# List of PHP reserved keywords that must not be used within generated classes.
# If an element matched one of this reserved keywords, it is replaced by "_" + {reserved_keyword} + nb_used_times
# It includes the pre defined functions by PackageBase classes too.
# constants
- "PHP_OS"
- "E_ALL"
- "TRUE"
- "NULL"
- "__CLASS__"
- "__DIR__"
- "__FILE__"
- "__FUNCTION__"
- "__LINE__"
- "__METHOD__"
- "__TRAIT__"
# keywords
- "__halt_compiler"
- "abstract"
- "and"
- "array"
- "as"
- "break"
- "callable"
- "case"
- "catch"
- "class"
- "clone"
- "const"
- "continue"
- "declare"
- "default"
- "die"
- "do"
- "echo"
- "else"
- "elseif"
- "empty"
- "enddeclare"
- "endfor"
- "endforeach"
- "endif"
- "endswitch"
- "endwhile"
- "eval"
- "exit"
- "extends"
- "final"
- "finally"
- "for"
- "foreach"
- "function"
- "global"
- "goto"
- "if"
- "implements"
- "include"
- "include_once"
- "instanceof"
- "insteadof"
- "interface"
- "isset"
- "list"
- "namespace"
- "new"
- "or"
- "parent"
- "print"
- "private"
- "protected"
- "public"
- "require"
- "require_once"
- "return"
- "static"
- "switch"
- "throw"
- "trait"
- "try"
- "unset"
- "use"
- "var"
- "while"
- "xor"
- "yield"
# magic methods
- "__construct"
- "__destruct"
- "__call"
- "__callStatic"
- "__get"
- "__set"
- "__isset"
- "__unset"
- "__sleep"
- "__wakeup"
- "__toString"
- "__invoke"
- "__set_state"
- "__clone"
- "__debugInfo"
# methods from AbstractSoapClientBase
- "__construct"
- "getSoapClient"
- "setSoapClient"
- "initSoapClient"
- "getSoapClientClassName"
- "getDefaultWsdlOptions"
- "setLocation"
- "getLastRequest"
- "getLastResponse"
- "getLastXml"
- "getLastRequestHeaders"
- "getLastResponseHeaders"
- "getLastHeaders"
- "getFormatedXml"
- "convertStringHeadersToArray"
- "setSoapHeader"
- "setHttpHeader"
- "getLastError"
- "setLastError"
- "saveLastError"
- "getLastErrorForMethod"
- "getResult"
- "setResult"
# methods from AbstractStructBase
- "_set"
- "_get"
# methods from AbstractStructArrayBase
- "getAttributeName"
- "length"
- "count"
- "current"
- "next"
- "rewind"
- "valid"
- "key"
- "item"
- "add"
- "first"
- "last"
- "offsetExists"
- "offsetGet"
- "offsetSet"
- "offsetUnset"
- "getInternArray"
- "setInternArray"
- "getInternArrayOffset"
- "initInternArray"
- "setInternArrayOffset"
- "getInternArrayIsArray"
- "setInternArrayIsArray"