#create the emoji Object
$emojiObject = new emoji([bool $multi_emoji = false [, int $limit = 12 [, bool $css = false [, bool $classes = ""]]]]);
#$multi_emoji specifies that the object will load multiple objects
#$css specifies if that objects will contain a css class, this and $multi_emoji is set false to default
#$classes specifies the class of the object, this is empty by default
#$limit specifies the limit of files to charge, by default is 15
$emojiObject->add_emoji(string $emoji_f = "", string $emoji_text = "");
#$emoji_f set the path of the image file, this is inherit to the html page
#$emoji_text set the text to be replaced
#both are empty by default
$emojiObject->print_emoji(string $text_s);
#$text_s specifies the text that will be changed