', 0x87 => 'iso-8859-4'); /*-------------------------------* * The MMS header decoding class * *-------------------------------*/ class MMSDecoder { var $data; // The unparsed MMS data in an array of the ascii numbers var $pos = 0; // The current parsing position of the data array var $PARTS = array(); // The parsed data will be saved in these variables var $BCC, $CC, $CONTENTLOCATION, $CONTENTTYPE, $DATE, $DELIVERYREPORT, $DELIVERYTIME, $EXPIRY, $FROM, $MESSAGECLASS, $MESSAGEID, $MESSAGETYPE, $MMSVERSIONMAJOR, $MMSVERSIONMINOR, $MESSAGESIZE, $PRIORITY, $READREPLY, $REPORTALLOWED, $RESPONSESTATUS, $RESPONSETEXT, $SENDERVISIBILITY, $STATUS, $SUBJECT, $TO, $TRANSACTIONID, $MMSVERSIONRAW, // used for the m-send-conf (confirmation answer) $CONTENTTYPE_PARAMS; // parameter-values for the MMS content-type // Constructor function MMSDecoder($data) { $this->data = array(); // Save the data in an array containing the ascii numbers for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) $this->data[$i] = ord($data[$i]); // Reset position $this->pos = 0; // Reset variables $this->PARTS = array(); } // This function is called when the data is to be parsed function parse() { // Reset position $this->pos = 0; // parse the header while ($this->parseHeader()); // Header done, fetch parts, but make sure the header was parsed correctly if ($this->CONTENTTYPE == 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.related' || $this->CONTENTTYPE == 'application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed') while ($this->parseParts()); else return 0; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------* * This function checks what kind of field is to be * * parsed at the moment * * * * If true is returned, the class will go on and * * and continue decode the header. If false, the * * class will end the header decoding. * *---------------------------------------------------*/ function parseHeader() { // Some global variables used global $mmsMessageTypes, $mmsYesNo, $mmsPriority, $mmsMessageClass, $mmsContentTypes; if (!array_key_exists($this->pos, $this->data)) return 0; switch ($this->data[$this->pos++]) { case BCC: $this->BCC = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("BCC", $this->BCC); break; case CC: $this->CC = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("CC", $this->CC); break; case CONTENT_LOCATION: $this->CONTENTLOCATION = $this->parseTextString(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Content-location", $this->CONTENTLOCATION); break; case CONTENT_TYPE: if ($this->data[$this->pos] <= 31) { /* Content-general-form */ $len = $this->parseValueLength(); // check if next byte is in range of 32-127. Then we have a Extension-media which is a textstring if ($this->data[$this->pos] > 31 && $this->data[$this->pos] < 128) $this->CONTENTTYPE = $this->parseTextString(); else { // we have Well-known-media; which is an integer $this->CONTENTTYPE = $mmsContentTypes[$this->parseIntegerValue()]; } } elseif ($this->data[$this->pos] < 128) { /* Constrained-media - Extension-media*/ $this->CONTENTTYPE = $this->parseTextString(); } else /* Constrained-media - Short Integer*/ $this->CONTENTTYPE = $mmsContentTypes[$this->parseShortInteger()]; // Ok, now we have parsed the content-type of the message, let's see if there are any parameters $noparams = false; while (!$noparams) { switch ($this->data[$this->pos]) { case 0x89: // Start, textstring $this->pos++; $this->parseTextString(); break; case 0x8A: // type, constrained media $this->pos++; if ($this->data[$this->pos] < 128) { /* Constrained-media - Extension-media*/ $this->pos++; $this->parseTextString(); } else // Constraind-media Short Integer $this->CONTENTTYPE_PARAMS[type] = $this->parseShortInteger(); break; default: $noparams = 1; break; } } if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Content-type", $this->CONTENTTYPE); // content-type parsed, that means we have reached the end of the header return 0; case DATE: /* In seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00 GMT */ $this->DATE = $this->parseLongInteger(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Date", date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->DATE)); break; case DELIVERY_REPORT: /* Yes | No */ $this->DELIVERYREPORT = $mmsYesNo[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Delivery-report", $this->DELIVERYREPORT); break; case DELIVERY_TIME: if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Delivery-time", $this->DELIVERYTIME); break; case EXPIRY: // not sure if this is right, but if I remeber right, it's the same format as date... $this->EXPIRY = $this->parseLongInteger(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Expiry", $this->EXPIRY); break; case FROM: /** * TODO: make better encoding for this field * The encoding mechanism works like this: * From-value = [0x01 or VALUE-length] [0x80 or 0x81] [Optional: Encoded-String-Value] * If we have 0x80 we have an encoded-string-value (0x80 is part of that string). * If we have 0x81 this is a insert-adress-token which means that the MMSC is supposed * to insert it, which means that we can't retrieve the sender. */ $this->FROM = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("From", $this->FROM); break; case MESSAGE_CLASS: $this->MESSAGECLASS = $mmsMessageClass[ $this->parseMessageClassValue() ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Message-class", $this->MESSAGECLASS); break; case MESSAGE_ID: /* Text string */ $this->MESSAGEID = $this->parseTextString(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Message-id", $this->MESSAGEID); break; case MESSAGE_TYPE: //$this->MESSAGETYPE = $mmsMessageTypes[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; $this->MESSAGETYPE = $this->data[$this->pos++]; // check that the message type is m-send-req if ($this->MESSAGETYPE != 128) debug("Wrong type", "The message-type field is not 'm-send-req' (Octet 128)", 1); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Message-type", $mmsMessageTypes[$this->MESSAGETYPE]); break; case MMS_VERSION: /** * The version number (1.0) is encoded as a WSP short integer, which * is a 7 bit value. * * The three most significant bits (001) are used to encode a major * version number in the range 1-7. The four least significant * bits (0000) contain a minor version number in the range 1-14. */ $this->MMSVERSIONRAW = $this->data[$this->pos]; $this->MMSVERSIONMAJOR = ($this->data[$this->pos] & 0x70) >> 4; $this->MMSVERSIONMINOR = ($this->data[$this->pos++] & 0x0F); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("MMS-version", $this->MMSVERSIONMAJOR . "." . $this->MMSVERSIONMINOR); break; case MESSAGE_SIZE: /* Long integer */ $this->MESSAGESIZE = $this->parseLongInteger(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Message-size", $this->MESSAGESIZE); break; case PRIORITY: /* Low | Normal | High */ $this->PRIORITY = $mmsPriority[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Priority", $this->PRIORITY); break; case READ_REPLY: /* Yes | No */ $this->READREPLY = $mmsYesNo[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Read-reply", $this->READREPLY); break; case REPORT_ALLOWED: /* Yes | No */ $this->REPORTALLOWED = $mmsYesNo[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Report-allowed", $this->REPORTALLOWED); break; case RESPONSE_STATUS: $this->RESPONSESTATUS = $this->data[$this->pos++]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Response-status", $this->RESPONSESTATUS); break; case RESPONSE_TEXT: /* Encoded string value */ $this->RESPONSETEXT = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Response-text", $this->RESPONSETEXT); break; case SENDER_VISIBILITY: /* Hide | show */ $this->SENDERVISIBILITY = $mmsYesNo[ $this->data[$this->pos++] ]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Sender-visibility", $this->SENDERVISIBILITY); break; case STATUS: $this->STATUS = $this->data[$this->pos++]; if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Status", $this->STATUS); break; case SUBJECT: $this->SUBJECT = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Subject", $this->SUBJECT); break; case TO: $this->TO = $this->parseEncodedStringValue(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("To", $this->TO); break; case TRANSACTION_ID: $this->TRANSACTIONID = $this->parseTextString(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Transaction-id", $this->TRANSACTIONID); break; default: if ($this->data[$this->pos - 1] > 127) { $this->debug("Parse error", "Unknown field (" . $this->data[$pos-1] . ")!", $this->pos-1); $this->debughex($this->pos - 1, 10, $this->pos - 1, 1); } else { $this->debug("Parse error:", "Value encountered when expecting field!", $this->pos); $this->debughex($this->pos - 1, 10, $this->pos - 1, 1); } break; } return true; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Function called after header has been parsed. This function fetches * * the different parts in the MMS. Returns true until it encounter end * * of data. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseParts() { global $mmsContentTypes; // for parsing the contenttypes if (!array_key_exists($this->pos, $this->data)) return 0; // get number of parts $count = $this->parseUint(); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("MMS parts", $count); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { // new part, so clear the old data and header $data = ""; $header = ""; unset($ctype); // get header and data length $headerlen = $this->parseUint(); $datalen = $this->parseUint(); /* PARSE CONTENT-TYPE */ // this is actually the same structure as in the MMS content-type // so maybe we should make this in a better way, but for now, I'll // just cut n paste // right now I just save the position in the MMS data array before I parse // the content-type, to be able to roll back after it has been parsed beacause // the headerlen includes both the content-type and the header // TODO: this is just a fast hack and shoul be done in a more proper way $ctypepos = $this->pos; if ($this->data[$this->pos] <= 31) { /* Content-general-form */ // the value follows after the current byte and is "current byte" long $len = $this->parseValueLength(); // check if next byte is in range of 32-127. Then we have a Extension-media which is a textstring if ($this->data[$this->pos] > 31 && $this->data[$this->pos] < 128) $ctype = $this->parseTextString(); else { // we have Well-known-media; which is an integer $ctype = $mmsContentTypes[$this->parseIntegerValue()]; } } elseif ($this->data[$this->pos] < 128) { /* Constrained-media - Extension-media*/ //$this->pos++; $ctype = $this->parseTextString(); } else /* Constrained-media - Short Integer */ $ctype = $mmsContentTypes[$this->parseShortInteger()]; // roll back position so it's just before the content-type again $this->pos = $ctypepos; /* END OF CONTENT TYPE */ // Read header. Actually, we don't do anything with this yet.. just skipping it (note that the content-type is included in the header) for ($j = 0; $j < $headerlen; $j++) $header .= chr($this->data[$this->pos++]); // read data for ($j = 0; $j < $datalen; $j++) $data .= chr($this->data[$this->pos++]); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Part ($i):headerlen", $headerlen); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Part ($i):datalen", $datalen); if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Part ($i):content-type", $ctype); //if (DEBUG) $this->debug("Part ($i):data", $data); // I've commented this one, to get a cleaner debug $this->PARTS[] = new MMSPart($headerlen, $datalen, $ctype, $header, $data); } return false; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse message-class * * message-class-value = Class-identifier | Token-text * * Class-idetifier = Personal | Advertisement | Informational | Auto * *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseMessageClassValue() { if ($this->data[$this->pos] > 127) { // the byte is one of these 128=personal, 129=advertisement, 130=informational, 131=auto return $this->data[$this->pos++]; } else return $this->parseTextString(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Text-string * * text-string = [Quote <Octet 127>] text [End-string <Octet 00>] * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseTextString() { $str = ""; // Remove quote if ($this->data[$this->pos] == 0x7F) $this->pos++; while ($this->data[$this->pos]) $str .= chr($this->data[$this->pos++]); $this->pos++; return $str; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Encoded-string-value * * * * Encoded-string-value = Text-string | Value-length Char-set Text-string * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseEncodedStringValue() { global $mmsCharSet; if ($this->data[$this->pos] <= 31) { $len = $this->parseValueLength(); $mibenum = $this->data[$this->pos++]; // handle unknown charsets if (isset($mmsCharSet[$mibenum])) $charset = $mmsCharSet[$mibenum]; else $charset = ''; $raw = $this->parseTextString(); // the only case we can handle currently is utf8 since character encoding support // in native PHP is so lousy if ($charset == 'utf-8') $raw = utf8_decode($raw); return $raw; //for ($i = 0; $i < $len-1; $i++) // $str .= chr( $this->data[$this->pos++] ); //return $str; } else return $this->parseTextString(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Value-length * * Value-length = Short-length<Octet 0-30> | Length-quote<Octet 31> Length<Uint> * * * * A list of content-types of a MMS message can be found here: * * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseValueLength() { if ($this->data[$this->pos] < 31) { // it's a short-length return $this->data[$this->pos++]; } elseif ($this->data[$this->pos] == 31) { // got the quote, length is an Uint $this->pos++; return $this->parseUint(); } else { // uh, oh... houston, we got a problem die("Parse error: Short-length-octet (" . $this->data[$this->pos] . ") > 31 in Value-length at offset " . $this->pos . "!\n"); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Long-integer * * Long-integer = Short-length<Octet 0-30> Multi-octet-integer<1*30 Octets> * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseLongInteger() { // Get the number of octets which the long-integer is stored in $octetcount = $this->data[$this->pos++]; // Error checking if ($octetcount > 30) die("Parse error: Short-length-octet (" . $this->data[$this->pos-1] . ") > 30 in Long-integer at offset " . $this->pos-1 . "!\n"); // Get the long-integer for ($i = 0; $i < $octetcount; $i++) { $longint = $longint << 8; $longint += $this->data[$this->pos++]; } return $longint; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Short-integer * * Short-integer = OCTET * * Integers in range 0-127 shall be encoded as a one octet value with the * * most significant bit set to one, and the value in the remaining 7 bits * *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseShortInteger() { return $this->data[$this->pos++] & 0x7F; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Integer-value * * Integer-value = short-integer | long-integer * * * * This function checks the value of the current byte and then * * calls either parseLongInt() or parseShortInt() depending on * * what value the current byte has * *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseIntegerValue() { if ($this->data[$this->pos] < 31) return $this->parseLongInteger(); elseif ($this->data[$this->pos] > 127) return $this->parseShortInteger(); else { $this->debug('ERROR', 'Not a IntegerValue field', $this->pos); $this->pos++; return 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse Unsigned-integer * * * * The value is stored in the 7 last bits. If the first bit is set, * * then the value continues into the next byte. * * * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parseUint() { //if (!($this->data[$this->pos] & 0x80)) // return $this->data[$this->pos++] & 0x7F; $uint = 0; while ($this->data[$this->pos] & 0x80) { // Shift the current value 7 steps $uint = $uint << 7; // Remove the first bit of the byte and add it to the current value $uint |= $this->data[$this->pos++] & 0x7F; } // Shift the current value 7 steps $uint = $uint << 7; // Remove the first bit of the byte and add it to the current value $uint |= $this->data[$this->pos++] & 0x7F; return $uint; } /** * Send an OK response to the sender after the MMS has been recieved * See "6.1.2. Send confirmation" in the wap-209-mmsencapsulation specification, on how this is constructed */ function confirm() { $pos = 0; $confirm[$pos++] = 0x8C; // message-type $confirm[$pos++] = 129; // m-send-conf $confirm[$pos++] = 0x98; // transaction-id for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->TRANSACTIONID); $i++) $confirm[$pos++] = ord(substr($this->TRANSACTIONID, $i, 1)); $confirm[$pos++] = 0x00; // end of string $confirm[$pos++] = 0x8D; // version $confirm[$pos++] = 0x90; // 1.0 $confirm[$pos++] = 0x92; // response-status $confirm[$pos++] = 128; // OK $confirm[$pos++] = 0x8b; // Message-id // generate a message id based on the time $messageId = dechex(time()); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($messageId); $i++) $confirm[$pos++] = ord(substr($messageId, $i, 1)); $confirm[$pos] = 0x00; // end of string // respond with the m-send-conf foreach ($confirm as $byte) echo chr($byte); } /*---------------------------------------* * Function which outputs debug messages * *---------------------------------------*/ function debug($name, $str, $pos = -1, $errorlevel = 0) { if ($pos != -1) echo "<b>$name ($pos):</b> " . $str; else echo "<b>$name:</b> " . $str; echo "<br>\n"; if ($errorlevel > 0) exit; } /*------------------------------------------* * Function to output a part of the mmsdata * * in HEX form, and mark one byte with a ^ * *------------------------------------------*/ function debughex($start, $count, $markstart = -1, $markcount = -1) { $hexcount = 0; $markstop = $markstart + $markcount; // set font so that the hex will be more readable echo '<br><font face="fixedsys" size="-1">'; // loop thru data and print hex for ($i = $start; $i <= ($start+$count); $i++) { // fix marking if ($i == $markstart) echo '<font color="#ff0000">'; if ($i == $markstop) echo '</font>'; $hex = dechex($this->data[$i]); // add 0 before hex if needed if (strlen($hex) < 2) $hex = '0' . $hex; // add space $hex = ' ' . $hex; // check hexcount, wrap lines if needed etc if ($hexcount == 8) echo ' | '; elseif ($hexcount == 16) { echo '<br>'; $hexcount = 0; } $hexcount++; echo $hex; } // som more html echo '</font><br><br>'; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * The MMS part class * * An instance of this class contains the one parts of an MMS message. * * * * The multipart type is formed as: * * number |part1|part2|....|partN * * where part# is formed by headerlen|datalen|contenttype|headers|data * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class MMSPart { var $headerlen; var $header; var $DATALEN; var $CONTENTTYPE; var $DATA; /*----------------------------------* * Constructor, just store the data * *----------------------------------*/ function MMSPart($headerlen, $datalen, $ctype, $header, $data) { $this->hpos = 0; $this->headerlen = $headerlen; $this->DATALEN = $datalen; $this->CONTENTTYPE = $ctype; $this->DATA = $data; } /*-------------------------------------* * Save the data to a location on disk * *-------------------------------------*/ function save($filename) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $this->DATA); fclose($fp); } } ?>