* example.php5
* ----------------------
* begin : Sunday, July 27, 2004
* copyright : (C) 2004 Hemp "Jointy" Cluster
* email : bestmischmaker@web.de
* $Id: example.php5, v.0.0.1 hempcluster Exp $
* LastChange: <!--DATE-->Samstag den 31.07.2004 -- 23:54:51<!--/DATE-->
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
// some from the internet collected ICQ Numbers
$icq_numbers = array("145133640", // my own number
"238665" );
// Now its avalible to get the status for one or more uins
foreach( $icq_numbers as $icq_number )
if( !$status = ICQ::status( $icq_number ) )
$status = explode(" ",$status);
print_r("The status for uin: ". $icq_number ." is ".$status[0] ." <img src=\"".$status[1]."\"> \r\n" );