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File: supplement.txt

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File: supplement.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: An addition to the documents that explain several methods in detail
Class: PHP TOC Library
Connect to AIM network with the TOC protocol
Author: By
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Date: 19 years ago
Size: 7,592 bytes


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The following is a supplement to the manual because it seems massive. Below you will find a list of commands that you can create handlers to, and what fields the $info array returned by msg_parse will return. For this document, assume that $info=msg_parse(msg_type($message)); where $message is what is coming into your event handler. and $aim is an instnace of the class Aim. To set an even handler, you need to declare a function thats heading looks like this: function <functionname>($message) where <functionname> is the name of your function. Once you have the function declared(not in the class), you need to associate it with an incoming message. To do this, use the following method: $aim->registerHandler($command,$function); Where $command is one of the commands listed below (should be a string), and $function is the name of the function you defined earlier(also a string). The following is a list of commands, when you might reveive them, and what fields $info will have SIGN_ON This command is sent to the client telling it that the authentication has been accepted, and it should continue with sign on. $info['version'] contains the version of TOC we are using CONFIG2 This message is received telling the client who is on their buddy list. This is currently parsed internally. msg_parse does not support this command, but the information that is received by it can be retreived using the methods $aim->getBuddies(); $aim->getBlocked(); $aim->getPermit(); ERROR This is received when there has been an error. $info['errorcode'] contains the code of the error received. $info['args'] This conatains any arguments, sometimes this is additional error information. This is often an empty string NICK This message is received at signon. This will give the user their un-normalized nickname (has spaces, caps,and other formatting) $info['nickname'] is the formatted screen name. This is what will be displayed to other users IM_IN2 This is probably the most important message that you will deal with. This is received every time that you get an IM. $info['from'] is the screen name of who the message is from (if you plan on using it, you need to run it through $aim->normalize) $info['auto'] This will either equal T or F. If it is T, then this message was sent as like an away message, or something of the sort $info['message'] This is the actual message sent by the user. It does contain HTML UPDATE_BUDDY2 This message is received to inform you of status changes of the people on your buddy list $info['sn'] Is the screen name this message is referring to $info['online'] Either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T', then the user is online, otherwise it is 'F'. $info['warnlevel'] This is a percentage representing the users warning level. It does have a percent sign attached $info['signon'] This is a UNIX timestamp representing when the user signed on $info['idle'] This is the number of minuted a user has been idle $info['uc'] This is a 3 character string representing the user class. No more information is currently available on this. EVILED This message comes in when you are warned by another user $info['warnlevel'] is your new warning level (This is the percentage, but does not have a '%' at the end) $info['from'] is the screen name that sent you the warning. If it is '0' then you were warned anonomously CHAT_JOIN This message is received when you join a chatroom $info['chatid'] is the ID number of the chat. This is needed when sending chat messages $info['chatname'] is the actual name of the chat. This is set by the user that created it CHAT_IN This is the message you receive when you get a message from a chatroom. $info['chatid'] is the ID of the chat the message was received in. This will be one of the id's from CHAT_JOIN $info['user'] is the screen name of the person who sent the message $info['whisper'] is either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T' then this is a whisper. Otherwise it isn't... I have no clue what this means $info['message'] This is the actual message received. It may contain HTML, though I'm not sure on that CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY This is sent when a user enters or exits a chat $info['chatid'] is the id of the chat that the user us being updated in. This will be one of the id's from CHAT_JOIN $info['inside'] is either 'T' or 'F'. If it is 'T' it means the user is in the chatroom. Otherwise he is not $info['userlist'] This is a list of users in the chat seperated by a ':' CHAT_INVITE This is received when you have been invited to a chat. $info['chatname'] is the name of the chatroom $info['chatid'] is the id of the chatroom you are being invited to $info['from'] is the is the screen name of the user who invited you $info['message'] is the message attached with the invitation. This could possibly contain HTML (not sure) CHAT_LEFT This is sent when you leave a chatroom $info['chatid'] is the ID of the chatroom you just left GOTO_URL This is sent when the server wants the client to visit a URL. I beleive this is associated with getting a users profile $info['windowname'] is the suggested name of the new window $info['url'] is the URL to visit DIR_STATUS I beleive this command has been discontinued. There is no $info for this command ADMIN_NICK_STATUS Received when you change the formatting of your nickname $info['returncode'] is always 0 on success $info['opt'] are optional arguments ADMIN_PASSWD_STATUS Receives when you change your password $info['returncode'] is always 0 on success $info['opt'] are optional arguments PAUSE This is sent to the client when you need to pause. ANything sent to the server after a PAUSE command will be ignored. Things will be accepted when you receive a SIGN_ON message. There is no $info for this command RVOUS_PROPOSE This command is beleived to be obsolete. There is no $info for this command other This isn't really a command. This is a string you can pass to $aim->registerHandler() to create a function for any commands that aren't on this list (and it is possible I have missed some). There is no $info for this command Now, using the above information, you should be able to register a handler for every event that AIM trows your way. So now lets have a little example on how this should work. Below is a small php script that implements a message handler. <?php include "aimclassw.php"; //Include the class $aim=new Aim("screen name","password",4); //Create an instance of the Aim class //You should register all handlers before you sign on. This prevents anything weird from happening. $aim->registerHandler("IM_IN2","IMinHand"); //Register the function IminHand as the handler for IM_IN2 //Now sign on $aim->signon(); $aim->update_profile("This is my profile!<br>",true); //Give us a profile while(1) //We want this to go forever { $aim->reveive(); //This handles pretty much everything $aim->myLastReceived=""; //Clear the last command out } //Here we define the function that we are using in our handler function IMinHand($message) //Note the header, all your handlers headers should look like this { global $aim; //We need to make sure we are using the instance of the $aim class $info=msg_parse(msg_type($message)); //Get the $info array.. This is highly recommended $aim->send_im($info['from'],$info['message']); //Send the message back to who sent it to us } ?> And thats it! With that, you have a working "bot" that utilizes message handlers!