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File: class.arbplate.php

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File: class.arbplate.php
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Description: Main Class File
Class: arbplate
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
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<?PHP // // File: class.arbplate.php // Ver: 0.8a // Desc: Main class file for arbplate // Auth: Paul Arbogast // ******************* // Latest version is available at // Send Questions or comments to // /* Copyright (C) 2001 Paul Arbogast This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // to do: // // // {if] tagset ? dunno if this is needed // make arbdb - db abstraction routines for use by arbplate - mysql done // make arbthenticate - user tracking/authentication // $ARB_CONFIG = parse_ini_file( "arbplate.ini" ); // read config file if ( ! is_array( $ARB_CONFIG ) ) { trigger_error( "[Could Not Read INI file!]" , E_USER_ERROR ); } include( "arberr.php" ); // include error handling routines if ( ! defined( "INCLUDED_ARBDB" ) ) { include( "class.arbdb.php" ) ; // include database class } $ADB = new arbdb(); // main class class arbplate { var $VERSION = "0.8a"; var $TEMP_NAME = ""; // Name of root template being parsed var $ROOT_DIR = ""; // Contains root directory to Templates var $SKIN = ""; // Contains directory to current Theme // Array of template variables var $VAR_STATIC = array (); // Array of link values var $VAR_LINKS = array ( array () ); // Array of tags & assosicated functions var $TAG_MATRIX = array (); // -------- Methods ---------- // -------------------- // arbplate: The main class constructor // useage: $arb->arbplate( ); // // You can send TemplatePath, changing the default path to the template files // and/or you can send Theme_Skin to define an other than default theme. // // By default your templates will be in templatepath/themeskin. So you can // set up a multi-theme system because it will simply be in a different directory. // function arbplate ( $TemplatePath = "" , $Theme_Skin = "" ) { global $ARB_CONFIG; if ( ! empty( $Theme_Skin ) ) { $this -> SKIN = $Theme_Skin; } else { $this -> SKIN = $ARB_CONFIG['DEF_SKIN']; } if ( !empty( $TemplatePath ) ) { $this -> set_base( $TemplatePath ); } else { $this -> set_base( $ARB_CONFIG['DEF_ROOT'] ); } $this -> def_tags ( array ( "func" => "replace_functions" , "inc" => "replace_includes" , "var" => "replace_variables" , "rep" => "replace_repeats" , "link" => "replace_link" , "query" => "replace_query" )); // load up variables and links from database $this -> load_to_static(); $this -> load_to_links(); return; } // -------------------- // set_base: Sets root directory for templates // useage: used by arbplate constructor // function set_base ( $Root_Dir ) { if ( substr( $Root_Dir , -1 ) != 47 ) { $Root_Dir = $Root_Dir . chr(47); } $Root_Dir = $Root_Dir . $this -> SKIN . chr(47) ; if ( is_dir( $Root_Dir ) ) { $this -> ROOT_DIR = $Root_Dir; } else { $this -> ROOT_DIR = ""; trigger_error ( "Specified ROOT directory incorrect: [$Root_Dir]" , E_USER_NOTICE ) ; } } // -------------------- // def_tags: Set up Tag to Function matrix // useage: used by arbplate constructor // function def_tags ( $VarList ) { while ( list ( $VarName , $VarVal ) = each ( $VarList ) ) { $this -> TAG_MATRIX[ "$VarName" ] = $VarVal; } return; } // -------------------- // def_static: // function def_static ( $VarList ) { while ( list ( $VarName , $VarVal ) = each ( $VarList ) ) { $this -> VAR_STATIC[ "$VarName" ] = $VarVal; } return; } // -------------------- // load_to_static: Loads all variables from database to memory // for quicker access. // // function load_to_static ( ) { global $ADB; $ADB -> arbdb_query( "SELECT * FROM varis" ); while ( $row = $ADB -> arbdb_next() ) { $this -> def_static( array( $row["var_name"] => $row["var_val"] ) ); } } // -------------------- // def_links: // function def_links ( $VarList ) { while ( list ( $VarName ) = each ( $VarList ) ) { while ( list ( $Key , $Var2 ) = each ( $VarList["$VarName"] ) ) { $this -> VAR_LINKS[ $VarName ][ $Key ] = $Var2 ; } } return; } // -------------------- // load_to_links: Loads all link info from database to memory for // quicker access. // function load_to_links ( ) { global $ADB; $ADB -> arbdb_query( "SELECT * FROM links" ); while ( $row = $ADB -> arbdb_next() ) { $this -> def_links( array( $row["l_name"] => array ( $row["l_desc"] , $row["l_link"] ) ) ); } } // -------------------- // parse: Read in template, replace everything, print result // useage: $arb->parse( "templatename.arb" ); // // Templates can be named any legal file extension. // function parse ( $TemplateName ) { $filename = $this -> ROOT_DIR . $TemplateName ; $contents = fread( $fp = fopen( $filename , 'r' ), filesize( $filename ) ); fclose($fp); $this -> TEMP_NAME = $TemplateName; // replace all tags $contents = $this -> rep_func ( $contents ); print $contents; } // -------------------- // rep_func: takes input and replaces all tagsets of type $type // function rep_func ( $line ) { $nv = 0; $line = " " . $line . " "; while ( preg_match( "/^(.*)\{(inc|var|rep|func|link|query)\}(.+)$/sU", $line, $arr)) { $blah[$nv] = array ( $arr[1], " ", $arr[2], $arr[3] ); $line = $arr[3]; $repnum = 0; while ( preg_match( "/^(.*)\{([\/]*)(inc|var|rep|func|link|query)\}(.+)$/sU", $line, $arrsub)) { $nv++; $blah[$nv] = array ( $arrsub[1], $arrsub[2], $arrsub[3], $arrsub[4]); if ($arrsub[2] =="") { $line = $arrsub[4]; } else { if ($blah[$nv][2] == $blah[$nv-1][2]) { $repnum++; $thefunc = $this->TAG_MATRIX[ $blah[$nv][2] ]; $repl = $this->$thefunc( $blah[$nv][0] ); $line = $blah[$nv-1][0] . $repl . $blah[$nv][3]; if ($nv>1) { $blah[$nv-2][3] = $tnts; } $nv--;$nv--; if ($nv<0) { $nv = 0; if (!(substr($line,0,1)==" ")) $line = " " . $line; break; } } } } } return $line; } // -------------------- // replace_count: used by replace_repeats to replace @@@@ tag with repetition number // function replace_count ( $line, $count ) { $line = preg_replace( "|\@{4}|sU" , "$count" , $line ) ; // add another tok to replace count+1? return $line; } // -------------------- // replace_repeats: {rep}X:string to repeat{/rep} // // returns X copies of 'string to repeat'. // you can use @@@@ in string, which will be replaces // with the iteration number of that loop. // function replace_repeats ( $line ) { $reparr = preg_split ("|:|sU", $line, 2 ); $rtn = ""; $times = $reparr[0]; settype( $times , "integer" ); for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $times ; $x++ ) { $rtn = $rtn . $this -> replace_count( $reparr[1] , $x ); // $reparr[2]; } return $rtn; } // -------------------- // replace_includes: {inc}filename.ext{/inc} // // Returns the contents of filename.ext, then will parse through that // template as well. // function replace_includes ( $incfile ) { $filename = $this -> ROOT_DIR . $incfile ; if ( ! is_file( $filename ) ) { trigger_error( "Not a good inc file: $filename" , E_USER_ERROR ); } else { $rtn = fread( $fp = fopen( $filename , 'r' ), filesize( $filename ) ); fclose( $fp ); } return $rtn; } // -------------------- // replace_functions: replaces all {func}...{/func} tagsets // // NOTE: don't let unchecked user input go here!!!! // function replace_functions ( $funcname ) { //echo "[".$funcname."]<br/>"; ob_start(); eval( $funcname ); $rtn = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $rtn; } // -------------------- // replace_variables: {var}varname{/var} // // Returns value of variable. Not only can you use the ones // defined in the varis table of your database, but you can // class variables (like ROOT_DIR), and PHP system variables. // function replace_variables ( $varname ) { $rtn = ""; // need a way to prevent system vars (aka vars that aren't valid indexes // for below line, from being checked below.. it causes a warning that is // logged, and that could make for a big log file. // doing an each(VAR_STATIC) would slow things down.. find another way. $rtn = $this -> VAR_STATIC[ $varname ]; if ($rtn == "") { // add ability to return system variables (php system that is) $varname = "print \$this -> " . $varname . ";" ; $rtn = $this -> replace_functions( $varname ); } return $rtn; } // -------------------- // replace_link: {link}A:name{/link} // // Returns actual link (i.e. if A is l. // Returns description of link if A is d. // // example: // // <a href="{link}l:email{/link}">{link}d:email{/link}</a> // // this allows you to change links and their descriptions // from one spot (database) rather than searching all your // template files. // function replace_link ( $linkname ) { $reparr = preg_split ("|:|sU", $linkname, 2 ); if ( $reparr[0] == "l" ) { $rtn = $this -> VAR_LINKS[ $reparr[ 1 ] ][1]; } if ( $reparr[0] == "d" ) { $rtn = $this -> VAR_LINKS[ $reparr[ 1 ] ][0]; } return $rtn; } // -------------------- // replace_query: {query}qstring:template{/query} // // run query with qstring, fill in returned row values into template // (i.e. %1 is first field, $2 second, etc..) // // example: // // <table> // {query}select username,email from users:<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td></tr>{/query} // </table> // // this outputs a table of users names and email addresses // function replace_query ( $query ) { global $ADB; $rtn = ""; $reparr = preg_split ("|:|sU", $query, 2 ); $ADB -> arbdb_query( $reparr[0] ); while ( $row = $ADB -> arbdb_next( "n" ) ) { $xs = $reparr[1]; for ( $x = 0; $x < count( $row ); $x++ ) { $xs = preg_replace( "|\%".($x + 1)."|sU" , $row[ $x ] , $xs ) ; } $rtn = $rtn . $xs; } return $rtn; } } // end of arbplate class definition ?>