* Example for TM::Apeform (compare with PEAR::HTML_QuickForm's "elements"
* example).
* @author Thiemo Mättig (http://maettig.com/)
$form = new Apeform(0, 20);
$form->templates['header'] =
"<tr>\n<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"header\">{header}</th>\n</tr>\n";
$form->templates['input'] = "<tr>\n<th align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">{label}" .
"</th>\n<td valign=\"top\">{error}{input}{help}</td>\n</tr>\n";
$form->templates['error'] = "<div class=\"error\">{error}</div>\n";
echo '<style type="text/css">';
echo '.header{background-color:#CCC;text-align:left;}';
echo 'sup{color:#F00;}';
echo '.error{color:#F00;}';
echo '</style>';
$form->header("Normal Elements");
$data['ihidTest'] = $form->hidden("hiddenField");
$data['itxtTest'] = $form->text("<sup>*</sup>Test <u>T</u>ext", "",
"Test Text Box");
if (! $data['itxtTest'])
$form->error("Test Text is a required field");
$data['itxaTest'] = $form->textarea("<sup>*</sup>Test T<u>e</u>xtArea", "",
"Hello World");
if (! $data['itxaTest'])
$form->error("Test TextArea is a required field");
elseif (strlen($data['itxaTest']) < 5)
$form->error("Test TextArea must be at least 5 characters");
$data['ipwdTest'] = $form->password("Test <u>P</u>assword");
if ($data['ipwdTest'] &&
(strlen($data['ipwdTest']) < 8 || strlen($data['ipwdTest']) > 10))
$form->error("Password must be between 8 to 10 characters");
// $data['ifilTest'] = $form->file("File");
$data['ichkTest'] = $form->checkbox("Test CheckBox", "",
"C<u>h</u>eck the box",
"C<u>h</u>eck the box");
$data['iradTest'] = $form->radio("Test Radio Buttons", "",
"Check the radio button #<u>1</u><br>",
"Check the radio button #<u>2</u>"),
$data['ibtnTest'] = $form->submit("Test Button");
$data['isubTest'] = $form->submit("Test Submit");
$data['iimgTest'] = $form->image("http://pear.php.net/gifs/pear-icon.gif");
$data['iselTest'] = $form->select("Test Se<u>l</u>ect", "", "A|B|C|D", "B", 5);
$form->header("Custom Elements");
$data['dateTest1'] = $form->text("<u>D</u>ate1", "", "11.01.2003", 0, 11);
$data['dateTest2'] = $form->text("<u>D</u>ate2", "", "01. Januar 2001 00:00",
$data['dateTest3'] = $form->staticText("Today is", "", date("l, d M Y"));
$options = array(
"Pop / Belle & Sebastian",
"Pop / Elliot Smith",
"Pop / Beck",
"Rock / Noir Desir",
"Rock / Violent Femmes",
"Classical / Wagner",
"Classical / Mozart",
"Classical / Beethoven");
$data['ihsTest'] = $form->select("Hierarchical select", "", $options);
$data['iadvChk'] = $form->checkbox("Advanced checkbox",
"This is a standard checkbox.", array('on' => "Check the box"));
$data['iautoComp'] = $form->text("Your favourite fruit",
"This is a standard text element.", "", 0, 30);
$form->header("Grouped Elements");
$data['name'] = $form->text("Na<u>m</u>e (last, first)", "\t, ", array("Daniel", "Adam"), 0, array(30, 20));
$data['phoneNo'] = $form->text("Teleph<u>o</u>ne", "\t-\t-",
array("513", "123", "3456"), array(3, 3, 4), array(4, 4, 5));
$data['iradYesNo'] = $form->radio("Yes/No", "",
$data['ichkABC'] = $form->checkbox("ABC", "",
$form->submit("Submit|Test Button", "<sup>*</sup> denotes required field");
if ($form->isValid())
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr>";