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File: example.php

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   PHP Regex Advanced   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Regex Advanced
Match MSDOS/UNIX patterns with regular expressions
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 2,821 bytes


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// test Regex class methods
// this script should be run in command-line mode
include ( 'Regex.class.php' ) ;

if (
php_sapi_name ( ) == 'cli' )
$eol = PHP_EOL ;
$tab = "\t" ;
$eol = "<br/>" ;
$tab = str_repeat ( "&nbsp;", 8 ) ;

// IsRegex() method example
$re =
'/foo bar/', // valid
'#foo bar#imsx', // valid
'/foo bar' // invalid
] ;

foreach (
$re as $item )
    echo (
"Regex::IsRegex ( $item ) = " . ( ( Regex::IsRegex ( $item ) ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . $eol ) ;

echo (
$eol ) ;

// Matches() example
$matches =
'file.txt', '*.txt' ], // match
[ 'file.txt', 'file.*' ], // match
[ 'dir/file.txt', '*.txt' ], // no match
[ 'dir/file.txt', 'dir/*.txt' ], // match
[ 'dir/file.txt', '*/*.txt' ], // match
[ 'dir/file.txt', '*\\file.txt' ] // match
] ;

foreach (
$matches as $match )
    echo (
"Regex::Matches ( {$match [0]}, {$match [1]} ) = " . ( ( Regex::Matches ( $match [0], $match [1] ) ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) . $eol ) ;

echo (
$eol ) ;

// DevelopExpression() example
$expressions =
'file[0-9].txt', // Gives 'file0.txt' to 'file9.txt'
'file[a-c][0-2].bin' // Gives 'filea0.bin' to 'filea2.bin', 'fileb0.bin' to 'fileb2.bin', etc.
] ;

foreach (
$expressions as $expression )
    echo (
"Regex::DevelopExpression ( $expression ) = $eol$tab" ) ;
$developed_expressions = Regex::DevelopExpression ( $expression ) ;
    echo (
rtrim ( str_replace ( "\n", "$eol$tab", print_r ( $developed_expressions, true ) ) ) ) ;
    echo (
"$eol" ) ;

echo (
$eol ) ;

// PregMatchEx() example
$subject = "a:1 b:2" ;
$re = '/(?P<sequence> (?P<letter> [a-z]) : (?P<digit> [0-9])) \s (?P<sequence> (?P<letter> [a-z]) : (?P<digit> [0-9]))/imsx' ;

echo (
"Regex::PregMatchEx ( $subject, $re, WIPE ) : " ) ;
$result = Regex::PregMatchEx ( $re, $subject, $match, PREG_WIPE_MATCHES | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ;
echo (
"\t" . str_replace ( "\n", "$eol$tab", print_r ( $match, true ) ) ) ;
echo (
$eol ) ;

echo (
"Regex::PregMatchEx ( $subject, $re, NOWIPE ) : " ) ;
$result = Regex::PregMatchEx ( $re, $subject, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ;
echo (
"\t" . str_replace ( "\n", "$eol$tab", print_r ( $match, true ) ) ) ;
echo (
$eol ) ;

// MetaPregMatchEx() example
$regex_list =
'1' => '/message start/',
'2' => '/log: \s* (?P<logmessage> .*)/imsx',
'3' => '/message end/'
] ;
$sequence = '/ \1 \2* \3 /imsx' ;
$lines =
'message start',
'log: this is log message 1',
'log: this is log message 2',
'message end'
] ;

echo (
"Regex::MetaPregMatchEx ( ) = " ) ;
$status = Regex::MetaPregMatchEx ( $sequence, $regex_list, $lines ) ;
echo ( (
$status ) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ;