* class time_online *
* Version 0.8b2 *
* *
* A PHP class to help get info how much time users spend on a page or on *
* the entire site in a session or the total time *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Dragos Protung - dragos@protung.ro *
* *
* This PHP class is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This PHP class is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* *
* *
* Author: *
* Dragos Protung, 500164 Brasov, Romania, dragos@protung.ro *
* *
class time_online {
function time_online() {
$this -> userID = $_COOKIE["time_online_ID"]; // user's ID
$this -> userTT = $_COOKIE["time_online_TT"]; // user's total time on site
$this -> userST = $_COOKIE["time_online_ST"]; // time when user entered the site
$this -> userTO = $_COOKIE["time_online_TO"]; // time that the user has been online this sesion
$this -> displayID = 0; // ID used to generate diferent script in case of multiple call of display() function
if ($this -> userID != "") {
if ($this -> userST == "") {
$this -> userST = time();
setcookie("time_online_ST", $this -> userST);
$this -> userLPT = time() - $this -> userST - $this -> userTO;
$this -> userTT += $this -> userLPT;
setcookie("time_online_TT", $this -> userTT, time()+60*60*60*60*60);
$this -> userTO = time() - $this -> userST;
setcookie("time_online_TO", $this -> userTO);
$this -> userTO = time_online::normalizare($this -> userTO);
$this -> userTT = time_online::normalizare($this -> userTT);
if ($this -> userID == "") {
function newID() {
$this -> userID = md5(rand());
$this -> userST = time();
$this -> userTO = 0;
$this -> userTT = 0;
setcookie("time_online_ID", $this -> userID, time()+(60*60*24*365*10));
setcookie("time_online_ST", $this -> userST);
setcookie("time_online_TO", $this -> userTO);
setcookie("time_online_TT", $this -> userTT, time()+(60*60*24*365*10));
function normalizare($secunde) {
$minute = $secunde / 60;
$secunde = $secunde % 60;
$ore = $minute / 60;
$minute = $minute % 60;
$zile = $ore / 24;
$ore = $ore % 24;
return $timp = array("days" => (int)$zile, "hours" => $ore, "minutes" => $minute, "seconds" => $secunde);
function display_time($type){
$this -> displayID++;
if ($type == "current_page") {
$time_start_multiply = 0;
if ($type == "current_session") {
$time_start_multiply = $this -> userTO["days"]*24*60*60 + $this -> userTO["hours"]*60*60 + $this -> userTO["minutes"]*60 + $this -> userTO["seconds"];
if ($type == "total_time") {
$time_start_multiply = $this -> userTT["days"]*24*60*60 + $this -> userTT["hours"]*60*60 + $this -> userTT["minutes"]*60 + $this -> userTT["seconds"];
echo "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
document.writeln(\"<span id=\\\"time_online" . $this -> displayID . "\\\"></span>\");
zi_inceput" . $this -> displayID . " = new Date();
ceas_start" . $this -> displayID . " = zi_inceput" . $this -> displayID . ".getTime();
function initStopwatch" . $this -> displayID . "() {
var timp_pe_pag" . $this -> displayID . " = new Date();
return((timp_pe_pag" . $this -> displayID . ".getTime()+(1000*$time_start_multiply) - ceas_start" . $this -> displayID . ")/1000);
function getSecs" . $this -> displayID . "() {
var tSecs" . $this -> displayID . " = Math.round(initStopwatch" . $this -> displayID . "());
var iSecs" . $this -> displayID . " = tSecs" . $this -> displayID . " % 60;
var iMins" . $this -> displayID . " = Math.round((tSecs" . $this -> displayID . "-30)/60);
var iHour" . $this -> displayID . " = Math.round((iMins" . $this -> displayID . "-30)/60);
var iMins" . $this -> displayID . " = iMins" . $this -> displayID . " % 60;
var iDays" . $this -> displayID . " = Math.round((iHour" . $this -> displayID . "-11)/24);
if (iDays" . $this -> displayID . " == -0) {iDays" . $this -> displayID . " *= (-1)}; // Stupid Opera :)
var iHour" . $this -> displayID . " = iHour" . $this -> displayID . " % 24;
var sSecs" . $this -> displayID . " = \"\" + ((iSecs" . $this -> displayID . " > 9) ? iSecs" . $this -> displayID . " : \"0\" + iSecs" . $this -> displayID . ");
var sMins" . $this -> displayID . " = \"\" + ((iMins" . $this -> displayID . " > 9) ? iMins" . $this -> displayID . " : \"0\" + iMins" . $this -> displayID . ");
var sHour" . $this -> displayID . " = \"\" + ((iHour" . $this -> displayID . " > 9) ? iHour" . $this -> displayID . " : \"0\" + iHour" . $this -> displayID . ");
document.getElementById('time_online" . $this -> displayID . "').innerHTML=iDays" . $this -> displayID . "+\":\"+sHour" . $this -> displayID . "+\":\"+sMins" . $this -> displayID . "+\":\"+sSecs" . $this -> displayID . ";
window.setTimeout('getSecs" . $this -> displayID . "()',1000);
window.setTimeout('getSecs" . $this -> displayID . "()',1000)