The following is a supplement to the manual because it seems massive.
Below you will find a list of commands that you can create handlers to, and what fields the $info array returned
by msg_parse will return.
For this document, assume that
where $message is what is coming into your event handler.
$aim is an instnace of the class Aim.
To set an even handler, you need to declare a function thats heading looks like this:
function <functionname>($message)
where <functionname> is the name of your function.
Once you have the function declared(not in the class), you need to associate it with an incoming message. To do
this, use the following method:
Where $command is one of the commands listed below (should be a string), and $function is the name of the
function you defined earlier(also a string).
The following is a list of commands, when you might reveive them, and what fields $info will have
This command is sent to the client telling it that the authentication has been accepted, and it should
continue with sign on.
$info['version'] contains the version of TOC we are using
This message is received telling the client who is on their buddy list. This is currently parsed internally.
msg_parse does not support this command, but the information that is received by it can be retreived
using the methods
This is received when there has been an error.
$info['errorcode'] contains the code of the error received.
$info['args'] This conatains any arguments, sometimes this is additional error information. This is often an empty string
This message is received at signon. This will give the user their un-normalized nickname (has spaces, caps,and other formatting)
$info['nickname'] is the formatted screen name. This is what will be displayed to other users
This is probably the most important message that you will deal with. This is received every time that you get
an IM.
$info['from'] is the screen name of who the message is from (if you plan on using it, you need to run it through $aim->normalize)
$info['auto'] This will either equal T or F. If it is T, then this message was sent as like an away message, or something of the sort
$info['message'] This is the actual message sent by the user. It does contain HTML
This message is received to inform you of status changes of the people on your buddy list
$info['sn'] Is the screen name this message is referring to
$info['online'] Either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T', then the user is online, otherwise it is 'F'.
$info['warnlevel'] This is a percentage representing the users warning level. It does have a percent sign attached
$info['signon'] This is a UNIX timestamp representing when the user signed on
$info['idle'] This is the number of minuted a user has been idle
$info['uc'] This is a 3 character string representing the user class. No more information is currently available on this.
This message comes in when you are warned by another user
$info['warnlevel'] is your new warning level (This is the percentage, but does not have a '%' at the end)
$info['from'] is the screen name that sent you the warning. If it is '0' then you were warned anonomously
This message is received when you join a chatroom
$info['chatid'] is the ID number of the chat. This is needed when sending chat messages
$info['chatname'] is the actual name of the chat. This is set by the user that created it
This is the message you receive when you get a message from a chatroom.
$info['chatid'] is the ID of the chat the message was received in. This will be one of the id's from CHAT_JOIN
$info['user'] is the screen name of the person who sent the message
$info['whisper'] is either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T' then this is a whisper. Otherwise it isn't... I have no clue what this means
$info['message'] This is the actual message received. It may contain HTML, though I'm not sure on that
This is sent when a user enters or exits a chat
$info['chatid'] is the id of the chat that the user us being updated in. This will be one of the id's from CHAT_JOIN
$info['inside'] is either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T' it means the user is in the chatroom. Otherwise he is not
$info['userlist'] This is a list of users in the chat seperated by a ':'
This is received when you have been invited to a chat.
$info['chatname'] is the name of the chatroom
$info['chatid'] is the id of the chatroom you are being invited to
$info['from'] is the is the screen name of the user who invited you
$info['message'] is the message attached with the invitation. This could possibly contain HTML (not sure)
This is sent when you leave a chatroom
$info['chatid'] is the ID of the chatroom you just left
This is sent when the server wants the client to visit a URL. I beleive this is associated with getting a users profile
$info['windowname'] is the suggested name of the new window
$info['url'] is the URL to visit
I beleive this command has been discontinued.
There is no $info for this command
Received when you change the formatting of your nickname
$info['returncode'] is always 0 on success
$info['opt'] are optional arguments
Receives when you change your password
$info['returncode'] is always 0 on success
$info['opt'] are optional arguments
This is sent to the client when you need to pause. ANything sent to the server after a PAUSE command will
be ignored. Things will be accepted when you receive a SIGN_ON message.
There is no $info for this command
This command is beleived to be obsolete.
There is no $info for this command
This isn't really a command. This is a string you can pass to $aim->registerHandler() to create a function
for any commands that aren't on this list (and it is possible I have missed some).
There is no $info for this command
Now, using the above information, you should be able to register a handler for every event that AIM trows your way.
So now lets have a little example on how this should work. Below is a small php script that implements a message
include "aimclassw.php"; //Include the class
$aim=new Aim("screen name","password",4); //Create an instance of the Aim class
//You should register all handlers before you sign on. This prevents anything weird from happening.
$aim->registerHandler("IM_IN2","IMinHand"); //Register the function IminHand as the handler for IM_IN2
//Now sign on
$aim->update_profile("This is my profile!<br>",true); //Give us a profile
while(1) //We want this to go forever
$aim->reveive(); //This handles pretty much everything
$aim->myLastReceived=""; //Clear the last command out
//Here we define the function that we are using in our handler
function IMinHand($message) //Note the header, all your handlers headers should look like this
global $aim; //We need to make sure we are using the instance of the $aim class
$info=msg_parse(msg_type($message)); //Get the $info array.. This is highly recommended
$aim->send_im($info['from'],$info['message']); //Send the message back to who sent it to us
And thats it! With that, you have a working "bot" that utilizes message handlers!