<p><strong>Nemiro.Data.PHP</strong> is a small set of utility classes for working with databases <strong>MySql</strong> and <strong>PostgreSQL</strong>.</p>
<p>To work with the databases used five simple methods: <strong>ExecuteNonQuery</strong>, <strong>ExecuteScalar</strong>, <strong>GetData</strong>, <strong>GetTable</strong> and <strong>GetRow</strong>.</p>
<p><a href="https://github.com/alekseynemiro/Nemiro.Data.PHP">https://github.com/alekseynemiro/Nemiro.Data.PHP</a></p>
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To test the samples you need to configure the database connections in the <strong>config.php.</strong>
Also necessary to created test tables: [users], [messages] and [stat] or you can just change the test queries.
<p>Using the <strong>MySql</strong> and <strong>PgSql</strong> classes is no different. The difference is only in <strong>SQL</strong> queries.</p>
<a href="mysql_simply.php">Simply</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand without and with parameters; GetTable, ExecuteNonQuery methods)</small>
<a href="mysql_insert_get_id.php">Insert and get ID</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand with parameters, ExecuteScalar method)</small>
<a href="mysql_getrow.php">Get single row</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand with parameters, GetRow method)</small>
<a href="mysql_gettable.php">Get array of rows (table)</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand with parameters, GetTable method)</small>
<a href="mysql_getdata.php">Get array of tables (DataSet)</a><br />
<small>(multiple DBCommand with parameters, GetData method)</small>
<a href="pgsql_simply.php">Simply</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand without and with parameters; GetTable, ExecuteNonQuery methods)</small>
<a href="pg_insert_get_id.php">Insert and get ID</a><br />
<small>(DBCommand with parameters, ExecuteScalar method)</small>
<a href="pg_connstr.php">Various connection settings</a>