;author = Samuel Adeshina
;contact = samueladeshina73@gmail.com
;Consult the documentation for help on how to configure this ini file
ApiKey = tqDYe4KOTDmshF9bbZxKa3higsDBp10x9uijsn7OgZ2bJqVA3D ;sign up on mashape.com to get a production-ready api key. this one's just for testing
ResponseType = application\json ; you can change this to application\xml if you want xml as the response type. Json is the default.
ReturnType = array ; if you intend to use javascript, you can change this to json and it returns results in a json compatible format
ApiLocation = https://faceplusplus-faceplusplus.p.mashape.com/detection/detect ;DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE. ITS THE LOCATION OF THE API SERVER