# include config file
require_once 'config.php';
# include the db client classes file (use own path of the file location)
require_once '../Import.php';
# import client for MySql
use Nemiro\Data\MySql as MySql;
# import command class
use Nemiro\Data\DBCommand as DBCommand;
# import parameters type list
use Nemiro\Data\DBParameterType as DBParameterType;
# best practice is to use 'try { } catch { }' blocks
# create a new client instance
$client = new MySql();
# create commands
$firtCommand = new DBCommand('SELECT * FROM users LIMIT @from, @to');
$firtCommand->Parameters->Add('@to', 20, DBParameterType::Integer);
$firtCommand->Parameters->Add('@from', 10, DBParameterType::Integer);
$secondCommand = new DBCommand
'SELECT m.* FROM messages AS m '.
'INNER JOIN (SELECT id_users FROM users LIMIT @users_from, @users_to) AS u '.
'ON m.id_users = u.id_users '.
'LIMIT @messages_limit'
$secondCommand->Parameters->Add('@messages_limit', 50, DBParameterType::Integer);
$secondCommand->Parameters->Add('@users_from', $firtCommand->Parameters['@from']->Value, DBParameterType::Integer);
$secondCommand->Parameters->Add('@users_to', $firtCommand->Parameters['@to']->Value, DBParameterType::Integer);
$thirdCommand = 'SELECT * FROM stat';
# set commands to client instance
$client->Command = array($firtCommand, $secondCommand, $thirdCommand);
# execute the command and get DataSet
$data = $client->GetData();
if (count($data) > 0)
# read tables
$index = 1;
foreach ($data as $table)
echo '<h2>Table #'.$index.'</h2>';
# output columns of the table
$columns = array_keys($table[0]);
echo '<table>';
echo '<thead><tr>';
foreach ($columns as $column)
echo '<td>'.$column.'</td>';
echo '</tr></thead>';
# output the table rows
echo '<tbody>';
foreach ($table as $row)
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($row as $field)
echo '<td>'.(isset($field) ? $field : 'NULL').'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
echo 'The query returned no results...';
catch (Exception $ex)
echo 'Error: '.$ex->getMessage();