PHP Classes

File: src/types/ascii/fonts/lockergnome.flf

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  Classes of sameer shelavale   PHP Multi CAPTCHA   src/types/ascii/fonts/lockergnome.flf   Download  
File: src/types/ascii/fonts/lockergnome.flf
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Multi CAPTCHA
Perform CAPTCHA validation with multiple solutions
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,246 bytes


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flf2a$ 4 3 20 -1 3 LockerGnome by Christopher Joseph Pirillo <> Figletized by Simon Bradley <> $$@ $$@ $$@ $$@@ ::| @ `:' @ + @ @@ ::| ::| @ `` `` @ @ @@ :|:| @ ::==:| @ :|:| @ @@ .::|::\@ `::|::>@ \::|:/ @ ` @@ :| ::/'@ ::/ @ ,::/ :|@ @@ /:::\ @ \:,:/_, @ :,,,\_ @ @@ ::| @ :/ @ @ @@ ,:/ @ (:( @ `:\ @ @@ \:, @ ):) @ /:' @ @@ \:|:/ @ --:-- @ /:|:\ @ @@ ::| @ ::::::| @ ::| @ @@ @ @ ::| @ :/ @@ @ :::::| @ @ @@ @ @ ::| @ @@ ::/'@ ::/ @ ,::/ @ @@ ,::::,@ : -- |@ `::::'@ @@ ::| @ :| @ :::| @ @@ ::~~:\@ ,:/ @ /::::|@ @@ /:'`:,@ |:< @ \:,,:'@ @@ :| :| @ :::::|@ :| @ @@ :::::|@ `:::\ @ ,:::/ @ @@ ,::::\@ ::---,@ `::::'@ @@ :::::/@ ::/ @ ::/ @ @@ ,::::,@ >----<@ `::::'@ @@ ,::::,@ \----|@ ,::::'@ @@ @ ::) @ ::) @ @@ @ ::) @ ::| @ :/ @@ ,:/ @ <:< @ `:\ @ @@ @ :::::| @ :::::| @ @@ \:. @ >:> @ /:' @ @@ /:~~~:\@ ,:::/@ ++ @ @@ /:::\ @ `\__| ) @ `\:::/ @ @@ ::::\ @ ::|,::|@ ::| ::|@ @@ ::::::\@ ::>-::<@ ::::::/@ @@ ,::::\@ ::| @ '::::/@ @@ ::::::\@ ::| ::|@ ::::::/@ @@ ::::::|@ :::> @ ::::::|@ @@ ::::::|@ ::::> @ ::| @ @@ :::::\@ ::> ==@ :::::/@ @@ ::| ::|@ ::::::|@ ::| ::|@ @@ ::::::|@ ::| @ ::::::|@ @@ ::|@ ::> ::|@ ::::/ @ @@ ::| ::|@ :::::< @ ::| ::|@ @@ ::| @ ::| @ ::::::|@ @@ ::::::|@ :::"::|@ ::| ::|@ @@ ::\ ::|@ ::::::|@ ::| \:|@ @@ ::::\ @ ::| ::|@ ::::/ @ @@ ::::::\@ ::|_::|@ ::|~~~ @ @@ ::::\ @ ::|,::|@ :::::\@ @@ ::::::\@ ::|,::|@ ::| ::\@ @@ .:::::|@ `:::::>@ ,::::/ @ @@ ::::::|@ ::| @ ::| @ @@ ::| ::|@ ::|_::|@ `:::::|@ @@ ::| ::|@ ::::/ @ ::/ @ @@ ::| ::|@ :::"::|@ ::::::|@ @@ ::| ::|@ >:::< @ ::| ::|@ @@ ::| ::|@ ::::/ @ ::| @ @@ <::::\@ ,:::::/@ `:::::>@ @@ ::= @ :| @ ::= @ @@ `::\ @ ::\ @ ::\,@ @@ =:| @ :| @ =:| @ @@ , @ /:\ @ @ @@ @ @ ::::::| @ @@ ::|@ :|@ @ @@ @ .::\ @ `::| @ @@ :| @ ::'| @ :::| @ @@ @ .::/ @ `::\ @ @@ :| @ :':| @ :::| @ @@ @ :~~/ @ :::, @ @@ ,::| @ ::| @ :| @ @@ @ /::| @ \::| @ ,.:/ @@ :| @ :::| @ :|:| @ @@ ++ @ :| @ :| @ @@ ++ @ , :| @ \::/ @ @@ :| @ :|_/ @ :|~\ @ @@ :| @ :| @ :| @ @@ @ :\/| @ :::| @ @@ @ :::\ @ :|:| @ @@ @ ,::\ @ `::/ @ @@ @ :::\ @ :::/ @ :| @@ @ /::| @ \::| @ :| @@ @ :::| @ :| @ @@ @ <::< @ >::> @ @@ :| @ :::| @ :| @ @@ @ :\:| @ `::| @ @@ @ :\:| @ :/ @ @@ @ :::| @ :/\| @ @@ @ \:/ @ /:\ @ @@ @ :\:| @ `::| @ .,:' @@ @ >::> @ <::< @ @@ ,:/ @ >= @ `:\ @ @@ ::| @ - @ ::| @ @@ \:, @ =< @ /:' @ @@ ,-:_, @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@