// API call (or whatever) for data
$response = json_decode(file_get_contents('arraySearch.example.data.php'),true);
// Initialize arraySearch Object
//$mysqli = new mysqli($server, $user, $pass, $db);
$arraySearch = new arraySearch($mysqli);
// Assign object an array
$arraySearch->todoList = $response['todos'];
// Note: this array can be ($incrementer => $field) or ($field => $incrementer)
// the result will be returned in the same format it was supplied in.
// Now we can start reading out, this will print all the data we just put in
echo '<br/> Example 1: Printing all the data<br/>';
// Or we could run the data through a filter
echo '<br/> Example 2.0: Using filters on the data<br/>';
print_r($arraySearch->todoList->filterBy(['Priority' => '10'])->data());
// We can also use WildCards and Inclusive Arrays in these filters
echo '<br/> Example 2.1: Using wildcards in the filters<br/>';
print_r($arraySearch->todoList->filterBy(['Description' => '%important%', 'Priority' => ['8','9','10']])->data());
// We also have the ability to modify the data in the object, before or after the filter
echo '<br/> Example 3: Modifying data after the filter<br/>';
print_r($arraySearch->todoList->filterBy(['Priority' => ['1','2','3','4']])->modify(['Priority' => '5'])->data());