Debug logging during a client request.
With this you can
- measure any action
- find bottlenecks in your code.
Licence GPL 3.0
author: Axel Hahn
(1) Trigger a message with add() to add a marker
(2) The render() method lists all items in a table with time since start
and the delta to the last message.
An additional div on top right shows the execution time total
and the time of the longest action (with a link to it).
See the example.php.
You don't need to write any print_r and var_dump anymore and remove it
afterwards. Add _GET and _POST, and put a $oLog->add() at start and end
of any action you want to measure.
For production do not execute render method. Wrap it with a flag:
if ($bIsDevelopEnvironment){
echo $oLog->render();
If you init the logger globally you can put requests into your class
* add a log messsage
* @global object $oLog
* @param string $sMessage messeage text
* @param string $sLevel warnlevel of the given message
* @return bool
private function log($sMessage, $sLevel = "info") {
global $oLog;
if (!$oLog ||! is_object($oLog) || !method_exists($oLog, "add")){
return false;
return $oLog->add("class " . __CLASS__ . " - " . $sMessage, $sLevel);