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File: Autoloader.php

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  Classes of Andrei Alexandru   Enhanced PSR 4 Autoloader   Autoloader.php   Download  
File: Autoloader.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class
Class: Enhanced PSR 4 Autoloader
Autoloader that supports PSR 4 with enhancements
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 5,364 bytes


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 * @author Andrei Alexandru Romila
 * @version 1.0
class Autoloader {
     * PHP default file extension
     * @var string
const PHP_EXTENSION = '.php';

     * Stores all namespaces and directories
     * @var array
protected $prefixes = array();
     * Stores all the files
     * @var array
protected $files = array();

     * @param boolean $register
public function __construct($register = false) {
        if (
$register === true) {

     * Registers a new autoloader funtion
     * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure.
public function registerAutoloader() {
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadClass'), false, true);
     * Register a new file for a classname.
     * @param string $class The name of the class
     * @param string $filename The filename
     * @param boolean $replace If the class is already register, replace the filename
public function registerFile($class, $filename, $overwrite = false) {
        if (
is_file($filename) === false || is_readable($filename) === false) {
'The file: ' . $filename . ' doen\'t exist or is not readable!<br />';
// Remove the '\' if the class is \ClassName
$class = rtrim($class, '\\');
// Get real path of the file and normalize directory separator
$filename = realpath($filename);
$filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename);
// If is not set yet, create it
if (isset($this->files[$class]) === false) {
$this->files[$class] = $filename;
        } else if (
$overwrite === true) {
// Overwrite the last filename
$this->files[$class] = $filename;

     * Registers a new namespace in the loader
     * @param string $namespace The namespace
     * @param string $directory Path to the namespace
public function registerNamespace($namespace, $directory, $prepend = false) {
        if (
is_dir($directory) === false || is_readable($directory) === false) {
'The directory: ' . $directory . ' doen\'t exist or is not readable!<br />';
$namespace = trim($namespace, '\\') . '\\';
$directory = realpath($directory);
$directory = str_replace('\\', '/', $directory) . '/';
// If doesnt exist create a new array for the namespace.
if (false === isset($this->prefixes[$namespace])) {
$this->prefixes[$namespace] = array();
        } else if (
in_array($directory, $this->prefixes[$namespace], true)) {
// Already added ...
        if (
$prepend === true) {
// Prepend this namespace
$this->prefixes[$namespace] = array_unshift($this->prefixes[$namespace], $directory);
        } else {
// A bit faster than array_push($array, $value1)
$this->prefixes[$namespace][] = $directory;
     * PSR4 loadClass function with some enhancements.
     * @param string $class
public function loadClass($class) {
// Check for direct file registration - a bit faster than searching in a sub folder
if (isset($this->files[$class]) && $this->requireFile($this->files[$class])) {
// the current namespace prefix
$prefix = $class;
// work backwards through the namespace names of the fully-qualified
        // class name to find a mapped file name
while (false !== ($position = strrpos($prefix, '\\'))) {
// retain the trailing namespace separator in the prefix
$prefix = substr($class, 0, $position + 1);
// the rest is the relative class name
$relative = substr($class, $position + 1);
// try to load a mapped file for the prefix and relative class
$filename = $this->loadFile($prefix, $relative);
            if (
$filename) {
// remove the trailing namespace separator for the next iteration
            // of strrpos()
$prefix = rtrim($prefix, '\\');
// never found a mapped file
return false;
     * Load the mapped file for a namespace prefix and relative class.
     * @param string $prefix The namespace prefix.
     * @param string $relativePath The relative class name.
     * @return mixed Boolean false if no mapped file can be loaded, or the
     * name of the mapped file that was loaded.
protected function loadFile($prefix, $relativePath) {
// are there any base directories for this namespace prefix?
if (isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) === false) {
// look through base directories for this namespace prefix
foreach ($this->prefixes[$prefix] as $directory) {
$filename = $directory . str_replace('\\', '/', $relativePath) . self::PHP_EXTENSION;
// if the mapped file exists, require it
if ($this->requireFile($filename)) {
// never found it
return false;
     * If a file exists, require it from the file system.
     * @param string $file The file to require.
     * @return bool True if the file exists, false if not.
protected function requireFile($filename) {
        if (
is_readable($filename)) {