* Gridline
* Designed to generate CSS on the fly that sets up a responsive grid system of any size
* for use with Twitter Bootstrap 3.
// Make a style sheet element and append it after other style sheets in the `<head>` section.
function gMakeSheet(mediaAttribute) {
var style = document.createElement("style");
if(mediaAttribute !== undefined && mediaAttribute !== null) {
style.setAttribute("media", mediaAttribute);
return style.sheet;
// Add rules to any number of sheets.
function gAddStyleToSheet(s, selector, rules, index) {
if(s == 'all' || s === null) {
s = [sheet, smSheet, mdSheet, lgSheet];
} else {
if(s.cssRules !== undefined) {
s = [s];
for(var i in s) {
if(s[i].insertRule) {
s[i].insertRule(selector + "{" + rules + "}", index);
else {
s[i].addRule(selector, rules, index);
// Mobile first (or "xs")
var sheet = gMakeSheet();
var xsSheet = sheet;
var smSheet = gMakeSheet('only screen and (min-width: 768px)');
var mdSheet = gMakeSheet('only screen and (min-width: 992px)');
var lgSheet = gMakeSheet('only screen and (min-width: 1200px)');
// Twitter Bootstrap default gutter
gAddStyleToSheet(null, "[class*='col-']", "padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px;");
// For flush rows (text edge to edge)
gAddStyleToSheet(null, ".flush-row [class*='col-']:first-of-type", "padding-left:0 !important;");
gAddStyleToSheet(null, ".flush-row [class*='col-']:last-of-type", "padding-right:0 !important;");
* The same classes are used and the grid size can be adjusted via data attributes.
* Gutter width can as well.
* Example:
* <div class="row" data-columns="16" data-gutter-width="10">
* <div class="col-md-6"></div>
* <div class="col-md-6"></div>
* <div class="col-md-6"></div>
* </div>
* The JavaScript will detect elements wrapped in these data attributes and adjust only the columns within that element.
* Do all this on DOM ready.
$(document).ready(function() {
var columnSets = {};
$(".row[data-columns]").each(function() {
var cols = $(this).data('columns');
$(this).addClass('cols-' + cols);
if(columnSets['cols-' + cols] === undefined) {
columnSets['cols-' + cols] = '';
for(var c=1; c <= cols; c++) {
var widthP = (c / cols) * 100;
gAddStyleToSheet(lgSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-lg-" + c, "width: " + widthP + "%; float:left;");
gAddStyleToSheet(mdSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-md-" + c, "width: " + widthP + "%; float:left;");
gAddStyleToSheet(smSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-sm-" + c, "width: " + widthP + "%; float:left;");
gAddStyleToSheet(xsSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-xs-" + c, "width: " + widthP + "%; float:left;");
gAddStyleToSheet(lgSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-lg-push-" + c, "left: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(mdSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-md-push-" + c, "left: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(smSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-sm-push-" + c, "left: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(xsSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-xs-push-" + c, "left: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(lgSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-lg-pull-" + c, "right: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(mdSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-md-pull-" + c, "right: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(smSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-sm-pull-" + c, "right: " + widthP + "%;");
gAddStyleToSheet(xsSheet, ".cols-" + cols + " .col-xs-pull-" + c, "right: " + widthP + "%;");
var gutterSets = {};
$(".row[data-gutter-width]").each(function() {
var gutterWidth = $(this).data('gutter-width');
$(this).addClass('gutter-width-' + gutterWidth);
var gutterScaling = $(this).data('gutter-scaling');
gutterScaling = (gutterScaling === undefined) ? true:gutterScaling;
gutterScaling = (gutterScaling == 'no' || gutterScaling == 'false' || gutterScaling == '0' || gutterScaling === 0) ? false:true;
if(gutterScaling) {
$(this).addClass('gutter-scaled-width-' + gutterWidth);
var flushRow = $(this).data('flush-row');
flushRow = (flushRow == 'yes' || flushRow == 'true' || flushRow == '1' || flushRow === 1) ? true:false;
if(flushRow) {
if(gutterSets['gutter-width-' + gutterWidth] === undefined) {
gutterSets['gutter-width-' + gutterWidth] = '';
var halfGutter = Math.floor(gutterWidth / 2);
gAddStyleToSheet(lgSheet, ".gutter-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-lg-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px;");
gAddStyleToSheet(mdSheet, ".gutter-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-md-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px;");
gAddStyleToSheet(smSheet, ".gutter-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-sm-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px;");
gAddStyleToSheet(xsSheet, ".gutter-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-xs-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px;");
// Gutters should be smaller on smaller devices to be more proportionate...though this can be disabled with the `gutter-scaling` data attribute.
var quarterGutter = Math.floor(gutterWidth / 4);
gAddStyleToSheet(xsSheet, ".gutter-scaled-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-xs-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + quarterGutter + "px !important; padding-right: " + quarterGutter + "px !important;");
gAddStyleToSheet(smSheet, ".gutter-scaled-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-sm-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + quarterGutter + "px !important; padding-right: " + quarterGutter + "px !important;");
// These are still going to be normal size...
gAddStyleToSheet(mdSheet, ".gutter-scaled-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-md-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px !important; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px !important;");
gAddStyleToSheet(lgSheet, ".gutter-scaled-width-" + gutterWidth + " [class*='col-lg-']", "position: relative; min-height: 1px; padding-left: " + halfGutter + "px !important; padding-right: " + halfGutter + "px !important;");