DownloadSearch Entire DB
<h6>Author : </h6> <h4>Kiyarash Sanjarani Vahed </h4><br>
<h6>Contact:</h4> <br>
<h5><code>+98</code> <code> 910 937 5880 </code> </h5> <br>
E-mail :<br>
Search Engine for huge DataBases...<br>
Using this class is quite easy: just make an object and give these arguments :
1/DB name <br>
2/Username <br>
3/Password <br>
4/Column Name that you want to search or give it NULL if you want to search all fields <br>
5/The text that you are looking for <br>( You can search an integer value but becareful because the search result will be as string.... )<br><br>
Sample: $obg = new searchEntireDB(DBName, userName, password, columnName, targetText); <br><br>
and then use the result;<br><br>
that's it...<br><br>
<h4><em>How to use result:</em></h4><br>
There are two propeties for check and use search result,<br><br>
first :<h5>$obj->_finalResult </h5> that's an array contains search result
second : <h5>$obj->_reports </h5> that contains report about search. The report is associative array that have these indexes: <br> `I--> 'emptyDBs'` if there was empty table(s)<br><br>
`II--> 'result'` that's nested array structured like this: <h3>⇓</h3><br>
'tableName1' =>
array (size=1)
'Column Name' => string 'SearchResult'
'tableName2' => <br>
array (size=1)
'Column Name' => string 'SearchResult'
'tableName n' => <br>
array (size=1)
'Column Name' => string 'SearchResult'
III--> The name of tables have value; structured like this: <h3>⇓</h3> <br>
`'notEmpty' => `<br>
array <br>
0 => string 'tableName1'<br>
1 => string 'tableName2'<br>
2 => string 'tableName3'<br>
3 => string 'tableName n'<br><br>
☼ notEmpty shows which table(s) is(are) not empty...
<h6>If you are not sure that which column have the right value, just give NULL to 4th argument... </h6> <br>
Please feel free to improve and use this class and please let me know if you found bug or problem...
Enjoy the life...