require_once 'RouteController.php';
* This is only way of getting instance,
* as we want to keep all loaded routes into memory
* we are using Singleton pattern
$router = RouteController::getInstance();
* Register GET route /test/get that requires parameter name
* url to this will look like domain/index.php?route=/test/get&name=World
* output will look like this:
* GET Method.
* Hello, World!
* Copyright ©2015
* if parameter NAME is not defined, then second closure will be called
* output would look like:
* Missing following parameters 'name'
* Copyright ©2015
$router->registerRoute(RouteController::METHOD_GET, '/test/get', function ($name) {
echo 'GET Method.<br>';
echo "Hello, {$name}!";
}, function (array $missingParameters) {
echo 'Missing following parameters \'' . implode("', '", $missingParameters) . '\'<br>';
* This is same as GET method, only this is post but instead of showing message
* of missing arguments, script will throw RuntimeException
$router->registerRoute(RouteController::METHOD_POST, '/test/post', function ($name) {
echo 'POST Method.<br>';
echo "Hello, {$name}";
$router->run(function () {
$year = date('Y');
echo "<br>Copyright ©{$year}";